An attempt at documenting of the changes/new features introduced in each release. --- ## 0.0.33 * **Attachments**: you can now copy & paste, or drag & drop files (images, PDF, whatever you like) into a page and it will be uploaded and appropriately linked from your page. Attachment size is currently limited to 100mb. * Changed full-text search page prefix from `@search/` to `🔍` for the {[Search Space]} command. * `page`, `plug` and `attachment` are now _reserved page names_, you cannot name your pages these (you will get an error when explicitly navigating to them). --- ## 0.0.32 * **Inline image previews**: use the standard `` notation and a preview of the image will appear automatically. Example:  * **Dark mode**. Toggle between the dark and light mode using a new button, top-right.  * **Named anchors** and references, create an anchor with the new @anchor notation (anywhere on a page), then reference it locally via [[@anchor]] or cross page via [[CHANGELOG@anchor]]. --- ## 0.0.31 * Update to the query language: the `render` clause now uses page reference syntax `[[page]]`. For example `render [[template/task]]` rather than `render "template/task"`. The old syntax still works, but is deprecated, completion for the old syntax has been removed. * Updates to templates: * For the `Template: Instantiate Page` command, the page meta value `$name` is now used to configure the page name (was `name` before). Also if `$name` is the only page meta defined, it will remove the page meta entirely when instantiating. * You can now configure a daily note prefix with `dailyNotePrefix` in `SETTINGS` and create a template for your daily note under `template/page/Daily Note` (configurable via the `dailyNoteTemplate` setting). * You can now a quick note prefix with `quickNotePrefix` in `SETTINGS`. * Directives (e.g. `#query`, `#import`, `#use`) changes: * Renamed `#template` directive to `#use-verbose` * New `#use` directive will clean all the embedded queries and templates in its scope * All directives now use the page reference syntax `[[page name]]` instead of `"page name"`, this includes `#use` and `#use-verbose` as well as `#import`. * The `link` query provider now also returns the `pos` of a link (in addition to the `page`) * New `$disableDirectives` page meta data attribute can be used to disable directives processing in a page (useful for templates) * Added a new `/hr` slash command to insert a horizontal rule (`---`) useful for mobile devices (where these are harder to type) --- ## 0.0.30 * Slash commands now only trigger after a non-word character to avoid "false positives" like "hello/world". * Page auto complete now works with slashes in the name. * Having a `SETTINGS` page is now mandatory. One is auto generated if none is present. * Added a `indexPage` setting to set the index page for the space (which by default is `index`). When navigating to this page, the page name will "disappear" from the URL. That is, the index URL will simply be `http://localhost:3000/`. * This feature is now used in `website` and set to `Silver Bullet` there. To also make the title look nicer when visiting --- ## 0.0.29 * Added the `Link: Unfurl` command, which is scoped to only work (and be visible) when used on “naked URLs”, that is: URLs not embedded in a link or other place, such as this one: * Plugs can implement their own unfurlers by responding to the `unfurl:options` event (see the [Twitter plug]( for an example). * Core implements only one unfurl option: “Extract title” which pulls the `