import { nodeAtPos } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { editor, markdown, system } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { events } from "$sb/plugos-syscall/mod.ts"; type UnfurlOption = { id: string; name: string; }; export async function unfurlCommand() { const mdTree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(await editor.getText()); const nakedUrlNode = nodeAtPos(mdTree, await editor.getCursor()); const url = nakedUrlNode!.children![0].text!; console.log("Got URL to unfurl", url); const optionResponses = await events.dispatchEvent("unfurl:options", url); const options: UnfurlOption[] = []; for (const resp of optionResponses) { options.push(...resp); } const selectedUnfurl: any = await editor.filterBox( "Unfurl", options, "Select the unfurl strategy of your choice", ); if (!selectedUnfurl) { return; } try { const replacement = await system.invokeFunction( "server", "unfurlExec",, url, ); await editor.replaceRange( nakedUrlNode?.from!, nakedUrlNode?.to!, replacement, ); } catch (e: any) { await editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } } export function titleUnfurlOptions(): UnfurlOption[] { return [ { id: "title-unfurl", name: "Extract title", }, ]; } // Run on the server because plugs will likely rely on fetch for this export async function unfurlExec(id: string, url: string): Promise<string> { const replacement = await events.dispatchEvent(`unfurl:${id}`, url); if (replacement.length === 0) { throw new Error("Unfurl failed"); } else { return replacement[0]; } } const titleRegex = /<title[^>]*>\s*([^<]+)\s*<\/title\s*>/i; export async function titleUnfurl(url: string): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(url); if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300) { console.error("Unfurl failed", await response.text()); throw new Error(`Failed to fetch: ${await response.statusText}`); } const body = await response.text(); const match = titleRegex.exec(body); if (match) { return `[${match[1]}](${url})`; } else { throw new Error("No title found"); } }