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# Flipper Application Files (FAPs)
## Compare your firmware API version with API version in releases to avoid compatibility issues
#### [Download .zip file by using this link, unpack, and copy only specific apps folders or specific apps onto your microSD into apps folder](https://github.com/xMasterX/all-the-plugins/releases/latest)
Apps contains changes needed to compile them on latest firmware, fixes has been done by @xMasterX
## Thank you to the authors!
The Flipper and its community wouldn't be as rich as it is without your contributions and support. Thank you for all you have done.
### Apps checked & updated at `27 Jul 06:07 GMT +3`
# Default pack
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/by_UFW-%2314D411?style=flat-square"> - published by Unleashed team <br>
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/by_OFW-%23FF8200?style=flat-square"> - published by OFW developers <br>
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/by_author-%23FFFF00?style=flat-square"> - published by original Author <br>
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/None-%23FF0000?style=flat-square"> - not in the catalog
### The default package includes all applications from [official](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps) developers:
| Name | <div style="width:100px">Category</div> | Remark | <div style="width:70px">Catalog</div> |
| AVR Flasher | ![GPIO Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/avr_isp) |
| DAP Link | ![GPIO Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/dap_link) |
| SPI Mem Manager | ![GPIO Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/spi_mem_manager) |
| Signal Generator | ![GPIO Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/signal_generator) |
| Video Game Module Tool | ![GPIO Badge] | [by gsurkov](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps/pull/127/files) | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/video_game_module_tool) |
| Mfkey32 | ![NFC Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mfkey32) |
| PicoPass | ![NFC Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/picopass) |
| Nfc Magic | ![NFC Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/nfc_magic) |
| NFC/RFID detector | ![Tools Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/nfc_rfid_detector) |
| Simple Clock | ![Tools Badge] | [original by CompaqDisc](https://gist.github.com/CompaqDisc/4e329c501bd03c1e801849b81f48ea61), timer by GMMan, included in OFW<br>Part of UFW as main app [sources](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/tree/dev/applications/main/clock_app) | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/clock) |
| Weather Station | ![SubGhz Badge] | added External Radio Support | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/weather_station) |
| USB Keyboard & Mouse | ![USB Badge] | Renamed, added Mouse `Clicker`/`Jiggler`, Added `PTT`, `Movie` by @hryamzik - Moved back to [firmware repo](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/tree/dev/applications/system) | ![None Badge] |
| Bluetooth Remote | ![BT Badge] | Renamed, added Mouse `Clicker`/`Jiggler` & `Tikshorts`, Added `PTT`, `Movie` by @hryamzik - Moved back to [firmware repo](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/tree/dev/applications/system) | ![None Badge] |
| USB Mass Storage | ![USB Badge] | [by hedger & nminaylov](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps) | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mass_storage) |
| Snake Game | ![Games Badge] | Moved back to [firmware repo](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/tree/dev/applications/system) | ![None Badge] |
| Air Arkanoid | ![Games Badge] | [by DrZlo13](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps/pull/141/files) | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/air_arkanoid) |
| Music Player | ![Media Badge] | | [![Official Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/music_player) |
### Community and Unleashed Apps in default pack:
| Name | <div style="width:100px">Category</div> | Author | Remark | <div style="width:70px">Catalog</div> |
| **Sub-GHz bruteforcer** | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by @derskythe & xMasterX](https://github.com/derskythe/flipperzero-subbrute) | [original by Ganapati & xMasterX](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/pull/57) | ![None Badge] |
| **Sub-GHz playlist** | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by darmiel](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/pull/62) | | ![None Badge] |
| **Sub-GHz Remote** | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by @gid9798](https://github.com/gid9798) | Part of UFW as main app [sources](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/tree/dev/applications/main/subghz_remote)<br>Using version from flipper catalog on CFW can break your .sub files | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/subghz_remote_ofw) |
| Spectrum Analyzer (with changes) | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by jolcese](https://github.com/jolcese/flipperzero-firmware/tree/spectrum/applications/spectrum_analyzer) | [Ultra Narrow mode & scan channels non-consecutively](https://github.com/theY4Kman/flipperzero-firmware/commits?author=theY4Kman) + Many improvements by @ALEEF02 | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/spectrum_analyzer) |
