You can deploy SilverBullet to [Deno Deploy]( for free, and store space content in [Deno KV]( This is a convenient option to deploy SilverBullet in the cloud, without having to run or pay for a server.
*`SB_USER`: (e.g. `pete:letmein`) —this is **super important** otherwise your space will be open to anybody without any authentication
*`SB_AUTH_TOKEN`: (Optional) If you would like to migrate existing content from elsewhere (e.g. a local folder) using [[Sync]], you will want to configure an authentication token here (pick something secure).
This setup stores you [[Spaces]] content in Deno’s KV database, which is still a beta feature and not specifically designed for this purpose. Therefore it’s recommended to use something like [[Sync]] to make backups elsewhere.