import { get, set } from "@plugos/plugos-syscall/store"; import { flashNotification } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/editor"; import { getVersion, invokeFunction, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/system"; export async function editorInit() { let currentVersion = await getVersion(); console.log("Running version check", currentVersion); let lastVersion = await get("$silverBulletVersion"); console.log("Last version", lastVersion); if (lastVersion !== currentVersion) { await flashNotification( "Version update detected, going to reload plugs..." ); await set("$spaceIndexed", false); await set("$silverBulletVersion", currentVersion); invokeFunction("client", "updatePlugsCommand"); } else { let spaceIndexed = await get("$spaceIndexed"); console.log("Space indexed", spaceIndexed); if (!spaceIndexed) { await set("$spaceIndexed", true); await invokeFunction("client", "reindexSpaceCommand"); // Resetting this, because part of the reindex will be to wipe this too await set("$silverBulletVersion", currentVersion); } } }