This commit is contained in:
Zef Hemel 2022-09-13 08:46:30 +02:00
parent d9338543eb
commit 43b5f62210
3 changed files with 8 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -4,22 +4,18 @@ echo "Building silver bullet"
npm run clean-build
echo "Cleaning website build dir"
rm -rf website_build
mkdir -p website_build/page/_plug
mkdir -p website_build/fs/_plug
echo "Copying silverbullet runtime files"
cp -r packages/web/dist/* website_build/
echo "Copying netlify config files"
cp website/{_redirects,_headers} website_build/
echo "Copying website markdown files"
cp -r website/* website_build/page/
rm website_build/page/{_redirects,_headers}
cp -r website/* website_build/fs/
rm website_build/fs/{_redirects,_headers}
echo "Copying standard set of plugs"
cp packages/plugs/dist/* website_build/page/_plug/
echo "Applying rename magic"
find website_build/page/ -depth -name "*.md" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.md}"' _ {} \;
find website_build/page/ -depth -name "*.plug.json" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.plug.json}"' _ {} \;
cp packages/plugs/dist/* website_build/fs/_plug/
echo "Generating file listing"
node scripts/generate_fs_list.js > website_build/index.json

View File

@ -12,15 +12,12 @@ async function getFiles(dir) {
return Array.prototype.concat(...files);
const rootDir = resolve("website_build/page");
const rootDir = resolve("website_build/fs");
getFiles(rootDir).then((files) => {
files = files
.map((file) => ({
name: file
.substring(rootDir.length + 1)
.replace(/\.md$/, "")
.replace(/\.plug\.json$/, ""),
name: file.substring(rootDir.length + 1),
lastModified: 0,
perm: "rw",

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Content-Type: application/json
Last-Modified: 0
X-Permission: ro
Content-Type: text/markdown
Last-Modified: 0
X-Permission: rw