Zef Hemel 91027af5fe
Awesome frontmatter (#617)
Live Frontmatter Templates
2024-01-04 20:08:12 +01:00

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Raw Blame History

An attempt at documenting the changes/new features introduced in each release.


Not yet released, this will likely become 0.6.0.

  • Directives have now been removed from the code base. Please use Live Queries and Live Templates instead. If you hadnt migrated yet and want to auto migrate, downgrade your SilverBullet version to 0.5.11 (e.g. using the zefhemel/silverbullet:0.5.11 docker image) and run the {[Directive: Convert Entire Space to Live/Templates]} command with that version.
  • Custom renderer for Frontmatter, enabling... Live Frontmatter Templates to specify custom rendering (using Templates of course) — see some of the plugs pages (e.g. Plugs/Editor, Plugs/Git) to see what you can do with this (template here: internal-template/plug-frontmatter).
  • Somewhat nicer rendering of {{templateVars}}.


  • Keyboard shortcuts as well as priority (order in which they appear in the Command Palette) can now be configured for Commands in SETTINGS. The priority enables you to put frequently used commands at the top.
  • The rendering of Live Templates, Live Queries, Table of Contents and Linked Mentions has been re-implemented. Rendering should now be near-instant and the “flappy” behavior should be largely gone, especially after an initial load (results are cached). There may still be some visual regressions. Please report them if you find them.


  • Breaking change: Local attachment URLs ([page](url) syntax and ![alt](url) image syntax) are now interpreted relative to the page's folder unless their URL starts with a /, then they're relative to the space root (as per this issue)
  • Breaking change: Revamped Templates, specifically changed the format of Page Templates. The “Template: Instantiate Page” has been renamed to {[Page: From Template]}.
  • It is now even more recommended to tag your Templates with the “template” tag because completion in Live Queries and Live Templates will now only suggest #template tagged pages.
  • New Frontmatter attributes with special meaning: displayName and aliases (allowing to specify alternative names for pages)
  • The Page Picker now also shows (and matches against) tags, aliases and display names for pages.
  • It is now possible to filter pages based on tags in the Page Picker by typing a hashtag in the filter phrase, e.g. #template to filter pages that have a template tag.
  • Added new commands to manage Outlines. Note this resulted in changing names and keyboard shortcuts for managing folds as well, to be more consistent with the other outline commands.
  • Removed built-in multi-user Authentication, SB_AUTH is no longer supported; use --user or SB_USER instead or an authentication layer such as Authelia.
  • Background and more experimental work:
    • Work on supporting multiple database and storage backends, reviving Install/Deno Deploy support.
    • This is now documented on the brand-new Install/Configuration page.
    • A new silverbullet sync command to Sync spaces (early days, use with caution)
    • Technical refactoring in preparation for multi-tenant deployment support (allowing you to run a single SB instance and serve multiple spaces and users at the same time)
      • Lazy everything: plugs are now lazily loaded (after a first load, manifests are cached). On the server side, a whole lot of infrastructure is now only booted once the first HTTP request comes in


  • Various bugfixes, primarily related to the new way of running docker containers, which broke things for some people. Be sure to have a look at the new Install/Configuration configuration options


  • New {[Upload: File]} command to upload files and pictures (particularly valuable for mobile use cases). Implemented by prcrst.
  • General support for highlighting errors (underlined) in the editor. Currently implemented for:
    • All YAML fenced code blocks (and Frontmatter): will now highlight YAML parse errors
    • Live Queries: will highlight non-existing query sources and non-existing template references in render clauses
  • Basic Table of Contents support: any page with 3 headers or more now has a “Table of Contents” widget appear (see this very page). You can toggle this feature using the {[Table of Contents: Toggle]} command.
  • Tapping/clicking the top bar (outside of the page name and action buttons) now scrolls your page to the very top.
  • Slightly more gracious error reporting on load when using the Online Client Modes and the server is offline.
  • Any page tagged with #template is no longer indexed (besides as a template)
  • Upgraded set of emoji (completed via the :thinking_face: syntax) to 15.1 (so more emoji)
  • Various bug fixes


  • Various optimization and bug fixes
  • Experimental idea: Template Sets
  • The Alt-Shift-n key was previously bound to both {[Page: New]} and {[Quick Note]}. That wont work, so now its just bound to {[Quick Note]}
  • The Alt-q command is now bound to the new {[Live Queries and Templates: Refresh All]} command, refreshing all Live Queries and Live Templates on the page. This is to get yall prepared to move away from directives.
  • Its likely that version 0.6.0 will remove directives, so please switch over to live queries and templates, e.g. using...
    • The new {[Directive: Convert Entire Space to Live/Templates]} command, which will (attempt) to convert all uses of directives in your space automatically (backup your space before, though, just in case)


