import { Editor } from "../web/editor.tsx"; import { ensureAndLoadSettings, safeRun } from "../common/util.ts"; import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts"; import { PlugSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/plug_space_primitives.ts"; import { PageNamespaceHook } from "../common/hooks/page_namespace.ts"; import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts"; import { System } from "../plugos/system.ts"; import { BuiltinSettings } from "../web/types.ts"; import { CapacitorHttp, Directory } from "./deps.ts"; import { CapacitorSpacePrimitives } from "./spaces/capacitor_space_primitives.ts"; import { AssetBundlePlugSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/asset_bundle_space_primitives.ts"; import assetBundle from "../dist/asset_bundle.json" assert { type: "json" }; import { AssetBundle } from "../plugos/asset_bundle/bundle.ts"; import { ensureTable as ensureStoreTable, storeSyscalls, } from "../plugos/syscalls/store.sqlite.ts"; import { CapacitorDb } from "../plugos/sqlite/capacitor_sqlite.ts"; import { ensureTable as ensurePageIndexTable, pageIndexSyscalls, } from "../server/syscalls/index.ts"; import { ensureFTSTable, fullTextSearchSyscalls, } from "../plugos/syscalls/fulltext.sqlite.ts"; import { FileMetaSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/file_meta_space_primitives.ts"; import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts"; import { EventHook } from "../plugos/hooks/event.ts"; import { clientStoreSyscalls } from "./syscalls/clientStore.ts"; import { sandboxFetchSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/fetch.ts"; import { syncSyscalls } from "../common/syscalls/sync.ts"; import { CronHook } from "../plugos/hooks/cron.ts"; safeRun(async () => { // Instantiate a PlugOS system for the client const system = new System(); // Attach the page namespace hook const namespaceHook = new PageNamespaceHook(); system.addHook(namespaceHook); // Event hook const eventHook = new EventHook(); system.addHook(eventHook); const db = new CapacitorDb("data.db"); await db.init(); system.addHook(new CronHook()); // for store await ensureStoreTable(db, "store"); // for clientStore await ensureStoreTable(db, "localData"); await ensurePageIndexTable(db); await ensureFTSTable(db, "fts"); const indexSyscalls = pageIndexSyscalls(db); const spacePrimitives = new FileMetaSpacePrimitives( new AssetBundlePlugSpacePrimitives( new EventedSpacePrimitives( new PlugSpacePrimitives( new CapacitorSpacePrimitives( Directory.Documents, "", ), namespaceHook, ), eventHook, ), new AssetBundle(assetBundle), ), indexSyscalls, ); const serverSpace = new Space(spacePrimitives);; const settings = await ensureAndLoadSettings( serverSpace, false, ) as BuiltinSettings; // Register some mobile-specific syscall implementations system.registerSyscalls( [], storeSyscalls(db, "store"), indexSyscalls, clientStoreSyscalls(db), syncSyscalls(spacePrimitives, system), fullTextSearchSyscalls(db, "fts"), sandboxFetchSyscalls(), ); console.log("Booting..."); const editor = new Editor( serverSpace, system, eventHook, document.getElementById("sb-root")!, "", settings, ); await editor.init(); });