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synced 2025-03-04 00:13:42 +00:00
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* Some parts of this source code belongs to Bouffalo Labs
* COPYRIGHT(c) 2020 Bouffalo Lab , License: Apache
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
uint8_t ioMode; /*!< Serail flash interface mode,bit0-3:IF mode,bit4:unwrap */
uint8_t cReadSupport; /*!< Support continuous read mode,bit0:continuous read mode support,bit1:read mode cfg */
uint8_t clkDelay; /*!< SPI clock delay,bit0-3:delay,bit4-6:pad delay */
uint8_t clkInvert; /*!< SPI clock phase invert,bit0:clck invert,bit1:rx invert,bit2-4:pad delay,bit5-7:pad delay */
uint8_t resetEnCmd; /*!< Flash enable reset command */
uint8_t resetCmd; /*!< Flash reset command */
uint8_t resetCreadCmd; /*!< Flash reset continuous read command */
uint8_t resetCreadCmdSize; /*!< Flash reset continuous read command size */
uint8_t jedecIdCmd; /*!< JEDEC ID command */
uint8_t jedecIdCmdDmyClk; /*!< JEDEC ID command dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiJedecIdCmd; /*!< QPI JEDEC ID comamnd */
uint8_t qpiJedecIdCmdDmyClk; /*!< QPI JEDEC ID command dummy clock */
uint8_t sectorSize; /*!< *1024bytes */
uint8_t mid; /*!< Manufacturer ID */
uint16_t pageSize; /*!< Page size */
uint8_t chipEraseCmd; /*!< Chip erase cmd */
uint8_t sectorEraseCmd; /*!< Sector erase command */
uint8_t blk32EraseCmd; /*!< Block 32K erase command,some Micron not support */
uint8_t blk64EraseCmd; /*!< Block 64K erase command */
uint8_t writeEnableCmd; /*!< Need before every erase or program */
uint8_t pageProgramCmd; /*!< Page program cmd */
uint8_t qpageProgramCmd; /*!< QIO page program cmd */
uint8_t qppAddrMode; /*!< QIO page program address mode */
uint8_t fastReadCmd; /*!< Fast read command */
uint8_t frDmyClk; /*!< Fast read command dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiFastReadCmd; /*!< QPI fast read command */
uint8_t qpiFrDmyClk; /*!< QPI fast read command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadDoCmd; /*!< Fast read dual output command */
uint8_t frDoDmyClk; /*!< Fast read dual output command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadDioCmd; /*!< Fast read dual io comamnd */
uint8_t frDioDmyClk; /*!< Fast read dual io command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadQoCmd; /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd */
uint8_t frQoDmyClk; /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadQioCmd; /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd */
uint8_t frQioDmyClk; /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiFastReadQioCmd; /*!< QPI fast read quad io comamnd */
uint8_t qpiFrQioDmyClk; /*!< QPI fast read QIO dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiPageProgramCmd; /*!< QPI program command */
uint8_t writeVregEnableCmd; /*!< Enable write reg */
uint8_t wrEnableIndex; /*!< Write enable register index */
uint8_t qeIndex; /*!< Quad mode enable register index */
uint8_t busyIndex; /*!< Busy status register index */
uint8_t wrEnableBit; /*!< Write enable bit pos */
uint8_t qeBit; /*!< Quad enable bit pos */
uint8_t busyBit; /*!< Busy status bit pos */
uint8_t wrEnableWriteRegLen; /*!< Register length of write enable */
uint8_t wrEnableReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of write enable status */
uint8_t qeWriteRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain quad enable */
uint8_t qeReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain quad enable status */
uint8_t releasePowerDown; /*!< Release power down command */
uint8_t busyReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain busy status */
uint8_t readRegCmd[4]; /*!< Read register command buffer */
uint8_t writeRegCmd[4]; /*!< Write register command buffer */
uint8_t enterQpi; /*!< Enter qpi command */
uint8_t exitQpi; /*!< Exit qpi command */
uint8_t cReadMode; /*!< Config data for continuous read mode */
uint8_t cRExit; /*!< Config data for exit continuous read mode */
uint8_t burstWrapCmd; /*!< Enable burst wrap command */
uint8_t burstWrapCmdDmyClk; /*!< Enable burst wrap command dummy clock */
uint8_t burstWrapDataMode; /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
uint8_t burstWrapData; /*!< Data to enable burst wrap */
uint8_t deBurstWrapCmd; /*!< Disable burst wrap command */
uint8_t deBurstWrapCmdDmyClk; /*!< Disable burst wrap command dummy clock */
uint8_t deBurstWrapDataMode; /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
uint8_t deBurstWrapData; /*!< Data to disable burst wrap */
uint16_t timeEsector; /*!< 4K erase time */
uint16_t timeE32k; /*!< 32K erase time */
uint16_t timeE64k; /*!< 64K erase time */
uint16_t timePagePgm; /*!< Page program time */
uint16_t timeCe; /*!< Chip erase time in ms */
uint8_t pdDelay; /*!< Release power down command delay time for wake up */
uint8_t qeData; /*!< QE set data */
} SPI_Flash_Cfg_Type;
#define BFLB_BOOTROM_HASH_SIZE 256 / 8
struct boot_flash_cfg_t
char magiccode[4]; /*'FCFG'*/
SPI_Flash_Cfg_Type cfg;
uint32_t crc32;
struct sys_clk_cfg_t
uint8_t xtal_type;
uint8_t pll_clk;
uint8_t hclk_div;
uint8_t bclk_div;
uint8_t flash_clk_type;
uint8_t flash_clk_div;
uint8_t rsvd[2];
struct boot_clk_cfg_t
char magiccode[4]; /*'PCFG'*/
struct sys_clk_cfg_t cfg;
uint32_t crc32;
struct bfl_boot_header
char magiccode[4]; /*'BFXP'*/
uint32_t revison;
struct boot_flash_cfg_t flashCfg;
struct boot_clk_cfg_t clkCfg;
union {
struct {
uint32_t sign : 2; /* [1: 0] for sign*/
uint32_t encrypt_type : 2; /* [3: 2] for encrypt */
uint32_t key_sel : 2; /* [5: 4] for key sel in boot interface*/
uint32_t rsvd6_7 : 2; /* [7: 6] for encrypt*/
uint32_t no_segment : 1; /* [8] no segment info */
uint32_t cache_enable : 1; /* [9] for cache */
uint32_t notload_in_bootrom : 1; /* [10] not load this img in bootrom */
uint32_t aes_region_lock : 1; /* [11] aes region lock */
uint32_t cache_way_disable : 4; /* [15: 12] cache way disable info*/
uint32_t crc_ignore : 1; /* [16] ignore crc */
uint32_t hash_ignore : 1; /* [17] hash crc */
uint32_t halt_ap : 1; /* [18] halt ap */
uint32_t rsvd19_31 : 13; /* [31:19] rsvd */
} bval;
uint32_t wval;
}bootcfg ;
union {
uint32_t segment_cnt;
uint32_t img_length;
uint32_t bootentry; /* entry point of the image*/
uint32_t flashoffset;
uint8_t hash[BFLB_BOOTROM_HASH_SIZE]; /*hash of the image*/
uint32_t rsv1;
uint32_t rsv2;
uint32_t crc32;
static_assert(sizeof(struct bfl_boot_header) == 176, "Bootheader have wrong size");
struct blflash_segment_header
uint32_t destaddr;
uint32_t len;
uint32_t rsvd;
uint32_t crc32;
static_assert(sizeof(struct blflash_segment_header) == 16, "Segment header have wrong size");
#pragma pack(pop)