/// import { KV, KVStore } from "./kv_store.ts"; const kvBatchSize = 10; export class DenoKVStore implements KVStore { constructor(private kv: Deno.Kv) { } del(key: string): Promise { return this.batchDelete([key]); } async deletePrefix(prefix: string): Promise { const allKeys: string[] = []; for await ( const result of this.kv.list( prefix ? { start: [prefix], end: [endRange(prefix)], } : { prefix: [] }, ) ) { allKeys.push(result.key[0] as string); } return this.batchDelete(allKeys); } deleteAll(): Promise { return this.deletePrefix(""); } set(key: string, value: any): Promise { return this.batchSet([{ key, value }]); } async batchSet(kvs: KV[]): Promise { // Split into batches of kvBatchSize const batches: KV[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < kvs.length; i += kvBatchSize) { batches.push(kvs.slice(i, i + kvBatchSize)); } for (const batch of batches) { let batchOp = this.kv.atomic(); for (const { key, value } of batch) { batchOp = batchOp.set([key], value); } const res = await batchOp.commit(); if (!res.ok) { throw res; } } } async batchDelete(keys: string[]): Promise { const batches: string[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += kvBatchSize) { batches.push(keys.slice(i, i + kvBatchSize)); } for (const batch of batches) { let batchOp = this.kv.atomic(); for (const key of batch) { batchOp = batchOp.delete([key]); } const res = await batchOp.commit(); if (!res.ok) { throw res; } } } async batchGet(keys: string[]): Promise { const results: any[] = []; const batches: Deno.KvKey[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += kvBatchSize) { batches.push(keys.slice(i, i + kvBatchSize).map((k) => [k])); } for (const batch of batches) { const res = await this.kv.getMany(batch); results.push(...res.map((r) => r.value)); } return results; } async get(key: string): Promise { return (await this.kv.get([key])).value; } async has(key: string): Promise { return (await this.kv.get([key])).value !== null; } async queryPrefix(keyPrefix: string): Promise<{ key: string; value: any }[]> { const results: { key: string; value: any }[] = []; for await ( const result of this.kv.list( keyPrefix ? { start: [keyPrefix], end: [endRange(keyPrefix)], } : { prefix: [] }, ) ) { results.push({ key: result.key[0] as string, value: result.value as any, }); } return results; } } function endRange(prefix: string) { const lastChar = prefix[prefix.length - 1]; const nextLastChar = String.fromCharCode(lastChar.charCodeAt(0) + 1); return prefix.slice(0, -1) + nextLastChar; }