import { ControllerMessage, Manifest, WorkerLike, WorkerMessage, } from "./types"; interface SysCallMapping { [key: string]: (...args: any) => Promise | any; } export class Sandbox { protected worker: WorkerLike; protected reqId = 0; protected outstandingInits = new Map void>(); protected outstandingInvocations = new Map< number, { resolve: (result: any) => void; reject: (e: any) => void } >(); protected loadedFunctions = new Set(); protected system: System; constructor(system: System, worker: WorkerLike) { worker.onMessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); this.worker = worker; this.system = system; } isLoaded(name: string) { return this.loadedFunctions.has(name); } async load(name: string, code: string): Promise { this.worker.postMessage({ type: "load", name: name, code: code, } as WorkerMessage); return new Promise((resolve) => { this.loadedFunctions.add(name); this.outstandingInits.set(name, resolve); }); } async onMessage(data: ControllerMessage) { switch (data.type) { case "inited": let initCb = this.outstandingInits.get(!); initCb && initCb(); this.outstandingInits.delete(!); break; case "syscall": try { let result = await this.system.syscall(!, data.args!); this.worker.postMessage({ type: "syscall-response", id:, result: result, } as WorkerMessage); } catch (e: any) { this.worker.postMessage({ type: "syscall-response", id:, error: e.message, } as WorkerMessage); } break; case "result": let resultCbs = this.outstandingInvocations.get(!); this.outstandingInvocations.delete(!); if (data.error) { resultCbs && resultCbs.reject(new Error(data.error)); } else { resultCbs && resultCbs.resolve(data.result); } break; default: console.error("Unknown message type", data); } } async invoke(name: string, args: any[]): Promise { this.reqId++; this.worker.postMessage({ type: "invoke", id: this.reqId, name, args, }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.outstandingInvocations.set(this.reqId, { resolve, reject }); }); } stop() { this.worker.terminate(); } } export class Plug { system: System; sandbox: Sandbox; public manifest?: Manifest; constructor(system: System, name: string, sandbox: Sandbox) { this.system = system; this.sandbox = sandbox; } async load(manifest: Manifest) { this.manifest = manifest; await this.dispatchEvent("load"); } async invoke(name: string, args: Array): Promise { if (!this.sandbox.isLoaded(name)) { const funDef = this.manifest!.functions[name]; if (!funDef) { throw new Error(`Function ${name} not found in manifest`); } await this.sandbox.load(name, this.manifest!.functions[name].code!); } return await this.sandbox.invoke(name, args); } async dispatchEvent(name: string, data?: any): Promise { let functionsToSpawn = this.manifest![name]; if (functionsToSpawn) { return await Promise.all( async (functionToSpawn: string) => await this.invoke(functionToSpawn, [data]) ) ); } else { return []; } } async stop() { this.sandbox.stop(); } } export class System { protected plugs = new Map>(); registeredSyscalls: SysCallMapping = {}; registerSyscalls(...registrationObjects: SysCallMapping[]) { for (const registrationObject of registrationObjects) { for (let p in registrationObject) { this.registeredSyscalls[p] = registrationObject[p]; } } } async syscall(name: string, args: Array): Promise { const callback = this.registeredSyscalls[name]; if (!name) { throw Error(`Unregistered syscall ${name}`); } if (!callback) { throw Error(`Registered but not implemented syscall ${name}`); } return Promise.resolve(callback(...args)); } async load( name: string, manifest: Manifest, sandbox: Sandbox ): Promise> { const plug = new Plug(this, name, sandbox); await plug.load(manifest); this.plugs.set(name, plug); return plug; } async dispatchEvent(name: string, data?: any): Promise { let promises = []; for (let plug of this.plugs.values()) { promises.push(plug.dispatchEvent(name, data)); } return await Promise.all(promises); } async stop(): Promise { return Promise.all( Array.from(this.plugs.values()).map((plug) => plug.stop()) ); } }