Live Queries enable a (quasi) live view on various data sources, usually [[Objects]], and renders their results inline via [[Live Preview]] either as a template, or using [[Templates]]. ## Syntax The syntax of live queries are inspired by [SQL]( Below is a query that demonstrates some of the supported clauses, hover over the result and click the edit icon to shows the code that generates the view: ```query page order by lastModified desc where size > 100 select name limit 10 render [[template/page]] ``` It’s most convenient to use `/query` [[Slash Commands]] to insert a query in a page. For those comfortable reading such things [here you can find the full query grammar]( The general syntax is to specify a `querySource` followed by a number of clauses that modify or restrict. If you haven’t already, check out how [[Objects]] work in SilverBullet. ## Clauses ## `where` [[@expression]] A `where` clause filters out all objects that do not match a certain condition. You can have multiple `where` clauses if you like, which will have the same effect as combining them with the `and` keyword. Here is a simple example based on a custom tag `#person` (see [[Objects]] on how this works): ```#person name: John age: 7 --- name: Pete age: 25 ``` To query all `person`s that are above age 21, we can use the following `where` clause: ```query person where page = "{{}}" and age > 21 ``` ## `order by` [[@expression]] In order to sort results, a `order by` clause can be used, optionally with `desc` to order in descending order (ascending is the default): ```query person where page = "{{}}" order by age desc ``` ## `limit` [[@expression]] To limit the number of results, you can use a `limit` clause: ```query person where page = "{{}}" limit 1 ``` ### `select` To select only specific attributes from the result set, you can use the `select` clause. You can use it either simply as `select attribute1, attribute2` but also select the value of certain expressions and give them a name via the `select age + 1 as nextYear` syntax: ```query person where page = "{{}}" select name, age, age + 1 as nextYear ``` ### `render [[template]]` By default results are rendered as a table, to instead render each result item using [[Templates|a template]], use the `render` clause: ```query person where page = "{{}}" render [[template/person]] ``` ## Expressions $expression Primitives: * strings: `"a string"` * numbers: `10` * booleans: `true` or `false` * regular expressions: `/[a-z]+/` * null: `null` * lists: `["value 1", 10, false]` Attributes can be accessed via the `attribute` syntax, and nested attributes via `attribute.subattribute.subsubattribute`. Logical expressions: * and: `name = "this" and age > 10` * or: `name = "this" or age > 10` Binary expressions: * `=` equals. * For scalar values this performance an equivalence tests (e.g. `10 = 10`) * If the left operand is an array and the right operand is _not_, this will will check if the right operand is _included_ in the left operand’s value, e.g. `[1, 2, 3] = 2` will be true. * If both operands are arrays, they will be compared for equivalence ignoring order, so this will be true: `[1, 2, 3] = [3, 2, 1]` * `!=` the exact inverse of the meaning of `=`, e.g. `name != "Pete"` * `<` less than, e.g. `age < 10` * `<=` less than or equals, e.g. `age <= 10` * `>` greater than, e.g. `age > 10` * `>=` greater than or equals, e.g. `age >= 10` * `=~` to match against a regular expression, e.g. `name =~ /^template\//` * `!=~` to not match a regular expression, e.g. `name !=~ /^template\//` * `in` member of a list (e.g. `prop in ["foo", "bar"]`) * `+` addition (can also concatenate strings), e.g. `10 + 12` or `name + "!!!"` * `-` subtraction, e.g. `10 - 12` * `/` addition, e.g. `10 / 12` * `*` multiplication, e.g. `10 * 12` * `%` modulo, e.g. `10 % 12` Operator precedence follows standard rules, use parentheses when in doubt, e.g. `(age > 10) or (name = "Pete")`