A lot of useful functionality in SilverBullet is implemented through [[Templates]], as well as regular [[Pages]]. Some of these you will create yourself for your own specific use, but many are generic and generally useful. Libraries offer a way to _distribute_ sets of templates and pages easily. # What’s in a library Here are some things that a library may provide: * Various [[Slash Commands]], such as `/today`, `/task`, `/table`. * Useful [[Page Templates]] * Useful widgets such as [[Table of Contents]] or [[Linked Mentions]] * Useful pages that help you perform maintenance on your space, like detecting broken links, such as [[Library/Core/Page/Maintenance]]. # What libraries are on offer? Libraries are still a young concept in SilverBullet and therefore we’re still exploring how to organize and structure these. Currently, we have the following libraries available: * [[Library/Core]]: this is the library you want to import _for sure_. Just do it. * [[Library/Journal]]: for the journalers among us.