import { dispatch } from "@plugos/plugos-syscall/event"; import { addParentPointers, collectNodesOfType, findNodeOfType, } from "@silverbulletmd/common/tree"; import { flashNotification, getText, hideBhs, showBhs, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/editor"; import { parseMarkdown } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/markdown"; import { deletePage, listPages, readPage, writePage, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/space"; import { invokeFunction, reloadPlugs, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/system"; import YAML from "yaml"; import { extractMeta } from "../query/data"; import type { Manifest } from "@silverbulletmd/common/manifest"; export async function compileCommand() { let text = await getText(); try { let manifest = await compileDefinition(text); await writePage( `_plug/${}`, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) ); console.log("Wrote this plug", manifest); await hideBhs(); await reloadPlugs(); } catch (e: any) { await showBhs(e.message); // console.error("Got this error from compiler", e.message); } } export async function checkCommand() { let text = await getText(); try { await compileDefinition(text); await hideBhs(); reloadPlugs(); } catch (e: any) { await showBhs(e.message); // console.error("Got this error from compiler", e.message); } } async function compileDefinition(text: string): Promise { let tree = await parseMarkdown(text); let codeNodes = collectNodesOfType(tree, "FencedCode"); let manifest: Manifest | undefined; let code: string | undefined; let language = "js"; for (let codeNode of codeNodes) { let codeInfo = findNodeOfType(codeNode, "CodeInfo")!.children![0].text!; let codeText = findNodeOfType(codeNode, "CodeText")!.children![0].text!; if (codeInfo === "yaml") { manifest = YAML.parse(codeText); continue; } if (codeInfo === "typescript" || codeInfo === "ts") { language = "ts"; } code = codeText; } if (!manifest) { throw new Error("No meta found"); } if (!code) { throw new Error("No code found"); } manifest.dependencies = manifest.dependencies || {}; for (let [dep, depSpec] of Object.entries(manifest.dependencies)) { let compiled = await invokeFunction("server", "compileModule", depSpec); manifest.dependencies![dep] = compiled; } manifest.functions = manifest.functions || {}; for (let [name, func] of Object.entries(manifest.functions)) { let compiled = await invokeFunction( "server", "compileJS", `file.${language}`, code, name, Object.keys(manifest.dependencies) ); func.code = compiled; } console.log("Doing the whole manifest thing"); return manifest; } export async function compileJS( filename: string, code: string, functionName: string, excludeModules: string[] ): Promise { // console.log("Compiling JS", filename, excludeModules); return self.syscall( "esbuild.compile", filename, code, functionName, excludeModules ); } export async function compileModule(moduleName: string): Promise { return self.syscall("esbuild.compileModule", moduleName); } async function listPlugs(): Promise { let unfilteredPages = await listPages(true); return unfilteredPages .filter((p) =>"_plug/")) .map((p) =>"_plug/".length)); } export async function listCommand() { console.log(await listPlugs()); } export async function updatePlugsCommand() { flashNotification("Updating plugs..."); await invokeFunction("server", "updatePlugs"); flashNotification("And... done!"); await reloadPlugs(); } export async function updatePlugs() { let { text: plugPageText } = await readPage("PLUGS"); let tree = await parseMarkdown(plugPageText); let codeTextNode = findNodeOfType(tree, "CodeText"); if (!codeTextNode) { console.error("Could not find yaml block in PLUGS"); return; } let plugYaml = codeTextNode.children![0].text; let plugList = YAML.parse(plugYaml!); console.log("Plug YAML", plugList); let allPlugNames: string[] = []; for (let plugUri of plugList) { let [protocol,] = plugUri.split(":"); let manifests = await dispatch(`get-plug:${protocol}`, rest.join(":")); if (manifests.length === 0) { console.error("Could not resolve plug", plugUri); } // console.log("Got manifests", plugUri, protocol, manifests); let manifest = manifests[0]; allPlugNames.push(; // console.log("Writing", `_plug/${}`); await writePage( `_plug/${}`, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) ); } // And delete extra ones for (let existingPlug of await listPlugs()) { if (!allPlugNames.includes(existingPlug)) { console.log("Removing plug", existingPlug); await deletePage(`_plug/${existingPlug}`); } } await reloadPlugs(); } export async function getPlugPlugMd(pageName: string): Promise { let { text } = await readPage(pageName); console.log("Compiling", pageName); return compileDefinition(text); }