import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"; import { IconDefinition } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; export type Option = { name: string; orderId?: number; hint?: string; }; function magicSorter(a: Option, b: Option): number { if (a.orderId && b.orderId) { return a.orderId < b.orderId ? -1 : 1; } return < ? -1 : 1; } function escapeRegExp(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } function fuzzyFilter(pattern: string, options: Option[]): Option[] { let closeMatchRegex = escapeRegExp(pattern); closeMatchRegex = closeMatchRegex.split(/\s+/).join(".*?"); closeMatchRegex = closeMatchRegex.replace(/\\\//g, ".*?\\/.*?"); const distantMatchRegex = escapeRegExp(pattern).split("").join(".*?"); const r1 = new RegExp(closeMatchRegex, "i"); const r2 = new RegExp(distantMatchRegex, "i"); let matches = []; if (!pattern) { return options; } for (let option of options) { let m = r1.exec(; if (m) { matches.push({ ...option, orderId: 100000 - (options.length - m[0].length - m.index), }); } else { // Let's try the distant matcher var m2 = r2.exec(; if (m2) { matches.push({ ...option, orderId: 10000 - (options.length - m2[0].length - m2.index), }); } } } return matches; } export function FilterList({ placeholder, options, label, onSelect, onKeyPress, allowNew = false, helpText = "", icon, newHint, }: { placeholder: string; options: Option[]; label: string; onKeyPress?: (key: string, currentText: string) => void; onSelect: (option: Option | undefined) => void; allowNew?: boolean; helpText: string; newHint?: string; icon?: IconDefinition; }) { const searchBoxRef = useRef(null); const [text, setText] = useState(""); const [matchingOptions, setMatchingOptions] = useState( options.sort(magicSorter) ); const [selectedOption, setSelectionOption] = useState(0); let selectedElementRef = useRef(null); function filterUpdate(e: React.ChangeEvent) { updateFilter(; } function updateFilter(originalPhrase: string) { const searchPhrase = originalPhrase.toLowerCase(); if (searchPhrase) { let foundExactMatch = false; let results = fuzzyFilter(searchPhrase, options); results = results.sort(magicSorter); if (allowNew && !foundExactMatch) { results.push({ name: originalPhrase, hint: newHint, }); } setMatchingOptions(results); } else { let results = options.sort(magicSorter); setMatchingOptions(results); } setText(originalPhrase); setSelectionOption(0); } useEffect(() => { updateFilter(text); }, [options]); useEffect(() => { searchBoxRef.current!.focus(); }, []); useEffect(() => { function closer() { onSelect(undefined); } document.addEventListener("click", closer); return () => { document.removeEventListener("click", closer); }; }, []); const returnEl = (
{ // console.log("Key up", e.key); if (onKeyPress) { onKeyPress(e.key, text); } switch (e.key) { case "ArrowUp": setSelectionOption(Math.max(0, selectedOption - 1)); break; case "ArrowDown": setSelectionOption( Math.min(matchingOptions.length - 1, selectedOption + 1) ); break; case "Enter": onSelect(matchingOptions[selectedOption]); e.preventDefault(); break; case "Escape": onSelect(undefined); break; } }} />
{matchingOptions && matchingOptions.length > 0 ?, idx) => (
{ setSelectionOption(idx); }} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); onSelect(option); }} > {icon && } {} {option.hint && {option.hint}}
)) : null}
); useEffect(() => { selectedElementRef.current?.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest", }); }); return returnEl; }