
162 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2022-12-29 06:30:12 +00:00
#ifndef WII_EC_H_
#define WII_EC_H_
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <furi.h>
#include "wii_ec_nunchuck.h"
#include "wii_ec_classic.h"
#include "wii_ec_udraw.h"
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Crypto key (PSK), base register : {0x40..0x4F}[2][8]
#define ENC_LEN (2 * 8)
// Controller State data, base register : {0x00..0x05}[6]
#define JOY_LEN (6)
// Calibration data, base register : {0x20..0x2F}[16]
#define CAL_LEN (16)
// Controller ID, base register : {0xFA..0xFF}[6]
#define PID_LEN (6)
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Perhipheral specific parameters union
typedef union ecDec {
ecDecNunchuck_t nunchuck;
ecDecClassic_t classic;
} ecDec_t;
typedef union ecCal {
// 0=lowest seen ; 1=min ; 2=mid ; 3=max ; 4=highest seen
ecCalNunchuck_t nunchuck[5];
ecCalClassic_t classic[5];
} ecCal_t;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Wii Extension Controller events
typedef enum wiiEcEventType {
WIIEC_CONN, // Connect
WIIEC_DISCONN, // Disconnect
WIIEC_PRESS, // Press button
WIIEC_RELEASE, // Release button
WIIEC_ANALOG, // Analogue change (Joystick/Trigger)
WIIEC_ACCEL, // Accelerometer change
} wiiEcEventType_t;
typedef struct wiiEcEvent {
wiiEcEventType_t type; // event type
char in; // input (see device specific options)
uint32_t val; // new value - meaningless for digital button presses
} wiiEcEvent_t;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Known perhipheral types
typedef enum ecPid {
// If you're wise, ONLY edit this section
PID_UDRAW, //! same as drawsome?
// -----
} ecPid_t;
// Calibration strategies
typedef enum ecCalib {
CAL_FACTORY = 0x01, // (re)set to factory defaults
CAL_TRACK = 0x02, // track maximum and minimum values seen
CAL_RESET = 0x04, // initialise ready for software calibration
CAL_RANGE = 0x08, // perform software calibration step
CAL_CENTRE = 0x10, // reset centre point of joystick
CAL_NOTJOY = 0x20, // do NOT calibrate the joystick
} ecCalib_t;
// ecId table entry
typedef struct ecId {
uint8_t id[6]; // 6 byte ID string returned by Extension Controller
char* name; // Friendly name
scene_t scene; // Default scene
bool (*init)(wiiEC_t*); // Additional initialisation code
void (*decode)(wiiEC_t*); // Decode function
void (*check)(wiiEC_t*, FuriMessageQueue*); // check (for action) function
void (*calib)(wiiEC_t*, ecCalib_t); // calibrate analogue controllers [SOFTWARE]
void (*show)(Canvas* const, state_t* const); // Draw scene
bool (*keys)(const eventMsg_t* const, state_t* const); // Interpret keys
} ecId_t;
// List of known perhipherals
// More perhipheral ID codes here: https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wiimote/Extension_Controllers#The_New_Way
extern const ecId_t ecId[PID_CNT];
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Data pertaining to a single Perhipheral instance
typedef struct wiiEC {
// Perhipheral state
bool init; // Initialised?
uint8_t pid[PID_LEN]; // PID string - eg. {0x00, 0x00, 0xA4, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00}
ecPid_t pidx; // Index in to ecId table
const char* sid; // just for convenience
bool encrypt; // encryption enabled?
uint8_t encKey[ENC_LEN]; // encryption key
uint8_t calF[CAL_LEN]; // factory calibration data (not software)
uint8_t joy[JOY_LEN]; // Perhipheral raw data
ecDec_t dec[2]; // device specific decode (two, so we can spot changes)
int decN; // which decode set is most recent {0, 1}
ecCal_t calS; // software calibration data
} wiiEC_t;
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
// Function prototypes
// top level calls will work out which sub-function to call
// top level check() function will handle connect/disconnect messages
#include <gui/gui.h> // Canvas
typedef struct wiiEC wiiEC_t;
typedef enum ecCalib ecCalib_t;
typedef struct state state_t;
typedef struct eventMsg eventMsg_t;
void ecDecode(wiiEC_t* const pec);
void ecPoll(wiiEC_t* const pec, FuriMessageQueue* const queue);
void ecCalibrate(wiiEC_t* const pec, ecCalib_t c);
void ec_show(Canvas* const canvas, state_t* const state);
bool ec_key(const eventMsg_t* const msg, state_t* const state);
#endif //WII_EC_H_