| POCSAG Pager | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by xMasterX & Shmuma](https://github.com/xMasterX/flipper-pager) | Better decoder by htotoo | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/pocsag_pager) |
| **ProtoView** | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by antirez](https://github.com/antirez/protoview) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/protoview) |
| Rolling Flaws | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by CodeAllNight & jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/subghz/apps/rolling-flaws) | | ![None Badge] |
| **Mifare Nested** | ![NFC Badge] | [by AloneLiberty](https://github.com/AloneLiberty/FlipperNested) | Works with PC and python app `FlipperNested` | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mifare_nested) |
| **NFC Maker** plugin | ![NFC Badge] | [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/tree/dev/applications/external/nfc_maker) | make tags with URLs, Wifi and other things | ![None Badge] |
| **MFKey** with nested | ![NFC Badge] | [by noproto](https://github.com/noproto/FlipperMfkey) | mfkey32 upgrade | ![None Badge] |
| MIFARE Classic Editor | ![NFC Badge] | [by TollyH](https://github.com/TollyH/flipper-apps/tree/main/mfc-editor) | edit dumps on flipper | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mfc_editor) |
| **RFID Fuzzer** | ![RFID Badge] | [by @gid9798](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/Multi_Fuzzer) | original by Ganapati & xMasterX | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/fuzzer_rfid) |
| **iButton Fuzzer** | ![iButton Badge] | [by @gid9798](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/Multi_Fuzzer) | original by xMasterX | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/fuzzer_ibtn) |
| IR Scope | ![IR Badge] | [by kallanreed](https://github.com/DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware/pull/407) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/ir_scope) |
| MultiConverter plugin | ![Tools Badge] | [by theisolinearchip](https://github.com/theisolinearchip/flipperzero_stuff) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/multi_converter) |
| Barcode Generator | ![Tools Badge] | [by Kingal1337](https://github.com/Kingal1337/flipper-barcode-generator) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/barcode_app) |
| **TOTP (Authenticator)** | ![Tools Badge] | [by akopachov](https://github.com/akopachov/flipper-zero_authenticator) | | [![None Badge]](https://github.com/akopachov/flipper-zero_authenticator/wiki/Why-it-is-not-listed-in-official-Flipper-Application-Catalog%3F) |
| HEX Viewer | ![Tools Badge] | [by QtRoS](https://github.com/QtRoS/flipper-zero-hex-viewer) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/hex_viewer) |
| Text Viewer | ![Tools Badge] | [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/tree/dev/applications/external/text_viewer) | original by kowalski7cc & kyhwana | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/text_viewer) |
| DTMF Dolphin | ![Tools Badge] | [by litui](https://github.com/litui/dtmf_dolphin) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/dtmf_dolphin) |
| ESP8266 Deauther plugin | ![GPIO Badge] | [by SequoiaSan](https://github.com/SequoiaSan/FlipperZero-Wifi-ESP8266-Deauther-Module) | | ![None Badge] |
| WiFi Scanner plugin | ![GPIO Badge] | [by SequoiaSan](https://github.com/SequoiaSan/FlipperZero-WiFi-Scanner_Module) | | ![None Badge] |
| GPIO: Sentry Safe plugin | ![GPIO Badge] | [by H4ckd4ddy](https://github.com/H4ckd4ddy/flipperzero-sentry-safe-plugin) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gpio_sentry_safe) |
| ESP32: WiFi Marauder companion plugin | ![GPIO Badge] | [by 0xchocolate](https://github.com/0xchocolate/flipperzero-wifi-marauder) | Saving .pcap on flipper microSD [by tcpassos](https://github.com/tcpassos/flipperzero-firmware-with-wifi-marauder-companion) -> Only with custom marauder build (It is necessary to uncomment "#define WRITE_PACKETS_SERIAL" in configs.h (in marauder fw) and compile the firmware for the wifi board.) Or download precompiled build -> [Download esp32_marauder_ver_flipper_sd_serial.bin](https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder/releases/latest) | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/esp32_wifi_marauder) |
| NRF24: Sniffer & MouseJacker (with changes) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by mothball187](https://github.com/mothball187/flipperzero-nrf24/tree/main/mousejacker) | | ![None Badge] |
| [NMEA] GPS | ![GPIO Badge] | [by ezod](https://github.com/ezod/flipperzero-gps) | works with module `NMEA 0183` via UART (13TX, 14RX, GND pins on Flipper) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gps_nmea) |
| i2c Tools | ![GPIO Badge] | [by NaejEL](https://github.com/NaejEL/flipperzero-i2ctools) | C0 -> SCL / C1 -> SDA / GND -> GND | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/i2ctools) |
| HC-SR04 Distance sensor | ![GPIO Badge] | Ported and modified by @xMasterX | [(original by Sanqui)](https://github.com/Sanqui/flipperzero-firmware/tree/hc_sr04) - How to connect -> (5V -> VCC) / (GND -> GND) / (13\|TX -> Trig) / (14\|RX -> Echo) | ![None Badge] |
