import { syntaxTree } from "@codemirror/language"; import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, } from "@codemirror/view"; import { Range } from "@codemirror/state"; interface WrapElement { selector: string; class: string; nesting?: boolean; } function wrapLines(view: EditorView, wrapElements: WrapElement[]) { let widgets: Range<Decoration>[] = []; let elementStack: string[] = []; for (let { from, to } of view.visibleRanges) { const doc = view.state.doc; syntaxTree(view.state).iterate({ from, to, enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { const bodyText = doc.sliceString(from, to); for (let wrapElement of wrapElements) { if ( == wrapElement.selector) { if (wrapElement.nesting) { elementStack.push(; } const bodyText = doc.sliceString(from, to); let idx = from; for (let line of bodyText.split("\n")) { let cls = wrapElement.class; if (wrapElement.nesting) { cls = `${cls} ${cls}-${elementStack.length}`; } widgets.push( Decoration.line({ class: cls, }).range(doc.lineAt(idx).from) ); idx += line.length + 1; } } } }, leave({ type }) { for (let wrapElement of wrapElements) { if ( == wrapElement.selector && wrapElement.nesting) { elementStack.pop(); } } }, }); } // Widgets have to be sorted by `from` in ascending order widgets = widgets.sort((a, b) => { return a.from < b.from ? -1 : 1; }); return Decoration.set(widgets); } export const lineWrapper = (wrapElements: WrapElement[]) => ViewPlugin.fromClass( class { decorations: DecorationSet; constructor(view: EditorView) { this.decorations = wrapLines(view, wrapElements); } update(update: ViewUpdate) { if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged) { this.decorations = wrapLines(update.view, wrapElements); } } }, { decorations: (v) => v.decorations, } );