import type { ClickEvent, IndexTreeEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts"; import { editor, markdown, space, sync } from "$sb/syscalls.ts"; import { addParentPointers, collectNodesMatching, findNodeOfType, findParentMatching, nodeAtPos, ParseTree, renderToText, replaceNodesMatching, traverseTreeAsync, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { niceDate } from "$sb/lib/dates.ts"; import { extractAttributes } from "$sb/lib/attribute.ts"; import { rewritePageRefs } from "$sb/lib/resolve.ts"; import { ObjectValue } from "$sb/types.ts"; import { indexObjects, queryObjects } from "../index/plug_api.ts"; import { updateITags } from "$sb/lib/tags.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts"; export type TaskObject = ObjectValue< { page: string; pos: number; name: string; done: boolean; state: string; deadline?: string; } & Record<string, any> >; export type TaskStateObject = ObjectValue<{ state: string; count: number; page: string; }>; function getDeadline(deadlineNode: ParseTree): string { return deadlineNode.children![0].text!.replace(/📅\s*/, ""); } const completeStates = ["x", "X"]; const incompleteStates = [" "]; export async function indexTasks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { const tasks: ObjectValue<TaskObject>[] = []; const taskStates = new Map<string, { count: number; firstPos: number }>(); const frontmatter = await extractFrontmatter(tree); await traverseTreeAsync(tree, async (n) => { if (n.type !== "Task") { return false; } const state = n.children![0].children![1].text!; if (!incompleteStates.includes(state) && !completeStates.includes(state)) { let currentState = taskStates.get(state); if (!currentState) { currentState = { count: 0, firstPos: n.from! }; taskStates.set(state, currentState); } currentState.count++; } const complete = completeStates.includes(state); const task: TaskObject = { ref: `${name}@${n.from}`, tag: "task", name: "", done: complete, page: name, pos: n.from!, state, }; rewritePageRefs(n, name); replaceNodesMatching(n, (tree) => { if (tree.type === "DeadlineDate") { task.deadline = getDeadline(tree); // Remove this node from the tree return null; } if (tree.type === "Hashtag") { // Push the tag to the list, removing the initial # const tagName = tree.children![0].text!.substring(1); if (!task.tags) { task.tags = []; } task.tags.push(tagName); } }); // Extract attributes and remove from tree const extractedAttributes = await extractAttributes(n, true); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(extractedAttributes)) { task[key] = value; } = n.children!.slice(1).map(renderToText).join("").trim(); updateITags(task, frontmatter); tasks.push(task); return true; }); // Index task states if (taskStates.size > 0) { await indexObjects<TaskStateObject>( name, Array.from(taskStates.entries()).map(([state, { firstPos, count }]) => ({ ref: `${name}@${firstPos}`, tag: "taskstate", state, count, page: name, })), ); } // Index tasks themselves if (tasks.length > 0) { await indexObjects(name, tasks); } } export function taskToggle(event: ClickEvent) { if (event.altKey) { return; } return taskCycleAtPos(event.pos); } export function previewTaskToggle(eventString: string) { const [eventName, pos] = JSON.parse(eventString); if (eventName === "task") { return taskCycleAtPos(+pos); } } async function cycleTaskState( node: ParseTree, ) { const stateText = node.children![1].text!; let changeTo: string | undefined; if (completeStates.includes(stateText)) { changeTo = " "; } else if (incompleteStates.includes(stateText)) { changeTo = "x"; } else { // Not a checkbox, but a custom state const allStates = await queryObjects<TaskStateObject>("taskstate", {}); const states = [ Set( => s.state))]; states.sort(); // Select a next state const currentStateIndex = states.indexOf(stateText); if (currentStateIndex === -1) { console.error("Unknown state", stateText); return; } const nextStateIndex = (currentStateIndex + 1) % states.length; changeTo = states[nextStateIndex]; // console.log("All possible states", states); // return; } await editor.dispatch({ changes: { from: node.children![1].from, to: node.children![1].to, insert: changeTo, }, }); const parentWikiLinks = collectNodesMatching( node.parent!, (n) => n.type === "WikiLinkPage", ); for (const wikiLink of parentWikiLinks) { const ref = wikiLink.children![0].text!; if (ref.includes("@")) { await updateTaskState(ref, stateText, changeTo); } } } export async function updateTaskState( ref: string, oldState: string, newState: string, ) { const currentPage = await editor.getCurrentPage(); const [page, posS] = ref.split("@"); const pos = +posS; if (page === currentPage) { // In current page, just update the task marker with dispatch const editorText = await editor.getText(); // Check if the task state marker is still there const targetText = editorText.substring( pos + 1, pos + 1 + oldState.length, ); if (targetText !== oldState) { console.error( "Reference not a task marker, out of date?", targetText, ); return; } await editor.dispatch({ changes: { from: pos + 1, to: pos + 1 + oldState.length, insert: newState, }, }); } else { let text = await space.readPage(page); const referenceMdTree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); // Adding +1 to immediately hit the task state node const taskStateNode = nodeAtPos(referenceMdTree, pos + 1); if (!taskStateNode || taskStateNode.type !== "TaskState") { console.error( "Reference not a task marker, out of date?", taskStateNode, ); return; } taskStateNode.children![1].text = newState; text = renderToText(referenceMdTree); await space.writePage(page, text); sync.scheduleFileSync(`${page}.md`); } } export async function taskCycleAtPos(pos: number) { const text = await editor.getText(); const mdTree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); addParentPointers(mdTree); let node = nodeAtPos(mdTree, pos); if (node) { if (node.type === "TaskMark") { node = node.parent!; } if (node.type === "TaskState") { await cycleTaskState(node); } } } export async function taskCycleCommand() { const text = await editor.getText(); const pos = await editor.getCursor(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); addParentPointers(tree); let node = nodeAtPos(tree, pos); if (!node) { await editor.flashNotification("No task at cursor"); return; } if (["BulletList", "Document"].includes(node.type!)) { // Likely at the end of the line, let's back up a position node = nodeAtPos(tree, pos - 1); } if (!node) { await editor.flashNotification("No task at cursor"); return; } console.log("Node", node); const taskNode = node.type === "Task" ? node : findParentMatching(node!, (n) => n.type === "Task"); if (!taskNode) { await editor.flashNotification("No task at cursor"); return; } const taskState = findNodeOfType(taskNode!, "TaskState"); if (taskState) { await cycleTaskState(taskState); } } export async function postponeCommand() { const text = await editor.getText(); const pos = await editor.getCursor(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); addParentPointers(tree); const node = nodeAtPos(tree, pos)!; // We kwow node.type === DeadlineDate (due to the task context) const date = getDeadline(node); const option = await editor.filterBox( "Postpone for...", [ { name: "a day", orderId: 1 }, { name: "a week", orderId: 2 }, { name: "following Monday", orderId: 3 }, ], "Select the desired time span to delay this task", ); if (!option) { return; } // Parse "naive" due date const [yyyy, mm, dd] = date.split("-").map(Number); // Create new naive Date object. // `monthIndex` parameter is zero-based, so subtract 1 from parsed month. const d = new Date(yyyy, mm - 1, dd); switch ( { case "a day": d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); break; case "a week": d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7); break; case "following Monday": d.setDate(d.getDate() + ((7 - d.getDay() + 1) % 7 || 7)); break; } // console.log("New date", niceDate(d)); await editor.dispatch({ changes: { from: node.from, to:, insert: `📅 ${niceDate(d)}`, }, selection: { anchor: pos, }, }); }