| **Unitemp Temperature sensors reader** | ![GPIO Badge] | [by quen0n](https://github.com/quen0n/unitemp-flipperzero) | DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21x and more | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/unitemp) |
| Lightmeter | ![GPIO Badge] | [by oleksiikutuzov](https://github.com/oleksiikutuzov/flipperzero-lightmeter) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/lightmeter) |
| **UART Terminal** | ![GPIO Badge] | [by cool4uma](https://github.com/cool4uma/UART_Terminal/tree/main) | New mode, other improvements by @rnadyrshin | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/uart_terminal) |
| **SWD Probe** | ![GPIO Badge] | [by g3gg0](https://github.com/g3gg0/flipper-swd_probe) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/swd_probe) |
| ESP32-CAM -> Camera Suite | ![GPIO Badge] | [by CodyTolene](https://github.com/CodyTolene/Flipper-Zero-Camera-Suite) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/camera_suite) |
| WAV Player | ![Media Badge] | [OFW: DrZlo13](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/tree/zlo/wav-player) | Fixed and improved by [LTVA1](https://github.com/LTVA1/wav_player) -> Also outputs audio on `PA6` `3(A6)` pin | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/wav_player) |
| Metronome | ![Media Badge] | [by panki27](https://github.com/panki27/Metronome) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/metronome) |
| Morse Code | ![Media Badge] | [by wh00hw](https://github.com/wh00hw/MorseCodeFAP) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/morse_code) |
| **BadKB** plugin | ![Tools Badge] | [by Willy-JL, ClaraCrazy, XFW contributors](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/tree/dev/applications/main/bad_kb) | BadKB (aka BadUSB via Bluetooth) | ![None Badge] |
| BLE Spam | ![BT Badge] | [by @Willy-JL & @ECTO-1A & @Spooks4576](https://github.com/Next-Flip/Momentum-Apps/tree/dev/ble_spam) | | ![None Badge] |
| FindMy Flipper | ![BT Badge] | [by @MatthewKuKanich](https://github.com/MatthewKuKanich/FindMyFlipper) | Please Read [how to add keys here](https://github.com/MatthewKuKanich/FindMyFlipper) | ![None Badge] |
### Games
| Name | <div style="width:100px">Category</div> | Author | Remark | <div style="width:70px">Catalog</div> |
| DOOM | ![Games Badge] | ported and fixed by @xMasterX & @Svarich & @hedger | [original by p4nic4ttack](https://github.com/p4nic4ttack/doomflipperzero/) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/doom) |
| Zombiez | ![Games Badge] | [Reworked by DevMilanIan](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzerofirmwarewPlugins/pull/240) | [original by Dooskington](https://github.com/Dooskington/flipperzerozombiez) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/zombiez) |
| Flappy Bird | ![Games Badge] | [by DroomOne](https://github.com/DroomOne/flipperzerofirmware/tree/dev/applications/flappy_bird) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flappy_bird) |
| Arkanoid | ![Games Badge] | by xMasterX | refactored by xMasterX, [original by gotnull](https://github.com/gotnull/flipperzerofirmwarewPlugins) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/arkanoid) |
| Tic Tac Toe | ![Games Badge] | by xMasterX | refactored by xMasterX, [original by gotnull](https://github.com/gotnull/flipperzerofirmwarewPlugins) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/tictactoe) |
| Tetris (with fixes) | ![Games Badge] | [by jeffplang](https://github.com/jeffplang/flipperzerofirmware/tree/tetris_game/applications/tetris) & [noiob](https://github.com/noiob) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/tetris_game) |
| Mine Sweeper | ![Games Badge] | [by squee72564](https://github.com/squee72564/F0_Minesweeper_Fap) | Old version by @panki27 is published in official catalogue, will be replaced with redux version by @squee72564 | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/minesweeper) |
| Heap Defence (aka Stack Attack) | ![Games Badge] | by xMasterX | ported to latest firmware by xMasterX, [original by wquinoa & Vedmein](https://github.com/Vedmein/flipperzerofirmware/tree/hd/svistoperdelki) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/heap_defence) |
| Game15 | ![Games Badge] | [by x27](https://github.com/x27/flipperzerogame15) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/game15) |
| Solitaire | ![Games Badge] | [by teeebor](https://github.com/teeebor/flipper_games) | | ![None Badge] |
| BlackJack | ![Games Badge] | [by teeebor](https://github.com/teeebor/flipper_games) | | ![None Badge] |
| 2048 game | ![Games Badge] | [by eugenekirzhanov](https://github.com/eugene-kirzhanov/flipper-zero-2048-game) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/game_2048) |
| Bomberduck | ![Games Badge] | [by leoneedmorecoffee](https://github.com/leoneedmorecoffee/flipperzerobomberduck) | | ![None Badge] |
| JetPack Joyride | ![Games Badge] | [by timstrasser](https://github.com/timstrasser) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/jetpack_game) |
# Extra pack
| Name | <div style="width:100px">Category</div> | Original author<br>or Source | Remark | <div style="width:70px">Catalog</div> |
| BT Camera Trigger | ![BT Badge] | [by Nem0oo](https://github.com/Nem0oo/flipper-zero-bluetooth-trigger) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/bt_trigger) |
| BT Serial Example | ![BT Badge] | [by maybe-hello-world](https://github.com/maybe-hello-world/fbs) | | ![None Badge] |
