# How to setup SilverBullet with Authelia
In order for SilverBullet to work as intended, some files will need to be excluded from your authentication method of choice. These files need to always be accessible, for example for offline or [[PWA]] support.

The files are the following:
- The web manifest
- The app icon
- The service worker

These files can be whitelisted by adjusting your Authelia configuration to something like this:

  default_policy: deny
    - domain: silverbullet.yourdomain.com
        - '/.client/manifest.json$'
        - '/.client/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.png$'
        - '/service_worker.js$'
      policy: bypass
    - domain: yourdomain.com
      policy: two_factor

Please adjust this to fit your specific needs. The important part is that the files are associated with `policy: bypass`.