mirror of https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper.git synced 2025-03-03 00:43:45 +00:00

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2022-08-12 18:13:20 +00:00
REM Title: File bomb word list tux style
REM Author: FalsePhilosopher
REM Target: Unix-like tested on kubuntu 22.04
REM Props: Hak5, strippers and memes
REM Version: 1.0
REM Category: Prank
REM changes to all the main dir's in home, then home, then root and creates negative named files in each
REM initialization delay
REM Minimize all windows as that ensures launch happens smoother.
DELAY 1500
2022-08-13 04:26:44 +00:00
REM STRING nohup cd /Home/Pictures && touch 2-faced stupid jerk dunce dipstick dork bonehead dingbat jackass mouth-breather dumb ugly fat whore slut fuck-stick poopoo_breath cum_dumpster fart_breath ass_eater turd_burglar butt_munch crap_monster turd_face shit_stain shit_eater asshat asshole fuck_stick slut whore cunt dickhead shit_weasel prick motherfucker whorebag dickwad fucktard shitstain butt_pirate skank_fuck whore_monger dickwad shit_stain abnormal abolish abominable abominably abominate abomination abort aborted aborts abrade abrasive abrupt abruptly abscond absence absent-minded absentee absurd absurdity absurdly absurdness abuse abused abuses abusive abysmal abysmally abyss accidental accost accursed accusation accusations accuse accuses accusing accusingly acerbate acerbic acerbically ache ached aches aching acrid acridly acridness acrimonious acrimoniously acrimony adamant adamantly addict addicted addicting addicts admonish admonisher admonishingly admonishment admonition adulterate adulterated adulteration adversarial adversary adverse adversity afflict affliction afflictive affront afraid aggravate aggravating aggravation aggression aggressive aggressiveness aggressor aggrieve aggrieved aghast agonies agonize agonizing agonizingly agony aground ail ailing ailment aimless alarm alarmed alarming alarmingly alienate alienated alienation allegation allegations allege allergic allergies allergy aloof altercation ambiguity ambiguous ambivalence ambivalent ambush amiss amputate anarchism anarchist anarchistic anarchy anemic anger angrily angriness angry anguish animosity annihilate annihilation annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoying annoyingly annoys anomalous anomaly antagonism antagonist antagonistic antagonize anti- anti-occupation anti-proliferation anti-social anti-us anti-white antipathy antiquated antithetical anxieties anxiety anxious anxiously anxiousness apathetic apathetically apathy apocalypse apocalyptic apologist apologists appall appalled appalling appallingly apprehension apprehensions apprehensive apprehensively arbitrary arcane archaic arduous arduously argumentative arrogance arrogant arrogantly ashamed asinine asininely askance asperse aspersion aspersions assail assassin assassinate assault astray asunder atrocious atrocities atrocity atrophy attack attacks audacious audaciously audaciousness audacity austere authoritarian autocrat autocratic avalanche avarice avaricious avariciously avenge averse aversion awful awfully awfulness awkward awkwardness babble back-logged back-wood back-woods backache backaches backbite backbiting backward backwardness backwoods bad badly baffle baffled bafflement baffling bait balk banal bane banish banishment bankrupt barbarian barbaric barbarically barbarity barbarous barbarously barren baseless bash bashed bashful bashing battered battering batty bearish beastly bedlam bedlamite befoul beg beggar beggarly begging beguile belabor belated beleaguer belie belittle belittled belittling bellicose belligerence belligerent belligerently bemoan bemoaning bemused bent berate bereave bereavement bereft berserk beseech beset besiege besmirch betray betrayal betrayals betrayer betraying betrays bewail beware bewilder bewildered bewildering bewilderingly bewilderment bewitch bias biased biases bicker bickering bid-rigging bigotries bigotry biting bitingly bitter bitterly bitterness bizarre blab blabber blackmail blah blame blameworthy bland blandish blaspheme blasphemous blasphemy blasted blatant blatantly blather bleak bleakly bleakness bleed bleeding bleeds blemish blind blinding blindingly blindside blister blistering bloated blockage blockhead bloodshed bloodthirsty bloody blotchy blow blunder blundering blunders blunt blur blurred blurring blurry blurs blurt boastful boggle bogus boil boiling boisterous bomb bombard bombardment bombastic bondage bonkers bore bored boredom bores boring botch bother bothered bothering bothers bothersome bowdlerize boycott braggart bragger brainless brainwash brash brashly brashness brat bravado brazen brazenly brazenness breach b
2022-08-12 18:13:20 +00:00