| Bluetooth remote Keynote for Kodi | ![BT Badge] | [by coded-with-claws](https://github.com/coded-with-claws/flipperzero-tools) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| PC Monitor | ![BT Badge] | [by TheSainEyereg](https://github.com/TheSainEyereg/flipper-pc-monitor) | (+ App fixes for new api by @Willy-JL) - PC App (backend) is required! [Download here](https://github.com/TheSainEyereg/flipper-pc-monitor-backend/releases) | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/pc_monitor) |
| 4 in row | ![Games Badge] | [by leo-need-more-coffee](https://github.com/leo-need-more-coffee/flipperzero-4inrow) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/4inrow) |
| Asteroids | ![Games Badge] | [by antirez & SimplyMinimal](https://github.com/antirez/flipper-asteroids) | Modified by [SimplyMinimal](https://github.com/SimplyMinimal/FlipperZero-Asteroids) all changes can be found by clicking on [this link](https://github.com/SimplyMinimal/FlipperZero-Asteroids) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/asteroids) |
| Chess Clock | ![Games Badge] | [by ihatecsv](https://github.com/ihatecsv/flipper_chess_clock) | | ![None Badge] |
| Chess | ![Games Badge] | [by xtruan](https://github.com/xtruan/flipper-chess) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/chess) |
| Color Guess | ![Games Badge] | [by leedave](https://github.com/leedave/Leeds-Flipper-Zero-Applications) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/color_guess) |
| Dice | ![Games Badge] | [by Ka3u6y6a](https://github.com/Ka3u6y6a/flipper-zero-dice) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/dice_app) |
| DVD Bounce | ![Games Badge] | [by schaene](https://github.com/schaene/Flipper-DVD-Bounce) | | ![None Badge] |
| Etch-A-Sketch | ![Games Badge] | [by SimplyMinimal](https://github.com/SimplyMinimal/FlipperZero-Etch-A-Sketch) | | ![None Badge] |
| Pong | ![Games Badge] | [by nmrr](https://github.com/nmrr/flipperzero-pong) | Modified by [SimplyMinimal](https://github.com/SimplyMinimal/FlipperZero-Pong) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipper_pong) |
| Game of Life (Updated to work by tgxn) | ![Games Badge] | [by itsyourbedtime](https://github.com/tgxn/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/applications/game_of_life/game_of_life.c) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gameoflife) |
| Mandelbrot Set | ![Games Badge] | [by Possibly-Matt](https://github.com/Possibly-Matt/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mandelbrotset) |
| Monty Hall | ![Games Badge] | [by DevMilanIan](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/pull/203) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/montyhall) |
| Nu Pogodi! (Ну, погоди!) | ![Games Badge] | [by sionyx](https://github.com/sionyx/flipper_nupogodi) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/nupogodi) |
| Paint | ![Games Badge] | [by n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e](https://github.com/n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/paint) |
| Race | ![Games Badge] | [by zyuhel](https://github.com/zyuhel/flipperzero-racegame) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/racegame) |
| Reaction test Game | ![Games Badge] | [by Milk-Cool](https://github.com/Milk-Cool/fz-reaction-game) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/reaction) |
| Reversi | ![Games Badge] | [by dimat](https://github.com/dimat/flipperzero-reversi) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/reversi) |
| Root of Life | ![Games Badge] | [by Xorboo](https://github.com/Xorboo/root-of-life) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/roots_of_life) |
| Rubik's Cube Scrambler | ![Games Badge] | [by RaZeSloth](https://github.com/RaZeSloth/flipperzero-rubiks-cube-scrambler) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/rubiks_cube_scrambler) |
| SUPER-CHIP (Chip8) Emulator | ![Games Badge] | [by Milk-Cool](https://github.com/Milk-Cool/fz-schip) | WIP, please report found issues [here](https://github.com/Milk-Cool/fz-schip/issues) | ![None Badge] |
| Scorched Tanks | ![Games Badge] | [by jasniec](https://github.com/jasniec/flipper-scorched-tanks-game) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/scorched_tanks) |
| Simon Says | ![Games Badge] | [by SimplyMinimal](https://github.com/SimplyMinimal/FlipperZero-SimonSays) | | ![None Badge] |
| Slots for Flipper Zero | ![Games Badge] | [by Daniel-dev-s](https://github.com/Daniel-dev-s/flipperzero-slots) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/slotmachine) |
| Snake 2.0 | ![Games Badge] | [by Willzvul](https://github.com/Willzvul/Snake_2.0) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/snake20) |
| T-rex game | ![Games Badge] | [by Rrycbarm](https://github.com/Rrycbarm/t-rex-runner) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/t_rex_runner) |
| TAMA P1 | ![Games Badge] | [by GMMan & DroomOne](https://github.com/GMMan/flipperzero-tamagotch-p1) | requires [this rom](https://tinyurl.com/tamap1) IN `tama_p1` folder on SD renamed as `rom.bin` to make it work. - Modified to allow saving game state by [DroomOne](https://github.com/DroomOne/flipperzero-tamagotch-p1) - Mute mode & settings by [Round-Pi](https://github.com/Round-Pi/flipperzero-tamagotch-p1) | ![None Badge] |