  • Bugfix: on some filesystems that don't report file creation time (like some NASes), SilverBullet crash. This should now be fixed.
  • Performance improvements the loading of code widgets (e.g. Live Queries, Live Templates)


  • Were on a journey to rethink Templates:
    • It is now recommended you tag all your templates with a #template tag, this will exclude them from Objects indexing and may in the future be used to do better template name completion (but not yet).
    • New feature: Introducing Slash Templates, allowing you to create custom Slash Commands. This deprecates snippets and page templates, because Slash Templates are awesomer.
  • Many styling fixes and improvements to Live Queries and Live Templates
  • Added a “source” button to Live Queries and Live Templates for better debugging (showing you the markdown code rendered by the template so you can more easily detect issues)
  • Live Queries:
    • Support for render all where the entire result set is passed to a single template allowing you to e.g. dynamically build up tables, see Live Queries$render for an example.
  • The default generated SETTINGS page now contains a link to SETTINGS on silverbullet.md for documentation purposes.
  • The syntax to reference Anchors has now changed to use $, instead of @ (e.g. Live Queries$render), the old syntax still works but is deprecated. The reason for this change is consistency: you define an anchor using the $myanchor syntax, referencing it the same way makes more sense.
  • Page Name Rules are now documented


  • Changes to Objects:
  • The {[Directive: Convert to Live Query/Template]} now also converts #use and #include directives
  • Styling improvements for Linked Mentions
  • SilverBullet now fully works when added as PWA on Safari 17 (via the “Add to Dock” option).
  • Fix support for handlebars variables in Live Queries and Live Templates
  • Plug robustness improvements (SB shouldnt fully break when loading plugs that rely on disabled syscalls)
  • Various other bug fixes


  • Fixes to auto-sizing of Live Queries and Live Templates widgets
  • Fixed the combination of limit and order by not working well
  • Auto complete for queries now works for queries split across multiple lines
  • Auto complete for fenced code block languages (use the /code slash command)
  • Slightly tweaked semantics for the = operator on arrays, see Live Queries for details


Oh boy, this is a big one. This release brings you the following:

  • Objects: a more generic system for indexing and querying content in your space, including the ability to define your own custom object “types” (dubbed Tags). See the referenced pages for examples.
  • Live Queries and Live Templates: ultimately will replace 🔌 Directive in future versions and 🔌 Directive is now deprecated. They differ from directives in that they dont materialize their output into the page itself, but rather render them on the fly so only the query/template instantiation is kept on disk. All previous directive examples on this website how now been replaced with Live Templates and Live Queries. To ease the conversion there is {[Directive: Convert Query to Live Query]} command: just put your cursor inside of an existing (query) directive and run it to auto-convert.
  • The query syntax used in Live Queries (but also used in 🔌 Directive) has been significantly expanded, although there may still be bugs. Theres still more value to be unlocked here in future releases.
  • The previous “backlinks” plug is now built into SilverBullet as Linked Mentions and appears at the bottom of every page (if there are incoming links). You can toggle linked mentions via {[Mentions: Toggle]}.
  • A whole bunch of PlugOS syscalls have been updated. Ill do my best update known existing plugs, but if you built existing ones some things may have broken. Please report anything broken in Github issues.
  • This release effectively already removes the #eval 🔌 Directive (its still there, but likely not working), this directive needs some rethinking. Join us on Discord if you have a use case for it and how you use/want to use it.


  • If you have plugs such as “backlinks” or “graphview” installed, please remove them (or to be safe: all plugs) from the _plug folder in your space after the upgrade. Then, also remove them from your PLUGS page. The backlinks plug is now included by default (named Linked Mentions), and GraphView still needs to be updated (although its been kind of abandoned by the author).

Due to significant changes in how data is stored, likely your space will be resynced to all your clients once you upgrade. Just in case you may also want to {[Space: Reindex]} your space. If things are really broken, try the {[Debug: Reset Client]} command.


The big change in this release is that SilverBullet now supports two Client Modes: online mode and sync mode. Read more about them here: Client Modes.

Other notable changes:

  • Massive reshuffling of built-in 🔌 Plugs, splitting the old “core” plug into Plugs/Editor, Plugs/Template and Plugs/Index.
  • Directives in Live Preview now always take up a single line height.
  • Plugs/Tasks now support custom states (not just [x] and [ ]), for example:
    • [IN PROGRESS] An in progress task
    • [BLOCKED] A task thats blocked 🔌 Tasks
  • Removed Cloud Links support in favor of Federation. If you still have legacy cloud links, simply replace the 🌩️ with a ! and things should work as before.