import Handlebars from "handlebars"; import { space } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { niceDate } from "$sb/lib/dates.ts"; import { PageMeta } from "../../web/types.ts"; const maxWidth = 70; export function defaultJsonTransformer(_k: string, v: any) { if (v === undefined) { return ""; } return "" + v; } // Nicely format an array of JSON objects as a Markdown table export function jsonToMDTable( jsonArray: any[], valueTransformer: (k: string, v: any) => string = defaultJsonTransformer, ): string { const fieldWidths = new Map(); for (const entry of jsonArray) { for (const k of Object.keys(entry)) { let fieldWidth = fieldWidths.get(k); if (!fieldWidth) { fieldWidth = valueTransformer(k, entry[k]).length; } else { fieldWidth = Math.max(valueTransformer(k, entry[k]).length, fieldWidth); } fieldWidths.set(k, fieldWidth); } } let fullWidth = 0; for (const v of fieldWidths.values()) { fullWidth += v + 1; } const headerList = [...fieldWidths.keys()]; const lines = []; lines.push( "|" + headerList .map( (headerName) => headerName + charPad(" ", fieldWidths.get(headerName)! - headerName.length), ) .join("|") + "|", ); lines.push( "|" + headerList .map((title) => charPad("-", fieldWidths.get(title)!)) .join("|") + "|", ); for (const val of jsonArray) { const el = []; for (const prop of headerList) { const s = valueTransformer(prop, val[prop]); el.push(s + charPad(" ", fieldWidths.get(prop)! - s.length)); } lines.push("|" + el.join("|") + "|"); } return lines.join("\n"); function charPad(ch: string, length: number) { if (fullWidth > maxWidth && ch === "") { return ""; } else if (fullWidth > maxWidth && ch === "-") { return "--"; } if (length < 1) { return ""; } return new Array(length + 1).join(ch); } } export async function renderTemplate( pageMeta: PageMeta, renderTemplate: string, data: any[], ): Promise { let templateText = await space.readPage(renderTemplate); templateText = `{{#each .}}\n${templateText}\n{{/each}}`; const template = Handlebars.compile(templateText, { noEscape: true }); return template(data, buildHandebarOptions(pageMeta)); } export function buildHandebarOptions(pageMeta: PageMeta) { return { helpers: handlebarHelpers(, data: { page: pageMeta }, }; } export function handlebarHelpers(pageName: string) { return { json: (v: any) => JSON.stringify(v), niceDate: (ts: any) => niceDate(new Date(ts)), escapeRegexp: (ts: any) => { return ts.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); }, prefixLines: (v: string, prefix: string) => v.split("\n").map((l) => prefix + l).join("\n"), substring: (s: string, from: number, to: number, elipsis = "") => s.length > to - from ? s.substring(from, to) + elipsis : s, today: () => niceDate(new Date()), tomorrow: () => { const tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); return niceDate(tomorrow); }, yesterday: () => { const yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); return niceDate(yesterday); }, lastWeek: () => { const lastWeek = new Date(); lastWeek.setDate(lastWeek.getDate() - 7); return niceDate(lastWeek); }, nextWeek: () => { const nextWeek = new Date(); nextWeek.setDate(nextWeek.getDate() + 7); return niceDate(nextWeek); }, }; }