import { asset, fs } from "$sb/plugos-syscall/mod.ts"; import { editor, index, markdown, space, system, } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { readYamlPage } from "$sb/lib/yaml_page.ts"; import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "../markdown/markdown_render.ts"; import Handlebars from "handlebars"; import { collectNodesOfType, findNodeOfType, ParseTree, renderToText, replaceNodesMatching, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; type PublishConfig = { destDir?: string; title?: string; indexPage?: string; removeHashtags?: boolean; publishAll?: boolean; tags?: string[]; prefixes?: string[]; footerPage?: string; }; async function generatePage( pageName: string, htmlPath: string, mdPath: string, publishedPages: string[], publishConfig: PublishConfig, destDir: string, footerText: string, ) { const pageTemplate = await asset.readAsset("assets/page.hbs"); const pageCSS = await asset.readAsset("assets/style.css"); const text = await space.readPage(pageName); const renderPage = Handlebars.compile(pageTemplate); console.log("Writing", pageName); const mdTree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(`${text}\n${footerText}`); const publishMd = cleanMarkdown( mdTree, publishConfig, publishedPages, ); const attachments = await collectAttachments(mdTree); for (const attachment of attachments) { try { const result = await space.readAttachment(attachment); console.log("Writing", `${destDir}/${attachment}`); await fs.writeFile(`${destDir}/${attachment}`, result, "dataurl"); } catch (e: any) { console.error("Error reading attachment", attachment, e.message); } } // Write .md file await fs.writeFile(mdPath, publishMd); // Write .html file await fs.writeFile( htmlPath, renderPage({ pageName, config: publishConfig, css: pageCSS, body: renderMarkdownToHtml(mdTree, { smartHardBreak: true, attachmentUrlPrefix: "/", }), }), ); } export async function publishAll(destDir?: string) { const publishConfig: PublishConfig = await readYamlPage("PUBLISH"); destDir = destDir || publishConfig.destDir || "."; console.log("Publishing to", destDir); let allPages: any[] = await space.listPages(); let allPageMap: Map = new Map( => [, pm]), ); for (const { page, value } of await index.queryPrefix("meta:")) { const p = allPageMap.get(page); if (p) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(value)) { p[k] = v; } } } allPages = [...allPageMap.values()]; let publishedPages = new Set(); if (publishConfig.publishAll) { publishedPages = new Set( =>; } else { for (const page of allPages) { if (publishConfig.tags && page.tags) { for (const tag of page.tags) { if (publishConfig.tags.includes(tag)) { publishedPages.add(; } } } // Some sanity checking if (typeof !== "string") { continue; } if (publishConfig.prefixes) { for (const prefix of publishConfig.prefixes) { if ( { publishedPages.add(; } } } } } console.log("Starting this thing", [...publishedPages]); let footer = ""; if (publishConfig.footerPage) { footer = await space.readPage(publishConfig.footerPage); } const publishedPagesArray = [...publishedPages]; for (const page of publishedPagesArray) { await generatePage( page, `${destDir}/${page.replaceAll(" ", "_")}/index.html`, `${destDir}/${page}.md`, publishedPagesArray, publishConfig, destDir, footer, ); } if (publishConfig.indexPage) { console.log("Writing", publishConfig.indexPage); await generatePage( publishConfig.indexPage, `${destDir}/index.html`, `${destDir}/`, publishedPagesArray, publishConfig, destDir, footer, ); } } export async function publishAllCommand() { await editor.flashNotification("Publishing..."); await await system.invokeFunction("server", "publishAll"); await editor.flashNotification("Done!"); } export function encodePageUrl(name: string): string { return name.replaceAll(" ", "_"); } async function collectAttachments(tree: ParseTree) { const attachments: string[] = []; collectNodesOfType(tree, "URL").forEach((node) => { let url = node.children![0].text!; if (url.indexOf("://") === -1) { attachments.push(url); } }); return attachments; } function cleanMarkdown( mdTree: ParseTree, publishConfig: PublishConfig, validPages: string[], ): string { replaceNodesMatching(mdTree, (n) => { if (n.type === "WikiLink") { let page = n.children![1].children![0].text!; if (page.includes("@")) { page = page.split("@")[0]; } if (!validPages.includes(page)) { // Replace with just page text return { text: `_${page}_`, }; } } // Simply get rid of these if (n.type === "CommentBlock" || n.type === "Comment") { return null; } if (n.type === "Hashtag") { if (publishConfig.removeHashtags) { return null; } } }); return renderToText(mdTree).trim(); }