| Tanks Game | ![Games Badge] | [by alexgr13](https://github.com/alexgr13/flipperzero-firmware/tree/fork/dev/applications/tanks-game) | Fixes for latest subghz changes **by @Sil333033** | ![None Badge] |
| Video Poker | ![Games Badge] | [by PixlEmly](https://github.com/PixlEmly/flipperzero-firmware-testing/blob/420/applications/VideoPoker/poker.c) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/videopoker) |
| Yatzee | ![Games Badge] | [by emfleak](https://github.com/emfleak/flipperzero-yatzee) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/yatzee) |
| Secret Toggle | ![Games Badge] | [by nostrumuva](https://github.com/nostrumuva/secret_toggle) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/secret_toggle) |
| Sudoku Game | ![Games Badge] | [by profelis](https://github.com/profelis/fz-sudoku) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/sudoku) |
| Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe | ![Games Badge] | [by Racso](https://github.com/Racso/fzero-apps/tree/main) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/racso_ultimate_tic_tac_toe) |
| Zero! | ![Games Badge] | [by Racso](https://github.com/Racso/fzero-apps/tree/main) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/racso_zero) |
| Sokoban | ![Games Badge] | [by Racso](https://github.com/Racso/fzero-apps/tree/main) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/racso_sokoban) |
| Игра «Виселица» («Балда») | ![Games Badge] | [by bolknote](https://github.com/bolknote/Flipper-Zero-Hangman-Game) | | ![None Badge] |
| City Bloxx | ![Games Badge] | [by Milk-Cool](https://github.com/Milk-Cool/fz-citybloxx) | | ![None Badge] |
| Tarot spread | ![Games Badge] | [by pionaiki](https://github.com/pionaiki/fz-tarot) | | ![None Badge] |
| Vexed | ![Games Badge] | [by dlvoy](https://github.com/dlvoy/flipper-zero-vexed) | | ![None Badge] |
| Paper Plane | ![Games Badge] | [by Larry-the-Pig](https://github.com/Larry-the-Pig/flipper-plane) | | ![None Badge] |
| Air Labyrinth (VGM) | ![Games Badge] | [by jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/vgm/apps/air_labyrinth) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/air_labyrinth) |
| Air Mouse | ![GPIO Badge] | [by ginkage](https://github.com/ginkage/FlippAirMouse/) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/air_mouse) |
| Plantower PMSx003 sensor reader | ![GPIO Badge] | [by 3cky](https://github.com/3cky/flipperzero-airmon) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/airmon) |
| Bar code scanner emulator via COM port | ![GPIO Badge] | [by polarikus](https://github.com/polarikus/flipper-zero_bc_scanner_emulator) | | ![None Badge] |
| ESP32->Flipper Camera | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Z4urce](https://github.com/Z4urce/flipperzero-camera) | | ![None Badge] |
| RC2014 ColecoVision | ![GPIO Badge] | [by ezod](https://github.com/ezod/flipperzero-rc2014-coleco) | | ![None Badge] |
| ESP Flasher | ![GPIO Badge] | [by 0xchocolate](https://github.com/0xchocolate/flipperzero-esp-flasher) | QuickFlash mode and other changes [by @Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Apps/tree/dev/esp_flasher), Marauder [firmware source](https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder), BlackMagic [firmware source](https://github.com/flipperdevices/blackmagic-esp32-s2) | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/esp_flasher) |
| IFTTT Virtual Button for ESP8266 | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Ferrazzi](https://github.com/Ferrazzi/FlipperZero_IFTTT_Virtual_Button) | Fixes [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/commit/ae321fb5f4c616d3965546926b1b4b446eef8d86) | ![None Badge] |
| Wifi Deauth v2 for ESP8266 | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Timmotools](https://github.com/Timmotools/flipperzero_esp8266_deautherv2) | | ![None Badge] |
| Evil captive portal | ![GPIO Badge] | [by bigbrodude6119](https://github.com/bigbrodude6119/flipper-zero-evil-portal) | WIP -> +2 new features [by leedave](https://github.com/leedave/flipper-zero-evil-portal/tree/leedave/ap_rename) + Fixed and modded [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/tree/dev/applications/external/evil_portal) | ![None Badge] |
| Flashlight | ![GPIO Badge] | [by xMasterX](https://github.com/xMasterX/flipper-flashlight) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flashlight) |
| Pwnagotchi->Flipper interface | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Matt-London](https://github.com/Matt-London/pwnagotchi-flipper) | | ![None Badge] |
| Geiger Counter | ![GPIO Badge] | [by nmrr](https://github.com/nmrr/flipperzero-geigercounter) | works with external module! | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipper_geiger) |
| Oscilloscope | ![GPIO Badge] | [by anfractuosity](https://github.com/anfractuosity/flipperscope) | Fixed furi_bus issues **by @xMasterX** | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipperscope) |
| Control 7-segment display with Flipper Zero | ![GPIO Badge] | [by jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/gpio) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gpio_7segment_output) |
| GPIO Controller | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Lokno](https://github.com/Lokno/gpio_controller) | `A visual tool to control the general purpose pins of the Flipper Zero` | ![None Badge] |
