{ "tasks": { "clean": "rm -rf dist dist_bundle", "install": "deno install -f -A --unstable silverbullet.ts", "check": "find web common server plugs cmd plug-api plugos -name '*.ts*' | xargs deno check", "test": "deno test -A --unstable", "build": "deno run -A --unstable --check build_plugs.ts && deno run -A --unstable --check build_web.ts", "plugs": "deno run -A --unstable --check build_plugs.ts", "watch-web": "deno run -A --unstable --check build_web.ts --watch", "watch-server": "deno run -A --unstable --check --watch silverbullet.ts", // The only reason to run a shell script is that deno task doesn't support globs yet (e.g. *.plug.yaml) "watch-plugs": "deno run -A --unstable --check build_plugs.ts -w", "bundle": "deno bundle silverbullet.ts dist/silverbullet.js", // Regenerates some bundle files (checked into the repo) // Install lezer-generator with "npm install -g @lezer/generator" "generate": "deno run -A plugos/gen.ts && lezer-generator common/markdown_parser/query.grammar -o common/markdown_parser/parse-query.js", // Install npm dependencies for desktop app "desktop:deps": "cd desktop && npm install", // Run the desktop app for local development "desktop:run": "cd desktop && npm start", // Build the desktop app as a package for this platform "desktop:build": "deno task build && deno task bundle && cd desktop && npm run make", // Mobile "mobile:deps": "cd mobile && npm install && npx cap sync", "mobile:clean-build": "deno task clean && deno task plugs && deno run -A --unstable --check build_mobile.ts && cd mobile && npx cap copy && npx cap open ios", "mobile:build": "deno run -A --unstable --check build_mobile.ts && cd mobile && npx cap copy && npx cap open ios" }, "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable", "deno.ns"], "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": "https://esm.sh/preact@10.11.1" }, "importMap": "import_map.json", "lint": { "files": { "exclude": [ "dist", "dist_bundle" ] }, "rules": { "exclude": ["no-explicit-any"] } }, "test": { "files": { "exclude": ["plugos/forked", "plugos/sqlite/deno-sqlite"] } }, "fmt": { "files": { "exclude": [ "dist", "dist_bundle", "pages", "website", "test_space", "plugos/environments/worker_bundle.json" ] } } }