2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
var $hVExJ$jestglobals = require ( "@jest/globals" ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
var $hVExJ$handlebars = require ( "handlebars" ) ;
var $hVExJ$yaml = require ( "yaml" ) ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
var $hVExJ$lezerlr = require ( "@lezer/lr" ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
function $parcel$interopDefault ( a ) {
return a && a . _ _esModule ? a . default : a ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$6dd7a1b2f91e0e12 ( tree ) {
if ( ! tree . children ) return ;
for ( let child of tree . children ) {
if ( child . parent ) // Already added parent pointers before
return ;
child . parent = tree ;
$255163dfff8c42fb$export$6dd7a1b2f91e0e12 ( child ) ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$7bbc263cafa7dd78 ( tree ) {
delete tree . parent ;
if ( ! tree . children ) return ;
for ( let child of tree . children ) $255163dfff8c42fb$export$7bbc263cafa7dd78 ( child ) ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$6dcbc6776594ee95 ( tree , matchFn ) {
let node = tree . parent ;
while ( node ) {
if ( matchFn ( node ) ) return node ;
node = node . parent ;
return null ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$dddeb721bf64f8df ( tree , nodeType ) {
return $255163dfff8c42fb$export$b86407c733c9fe3 ( tree , ( n ) => n . type === nodeType
) ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$b86407c733c9fe3 ( tree , matchFn ) {
if ( matchFn ( tree ) ) return [
] ;
let results = [ ] ;
if ( tree . children ) for ( let child of tree . children ) results = [
... results ,
... $255163dfff8c42fb$export$b86407c733c9fe3 ( child , matchFn )
] ;
return results ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$90b8ac453fa63932 ( tree , substituteFn ) {
if ( tree . children ) {
let children = tree . children . slice ( ) ;
for ( let child of children ) {
let subst = substituteFn ( child ) ;
if ( subst !== undefined ) {
let pos = tree . children . indexOf ( child ) ;
if ( subst ) tree . children . splice ( pos , 1 , subst ) ;
else // null = delete
tree . children . splice ( pos , 1 ) ;
} else $255163dfff8c42fb$export$90b8ac453fa63932 ( child , substituteFn ) ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$4d49acedd23f9b0a ( tree , matchFn ) {
return $255163dfff8c42fb$export$b86407c733c9fe3 ( tree , matchFn ) [ 0 ] ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( tree , nodeType ) {
return $255163dfff8c42fb$export$b86407c733c9fe3 ( tree , ( n ) => n . type === nodeType
) [ 0 ] ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$a41716fb83443983 ( tree , pos ) {
if ( pos < tree . from || pos > tree . to ) return null ;
if ( ! tree . children ) return tree ;
for ( let child of tree . children ) {
let n = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$a41716fb83443983 ( child , pos ) ;
if ( n && n . text !== undefined ) // Got a text node, let's return its parent
return tree ;
else if ( n ) // Got it
return n ;
return null ;
function $255163dfff8c42fb$export$f21c5276b1e9847a ( tree ) {
let pieces = [ ] ;
if ( tree . text !== undefined ) return tree . text ;
for ( let child of tree . children ) pieces . push ( $255163dfff8c42fb$export$f21c5276b1e9847a ( child ) ) ;
return pieces . join ( "" ) ;
function $88d466d5aaf7a497$export$87cc1c28aef74af1 ( text , n , offset = 0 ) {
let children = [ ] ;
let nodeText ;
let child = n . firstChild ;
while ( child ) {
children . push ( $88d466d5aaf7a497$export$87cc1c28aef74af1 ( text , child ) ) ;
child = child . nextSibling ;
if ( children . length === 0 ) children = [
from : n . from + offset ,
to : n . to + offset ,
text : text . substring ( n . from , n . to )
