## Stack Silver Bullet is written in [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and built on top of the excellent [CodeMirror 6](https://codemirror.net/) editor component. Additional UI is built using React.js. [ParcelJS](https://parceljs.org/) is used to build both the front-end and back-end bundles. The server backend runs as a HTTP server on node.js using express. ## Development This [Silver Bullet repo](https://github.com/zefhemel/silverbullet) is a monorepo using npm's "workspaces" feature. Requirements: node 16+ and npm 8+ as well as C/C++ compilers (for compiling SQLite, on debian/ubuntu style systems you get these via the `build-essential` package) To run, after clone: ```shell # Install dependencies npm install # Run initial build (web app, server, etc.) npm run build # Again, to install the CLIs just built (plugos-bundler, silverbullet) npm install # Build built-in plugs npm run build-plugs # Launch server npm run server -- ``` This `` can be any folder with markdown files, upon first boot SB will ensure there is an `index.md` file (root page) and `PLUGS.md` file (with default list of plugs to load). SB will also create a SQLite `data.db` file with various data caches and indices (you can delete this file at any time and use the `Space: Reindex` command to reindex everything). Open SB at http://localhost:3000 If you're using a browser supporting PWAs, you can install this page as a PWA. This also works on iOS (use the "Add to homescreen" option in the share menu). General development workflow: Run these in separate terminals ```shell # Runs ParcelJS in watch mode, rebuilding the server and webapp continuously on change npm run watch # Runs the silverbullet server npm run server # Builds (and watches for changes) all builtin plugs (in packages/plugs) npm run plugs ```