| GPIO Reader | ![GPIO Badge] | [by aureli1c](https://github.com/aureli1c/flipperzero_GPIO_read) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gpio_reader) |
| Timelapse (zeitraffer) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by theageoflove](https://github.com/theageoflove/flipperzero-zeitraffer) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/gpio_timelapse) |
| GPIO Reader 2 | ![GPIO Badge] | [by biotinker](https://github.com/biotinker/flipperzero-gpioreader) | | ![None Badge] |
| Logic analyzer | ![GPIO Badge] | [by g3gg0](https://github.com/g3gg0/flipper-logic_analyzer) | [How to use](https://github.com/g3gg0/flipper-logic_analyzer#readme) | ![None Badge] |
| LORA Terminal | ![GPIO Badge] | [by aafksab](https://github.com/aafksab/LORA-Term) | | ![None Badge] |
| MagSpoof (WIP) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by zacharyweiss](https://github.com/zacharyweiss/magspoof_flipper) | Read mode [by hummusec](https://github.com/hummusec/magspoof_flipper) - + GPIO & Power fixes | ![None Badge] |
| Mx2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer | ![GPIO Badge] | [by jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/gpio) | | ![None Badge] |
| MH-Z19 - CO2 sensor | ![GPIO Badge] | [by meshchaninov](https://github.com/meshchaninov/flipper-zero-mh-z19) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mh_z19) |
| NRF24 Batch Read/Send (WIP) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by vad7](https://github.com/vad7/nRF24-Batch) | | ![None Badge] |
| NRF24 Scanner | ![GPIO Badge] | [by vad7](https://github.com/vad7/nrf24scan) | | ![None Badge] |
| Pokemon Trading (for GameBoy) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by EstebanFuentealba](https://github.com/EstebanFuentealba/Flipper-Zero-Game-Boy-Trading-Pokemons) | Updates [by R4g3D](https://github.com/R4g3D/Flipper-Zero-Game-Boy-Pokemon-Trading) | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/pokemon) |
| Radiation Sensor | ![GPIO Badge] | [by sionyx](https://github.com/sionyx/flipper_radsens) | works with RadSens module | ![None Badge] |
| RCWL-516 Motion Sensor | ![GPIO Badge] | [by ahmedafe1](https://github.com/ahmedafe1/rcwl_0516-Flipperzero) | | ![None Badge] |
| ServoTester | ![GPIO Badge] | [by spin7ion](https://github.com/spin7ion/flipper-servotester) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/servotester) |
| ServoTester (2) | ![GPIO Badge] | [by mhasbini](https://github.com/mhasbini/ServoTesterApp/tree/master) | | ![None Badge] |
| TAS playback | ![GPIO Badge] | [by rcombs](https://github.com/rcombs/tas-playback) | `This app plays back TAS files for retro video games. Connect the GPIO pins to the console's controller port and select a file to play back.` | ![None Badge] |
| u-blox GPS | ![GPIO Badge] | [by liamhays](https://github.com/liamhays/ublox) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/ublox) |
| [USPING] Distance Sensor | ![GPIO Badge] | [by privet971](https://github.com/privet971/FlipperZeroApps/tree/main/usping) | | ![None Badge] |
| Wiegand Reader | ![GPIO Badge] | [by jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/gpio) | | ![None Badge] |
| ESP32 Wifi Mapping | ![GPIO Badge] | [by carvilsi](https://github.com/carvilsi/flipper0-wifi-map/tree/main) | | ![None Badge] |
| Wii EC Analyser | ![GPIO Badge] | [by csBlueChip](https://github.com/csBlueChip/FlipperZero_WiiEC) | | ![None Badge] |
| Wire Tester | ![GPIO Badge] | [by unixispower](https://gitlab.com/unixispower/flipper-wire-tester) | | ![None Badge] |
| Atomic Dice Roller | ![GPIO Badge] | [by nmrr](https://github.com/nmrr/flipperzero-atomicdiceroller) | | ![None Badge] |
| NRF24 Channel Scanner | ![GPIO Badge] | [by htotoo](https://github.com/htotoo/NRF24ChannelScanner) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/nrf24channelscanner) |
| Mx2125 - Step Counter | ![GPIO Badge] | [by grugnoymeme](https://github.com/grugnoymeme/flipperzero-stepcounter-fap) | | ![None Badge] |
| TEA5767 Radio control | ![GPIO Badge] | [original by victormico](https://github.com/victormico/flipperzero-radio/tree/main) | new version [by coolshrimp](https://coolshrimp/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/) | ![None Badge] |
| Coffee EEPROM | ![GPIO Badge] | [by wh00hw](https://github.com/wh00hw/Coffee-EEPROM-FAP) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| WHC CH32V003 debugger/flasher | ![GPIO Badge] | [by sukvojte](https://github.com/sukvojte/wch_swio_flasher) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| NRF24 Sniffer MS | ![GPIO Badge] | [by coded-with-claws](https://github.com/coded-with-claws/flipperzero-tools) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| NRF24 Mouse Jacker MS | ![GPIO Badge] | [by coded-with-claws](https://github.com/coded-with-claws/flipperzero-tools) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| SD-SPI | ![GPIO Badge] | [by Gl1tchub](https://github.com/Gl1tchub/Flipperzero-SD-SPI) | read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| ICM42688 Air Mouse | ![GPIO Badge] | [by nminaylov](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps/pull/83/files) | read more details in [original repo](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-good-faps/pull/83/files) | ![None Badge] |
