import { addParentPointers, findParentMatching, ParseTree, renderToText, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { PageMeta } from "$sb/types.ts"; import { editor, markdown } from "$sb/syscalls.ts"; import { evalDirectiveRenderer } from "./eval_directive.ts"; import { queryDirectiveRenderer } from "./query_directive.ts"; import { cleanTemplateInstantiations, templateDirectiveRenderer, } from "./template_directive.ts"; /** An error that occurs while a directive is being rendered. * Mostly annotates the underlying error with page metadata. */ export class RenderDirectiveError extends Error { pageMeta: PageMeta; directive: string; cause: Error; constructor(pageMeta: PageMeta, directive: string, cause: Error) { super(`In directive "${directive}" from "${}": ${cause}`, { cause: cause, }); this.pageMeta = pageMeta; this.directive = directive; this.cause = cause; } } export const directiveStartRegex = /<!--\s*#(use|use-verbose|include|eval|query)\s+(.*?)-->/i; export const directiveRegex = /(<!--\s*#(use|use-verbose|include|eval|query)\s+(.*?)-->)(.+?)(<!--\s*\/\2\s*-->)/gs; /** * Looks for directives in the text dispatches them based on name */ export async function directiveDispatcher( pageMeta: PageMeta, directiveTree: ParseTree, directiveRenderers: Record< string, ( directive: string, pageMeta: PageMeta, arg: string | ParseTree, ) => Promise<string> >, ): Promise<string> { const directiveStart = directiveTree.children![0]; // <!-- #directive --> const directiveEnd = directiveTree.children![2]; // <!-- /directive --> const directiveStartText = renderToText(directiveStart).trim(); const directiveEndText = renderToText(directiveEnd).trim(); const firstPart = directiveStart.children![0].text!; if (firstPart?.includes("#query")) { // #query const newBody = await directiveRenderers["query"]( "query", pageMeta, directiveStart.children![1].children![0], // The query ParseTree ); const result = `${directiveStartText}\n${newBody.trim()}\n${directiveEndText}`; return result; } else if (firstPart?.includes("#eval")) { console.log("Eval stuff", directiveStart.children![1].children![0]); const newBody = await directiveRenderers["eval"]( "eval", pageMeta, directiveStart.children![1].children![0], ); const result = `${directiveStartText}\n${newBody.trim()}\n${directiveEndText}`; return result; } else { // Everything not #query and #eval const match = directiveStartRegex.exec(directiveStart.children![0].text!); if (!match) { throw Error("No match"); } let [_fullMatch, type, arg] = match; try { arg = arg.trim(); const newBody = await directiveRenderers[type](type, pageMeta, arg); const result = `${directiveStartText}\n${newBody.trim()}\n${directiveEndText}`; return result; } catch (e: any) { return `${directiveStartText}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${directiveEndText}`; } } } export async function renderDirectives( pageMeta: PageMeta, directiveTree: ParseTree, ): Promise<string> { try { const replacementText = await directiveDispatcher(pageMeta, directiveTree, { use: templateDirectiveRenderer, include: templateDirectiveRenderer, query: queryDirectiveRenderer, eval: evalDirectiveRenderer, }); return cleanTemplateInstantiations(replacementText); } catch (e) { throw new RenderDirectiveError( pageMeta, renderToText(directiveTree.children![0].children![1]).trim(), e, ); } }