Frontmatter is a common format to attach additional metadata (data about data) to markdown documents. In SilverBullet, there are multiple ways to attach [[Metadata]] to a page; frontmatter is one of them. You create it by starting your markdown document with `---` followed by [[YAML]] encoded attributes and then ending with `---` again. Followed by the regular body of your document. Here is an example: --- status: Draft tags: - tag1 - tag2 --- ## This is a section This is content # Special attributes While SilverBullet allows arbitrary metadata to be added to pages, there are a few attributes with special meaning: * `name` (==DISALLOWED==): is an attribute used for page names, _you should not set it_. * `displayName` (`string`): very similar in effect as `aliases` but will use this name for the page in certain contexts. * `aliases` (`array of strings`): allow you to specify a list of alternative names for this page, which can be used to navigate or link to this page * `tags` (`array of strings` or `string`): an alternative (and perhaps preferred) way to assign [[Tags]] to a page. In principle you specify them as a list of strings, but for convenience you can also specify them as (possibly comma-separated) string, e.g. `tags: tag1, tag2, tag3` In addition, in the context of [[Templates]] frontmatter has a very specific interpretation.