| WS2812B LED Tester | ![GPIO Badge] | [by jamisonderek](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/gpio/ws2812b_tester) | read more details in [original repo](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/tree/main/gpio/ws2812b_tester) | ![None Badge] |
| W5500 Ethernet Tester | ![GPIO Badge] | [by karasevia](https://github.com/karasevia/finik_eth) | [with fixes by arag0re](https://github.com/arag0re/fz-eth-troubleshooter/tree/hexUiFix) read more details in original repo | ![None Badge] |
| IR Remote | ![IR Badge] | [by Hong5489](https://github.com/Hong5489/ir_remote) | improvements [by friebel](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/pull/535) - Hold Option, RAW support [by d4ve10](https://github.com/d4ve10/ir_remote/tree/infrared_hold_option) | ![None Badge] |
| IR Intervalometer | ![IR Badge] | [by Nitepone](https://github.com/Nitepone/flipper-intervalometer) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/sony_intervalometer) |
| IR Xbox Controller | ![IR Badge] | [by gebeto](https://github.com/gebeto/flipper-xbox-controller) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/xbox_controller) |
| XRemote | ![IR Badge] | [by kala13x](https://github.com/kala13x/flipper-xremote) | Check out original repo to find usage instructions! | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipper_xremote) |
| R.O.B. Control | ![IR Badge] | [by riney](https://github.com/riney/flip_rob) | Flipper app to control a Nintendo R.O.B./Family Computer Robot | ![None Badge] |
| BPM Tapper | ![Media Badge] | [by panki27](https://github.com/panki27/bpm-tapper) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/bpm_tapper) |
| Flizzer Tracker | ![Media Badge] | [by LTVA1](https://github.com/LTVA1/flizzer_tracker) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flizzer_tracker) |
| Music Beeper | ![Media Badge] | [by qqMajiKpp / Haseo](https://github.com/qqmajikpp/) | | ![None Badge] |
| Ocarina | ![Media Badge] | [by invalidna-me](https://github.com/invalidna-me/flipperzero-ocarina) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/ocarina) |
| Text 2 SAM | ![Media Badge] | [by Round-Pi](https://github.com/Round-Pi/flipperzero-text2sam) | Fixes [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/commit/e688f81b53b0138d80de4b609daf1f9fca5be647) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/text2sam) |
| Tuning Fork | ![Media Badge] | [by besya](https://github.com/besya/flipperzero-tuning-fork) | Fixes [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/commit/44023851f7349b6ae9ca9f9bd9228d795a7e04c0) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/tuning_fork) |
| USB Midi | ![Media Badge] | [by DrZlo13](https://github.com/DrZlo13/flipper-zero-usb-midi) | | ![None Badge] |
| Video Player | ![Media Badge] | [by LTVA1](https://github.com/LTVA1/flipper-zero-video-player) | <- Follow link to download examples and learn how to convert videos | ![None Badge] |
| Music Tracker | ![Media Badge] | [by DrZlo13](https://github.com/DrZlo13/flipper-zero-music-tracker) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/zero_tracker) |
| The C Programming Language | ![Media Badge] | [by armixz](https://github.com/armixz/Flipper-Zero-The-C-Programming-Language) | | ![None Badge] |
| Cryptography Dictionary | ![Media Badge] | [by armixz](https://github.com/armixz/Flipper-Zero-Crypto-Dictionary) | | ![None Badge] |
| Mifare Fuzzer | ![NFC Badge] | [by spheeere98](https://github.com/spheeere98/mifare_fuzzer) | Fixed crash on exit. / Update!: Ported to new NFC API [by @Sil333033](https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware/commit/ac5744328a28b73fb5022ce7baaa4332a824a739) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/mifare_fuzzer) |
| Seader | ![NFC Badge] | [by bettse](https://github.com/bettse/seader/tree/main) | `Interface with a SAM from the Flipper Zero over UART` | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/seader) |
| VB Lab Migration Assistant | ![NFC Badge] | [by GMMan (cyanic)](https://github.com/GMMan/flipperzero-vb-migrate) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/vb_migrate) |
| NFC Playlist | ![NFC Badge] | [by acegoal07](https://github.com/acegoal07/FlipperZero_NFC_Playlist/tree/main) | | ![None Badge] |
| RFID Beacon | ![RFID Badge] | [by nmrr](https://github.com/nmrr/flipperzero-rfidbeacon) | `A letter/number Morse beacon on 125 kHz` | ![None Badge] |
| EM4100 universal keys generator (for RFID Fuzzer) | ![RFID Badge] | [by Milk-Cool](https://github.com/Milk-Cool/fz-em4100-generator) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/key_generator) |
| (Q)M100 UHF RFID | ![RFID Badge] | [by frux-c](https://github.com/frux-c/uhf_rfid) | WIP -> (+Added icon by @xMasterX) | ![None Badge] |
| T5577 Multiwriter | ![RFID Badge] | [by Leptopt1los](https://github.com/Leptopt1los/t5577_multiwriter) | | ![None Badge] |
| Enhanced Sub-GHz Chat | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by twisted-pear](https://github.com/twisted-pear/esubghz_chat) | | ![None Badge] |
| TPMS Reader | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by wosk](https://github.com/wosk/flipperzero-tpms/tree/main) | | ![None Badge] |
| ShapShup | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by derskythe](https://github.com/derskythe/flipperzero-shapshup) | RAW files preview (+fixed app exit) | ![None Badge] |
| Meal Pager Tool | ![SubGhz Badge] | [by leedave](https://github.com/leedave/flipper-zero-meal-pager) | | ![None Badge] |
