**Looking for Infrared (IR) codes? Head over to [the IRDB](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper-IRDB)! Just want to download part of any repo? [Try over here](https://uberguidoz.github.io/DownGit/)!**
## If you're new to github in general, check out [this great guide](https://github.com/wrenchathome/flipperfiles/blob/main/_Guides/How2Flipper.pdf) from Wr3nch!
Other great spots for help can be found at the [Official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/flipper), [Official Docs](https://docs.flipperzero.one/), [Awesome Flipper](https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero), or the [Official Forum](https://forum.flipperzero.one/).
Also make sure to check out codeallnight's [Flipper Zero Tutorials](https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials) for tons of useful info and insight.