// This is the runtime imported from the compiled plug worker code import type { ControllerMessage, WorkerMessage } from "./protocol.ts"; import type { ProxyFetchRequest, ProxyFetchResponse, } from "../common/proxy_fetch.ts"; declare global { function syscall(name: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>; } if (typeof Deno === "undefined") { // @ts-ignore: Deno hack self.Deno = { args: [], // @ts-ignore: Deno hack build: { arch: "x86_64", }, env: { // @ts-ignore: Deno hack get() { }, }, }; } const pendingRequests = new Map< number, { resolve: (result: unknown) => void; reject: (e: any) => void; } >(); let syscallReqId = 0; function workerPostMessage(msg: ControllerMessage) { self.postMessage(msg); } self.syscall = async (name: string, ...args: any[]) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { syscallReqId++; pendingRequests.set(syscallReqId, { resolve, reject }); workerPostMessage({ type: "sys", id: syscallReqId, name, args, }); }); }; export function setupMessageListener( // deno-lint-ignore ban-types functionMapping: Record<string, Function>, manifest: any, ) { self.addEventListener("message", (event: { data: WorkerMessage }) => { (async () => { const data = event.data; switch (data.type) { case "inv": { const fn = functionMapping[data.name!]; if (!fn) { throw new Error(`Function not loaded: ${data.name}`); } try { const result = await Promise.resolve(fn(...(data.args || []))); workerPostMessage({ type: "invr", id: data.id, result: result, } as ControllerMessage); } catch (e: any) { console.error( "An exception was thrown as a result of invoking function", data.name, "error:", e, ); workerPostMessage({ type: "invr", id: data.id!, error: e.message, }); } } break; case "sysr": { const syscallId = data.id; const lookup = pendingRequests.get(syscallId); if (!lookup) { throw Error("Invalid request id"); } pendingRequests.delete(syscallId); if (data.error) { lookup.reject(new Error(data.error)); } else { lookup.resolve(data.result); } } break; } })().catch(console.error); }); // Signal initialization with manifest workerPostMessage({ type: "manifest", manifest, }); } export function base64Decode(s: string): Uint8Array { const binString = atob(s); const len = binString.length; const bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binString.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes; } export function base64Encode(buffer: Uint8Array | string): string { if (typeof buffer === "string") { buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(buffer); } let binary = ""; const len = buffer.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]); } return btoa(binary); } export async function sandboxFetch( reqInfo: RequestInfo, options?: ProxyFetchRequest, ): Promise<ProxyFetchResponse> { if (typeof reqInfo !== "string") { const body = new Uint8Array(await reqInfo.arrayBuffer()); const encodedBody = body.length > 0 ? base64Encode(body) : undefined; options = { method: reqInfo.method, headers: Object.fromEntries(reqInfo.headers.entries()), base64Body: encodedBody, }; reqInfo = reqInfo.url; } return syscall("sandboxFetch.fetch", reqInfo, options); } // Monkey patch fetch() export function monkeyPatchFetch() { globalThis.nativeFetch = globalThis.fetch; // @ts-ignore: monkey patching fetch globalThis.fetch = async function ( reqInfo: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Response> { const encodedBody = init && init.body ? base64Encode( new Uint8Array(await (new Response(init.body)).arrayBuffer()), ) : undefined; const r = await sandboxFetch( reqInfo, init && { method: init.method, headers: init.headers as Record<string, string>, base64Body: encodedBody, }, ); return new Response(r.base64Body ? base64Decode(r.base64Body) : null, { status: r.status, headers: r.headers, }); }; } monkeyPatchFetch();