| Analog Clock | ![Tools Badge] | [by scrolltex](https://github.com/scrolltex/flipper_analog_clock) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/analog_clock) |
| Brainfuck interpreter | ![Tools Badge] | [by nymda](https://github.com/nymda/FlipperZeroBrainfuck) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/brainfuck) |
| Ceasar Cipher | ![Tools Badge] | [by panki27](https://github.com/panki27/caesar-cipher) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/caesar_cipher) |
| Calculator | ![Tools Badge] | [by n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e](https://github.com/n-o-T-I-n-s-a-n-e) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/calculator) |
| CLI-GUI Bridge | ![Tools Badge] | [by ranchordo](https://github.com/ranchordo/flipperzero-cli-bridge) | Fixes [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Willy-JL) | ![None Badge] |
| Count Down Timer | ![Tools Badge] | [by 0w0mewo](https://github.com/0w0mewo/fpz_cntdown_timer) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/cntdown_tim) |
| Counter | ![Tools Badge] | [by Krulknul](https://github.com/Krulknul/dolphin-counter) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/counter) |
| DCF77 Transmitter | ![Tools Badge] | [by arha](https://github.com/arha/flipper-dcf77) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/dcf77) |
| FlipBIP Crypto Tool | ![Tools Badge] | [by xtruan](https://github.com/xtruan/FlipBIP) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipbip) |
| Flipp Pomodoro Timer | ![Tools Badge] | [by Th3Un1q3](https://github.com/Th3Un1q3/flipp_pomodoro) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/flipp_pomodoro) |
| Chronometer | ![Tools Badge] | [by nmrr](https://github.com/nmrr/flipperzero-chronometer) | | ![None Badge] |
| HEX Editor | ![Tools Badge] | [by dunaevai135](https://github.com/dunaevai135/flipper-zero-hex_editor) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/hex_editor) |
| Multi Counter | ![Tools Badge] | [by JadePossible](https://github.com/JadePossible/Flipper-Multi-Counter) | | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/multi_counter) |
| NightStand Clock | ![Tools Badge] | [by nymda](https://github.com/nymda/FlipperNightStand) | Fixes [by Willy-JL](https://github.com/Willy-JL) | ![None Badge] |
| Password Generator | ![Tools Badge] | [by anakod](https://github.com/anakod/flipper_passgen) | Proper random [by henrygab](https://github.com/anakod/flipper_passgen/pull/6) | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/passgen) |
| Pomodoro Timer | ![Tools Badge] | [by sbrin](https://github.com/sbrin/flipperzero_pomodoro) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/pomodoro_timer) |
| QR Code | ![Tools Badge] | [by bmatcuk](https://github.com/bmatcuk/flipperzero-qrcode) | | ![None Badge] |
| Resistance calculator | ![Tools Badge] | [by instantiator](https://github.com/instantiator/flipper-zero-experimental-apps) | | [![UFW Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/resistors) |
| Simple calendar app | ![Tools Badge] | [by Adiras](https://github.com/Adiras/flipperzero-calendar) | | ![None Badge] |
| Programmer Calculator | ![Tools Badge] | [by armixz](https://github.com/armixz/Flipper-Zero-Programmer-Calculator) | | ![None Badge] |
| Tone Generator | ![Tools Badge] | [by GEMISIS](https://github.com/GEMISIS/tone_gen/) | | ![None Badge] |
| DCF77 Clock Sync | ![Tools Badge] | [by mdaskalov](https://github.com/mdaskalov/dcf77-clock-sync) | | ![None Badge] |
| Quac! Remote | ![Tools Badge] | [by rdefeo](https://github.com/rdefeo/quac) | Various fixes by @Willy-JL | [![Author Badge]](https://lab.flipper.net/apps/quac) |
| USB HID Autofire | ![USB Badge] | [by pbek](https://github.com/pbek/usb_hid_autofire) | | ![None Badge] |
| USB Consumer Control | ![USB Badge] | [by WithSecureLabs](https://github.com/WithSecureLabs/usb-consumer-control/tree/main) | | ![None Badge] |
| HID File Transfer | ![USB Badge] | [by Kavakuo](https://github.com/Kavakuo/HID-File-Transfer) | Get client app in [original repo](https://github.com/Kavakuo/HID-File-Transfer) | ![None Badge] |
#### Catalog links checked at `01 Sep 16:24 GMT +3`
Useful source of files for flipper, also has apps pack:
## [UberGuidoZ Playground - Large collection of files - Github](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper)
[RFID Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-RFID-rgb(255,244,147)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-rfid&logoColor=black
[iButton Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-iButton-rgb(225,187,166)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-ibutton&logoColor=black
[SubGhz Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-Sub--GHz-rgb(165,244,190)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-subghz&logoColor=black
[GPIO Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-GPIO-rgb(167,242,234)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-gpio&logoColor=black
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[IR Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-Infrared-rgb(254,147,140)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-infrared&logoColor=black
[Games Badge]: https://custom-icon-badges.demolab.com/badge/-Games-rgb(255,196,134)?style=for-the-badge&logo=fz-games&logoColor=black
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