import { editor, events, markdown } from "$sb/syscalls.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts"; import { PublishEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts"; export async function publishCommand() { await; const text = await editor.getText(); const pageName = await editor.getCurrentPage(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); let { $share } = await extractFrontmatter(tree); if (!$share) { // Nothing to do here return; } if (!Array.isArray($share)) { $share = [$share]; } await editor.flashNotification("Sharing..."); try { await publish(pageName, $share); await editor.flashNotification("Done!"); } catch (e: any) { await editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } } async function publish(pageName: string, uris: string[]) { for (const uri of uris) { const publisher = uri.split(":")[0]; const results = await events.dispatchEvent( `share:${publisher}`, { uri: uri, name: pageName, } as PublishEvent, ); if (results.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Unsupported publisher: ${publisher} for URI: ${uri}`); } } }