import { path } from "../server/deps.ts"; export async function fixCommand(_options: any, folder: string) { folder = path.resolve(Deno.cwd(), folder); console.log("Now going to attempt to fix", folder); console.log(`First, we'll purge the ${folder}/_plug folder...`); try { await Deno.remove(path.join(folder, "_plug"), { recursive: true }); } catch (e: any) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { console.log("No _plug folder found, nothing to do here."); } else { console.error("Something went wrong:", e); } } console.log("And now we'll delete data.db"); try { await Deno.remove(path.join(folder, "data.db")); } catch (e: any) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { console.log("No data.db found, nothing to do here."); } else { console.error("Something went wrong:", e); } } console.log( "Alright then, that should be it. Try running Silver Bullet again.", ); }