} ,
] ;
else {
let newChildren = [ ] ;
let index = n . from ;
for ( let child of children ) {
let s = text . substring ( index , child . from ) ;
if ( s ) newChildren . push ( {
from : index + offset ,
to : child . from + offset ,
text : s
} ) ;
newChildren . push ( child ) ;
index = child . to ;
let s = text . substring ( index , n . to ) ;
if ( s ) newChildren . push ( {
from : index + offset ,
to : n . to + offset ,
text : s
} ) ;
children = newChildren ;
let result = {
type : n . name ,
from : n . from + offset ,
to : n . to + offset
} ;
if ( children . length > 0 ) result . children = children ;
if ( nodeText ) result . text = nodeText ;
return result ;
function $88d466d5aaf7a497$export$98e6a39c04603d36 ( language , text ) {
let tree = $88d466d5aaf7a497$export$87cc1c28aef74af1 ( text , language . parser . parse ( text ) . topNode ) ;
// replaceNodesMatching(tree, (n): MarkdownTree | undefined | null => {
// if (n.type === "FencedCode") {
// let infoN = findNodeMatching(n, (n) => n.type === "CodeInfo");
// let language = infoN!.children![0].text;
// let textN = findNodeMatching(n, (n) => n.type === "CodeText");
// let text = textN!.children![0].text!;
// console.log(language, text);
// switch (language) {
// case "yaml":
// let parsed = StreamLanguage.define(yaml).parser.parse(text);
// let subTree = treeToAST(text, parsed.topNode, n.from);
// // console.log(JSON.stringify(subTree, null, 2));
// subTree.type = "yaml";
// return subTree;
// }
// }
// return;
// });
return tree ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
const $d85524f23de2149a$export$8f49e4af10703ce3 = $hVExJ$lezerlr . LRParser . deserialize ( {
version : 13 ,
states : "&fOVQPOOOmQQO'#C^QOQPOOOtQPO'#C`OyQQO'#CkO!OQPO'#CmO!TQPO'#CnO!YQPO'#CoOOQO'#Cp'#CpO!_QQO,58xO!fQQO'#CcO#TQQO'#CaOOQO'#Ca'#CaOOQO,58z,58zO#lQPO,59VOOQO,59X,59XO#qQQO'#D`OOQO,59Y,59YOOQO,59Z,59ZOOQO-E6n-E6nO$YQQO,58}OtQPO,58|O$qQQO1G.qO%]QPO'#CrO%bQQO,59zOOQO'#Cg'#CgOOQO'#Ci'#CiO$YQQO'#CjOOQO'#Cd'#CdOOQO1G.i1G.iOOQO1G.h1G.hOOQO'#Cl'#ClOOQO7+$]7+$]OOQO,59^,59^OOQO-E6p-E6pO%yQPO'#C|O&RQPO,59UO$YQQO'#CqO&WQPO,59hOOQO1G.p1G.pOOQO,59],59]OOQO-E6o-E6o" ,
stateData : "&`~OiOS~ORPO~OjRO|SO!QTO!RUO!TVO~OgQX~P[ORYO~O}^O~OX_O~OR`O~OYbO~OgQa~P[OkdOsdOtdOudOvdOwdOxdOydOzdO~O{eOgTXjTX|TX!QTX!RTX!TTX~ORfO~OqgOg!SXj!SX|!SX!Q!SX!R!SX!T!SX~OXlOYlO[lOliOmiOnjOokO~O!OoO!PoOg_ij_i|_i!Q_i!R_i!T_i~ORqO~OqgOg!Saj!Sa|!Sa!Q!Sa!R!Sa!T!Sa~OquOrpX~OrwO~OquOrpa~O" ,
nodeNames : "⚠ Program Query Name WhereClause LogicalExpr AndExpr FilterExpr Value Number String Bool Regex Null List OrderClause Order LimitClause SelectClause RenderClause" ,
maxTerm : 51 ,
skippedNodes : [
] ,
repeatNodeCount : 3 ,
tokenData : "Ap~R}X^$Opq$Oqr$srs%W|}%r}!O%w!P!Q&Y!Q!['P!^!_'X!_!`'f!`!a's!c!}%w!}#O(Q#P#Q(V#R#S%w#T#U([#U#V*q#V#W%w#W#X+m#X#Y%w#Y#Z-i#Z#]%w#]#^/y#^#`%w#`#a0u#a#b%w#b#c3Y#c#d5U#d#f%w#f#g7i#g#h:e#h#i=a#i#k%w#k#l?]#l#o%w#y#z$O$f$g$O#BY#BZ$O$IS$I_$O$Ip$Iq%W$Iq$Ir%W$I|$JO$O$JT$JU$O$KV$KW$O&FU&FV$O~$TYi~X^$Opq$O#y#z$O$f$g$O#BY#BZ$O$IS$I_$O$I|$JO$O$JT$JU$O$KV$KW$O&FU&FV$O~$vP!_!`$y~%OPu~#r#s%R~%WOy~~%ZUOr%Wrs%ms$Ip%W$Ip$Iq%m$Iq$Ir%m$Ir~%W~%rOY~~%wOq~P%|SRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%w~&_V[~OY&YZ]&Y^!P&Y!P!Q&t!Q#O&Y#O#P&y#P~&Y~&yO[~~&|PO~&Y~'UPX~!Q!['P~'^Pk~!_!`'a~'fOs~~'kPt~#r#s'n~'sOx~~'xPw~!_!`'{~(QOv~~(VOo~~([Or~R(aWRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c(y#c#g%w#g#h)u#h#o%wR)OURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X)b#X#o%wR)iS{QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR)zURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W*^#W#o%wR*eS!PQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR*vURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#m%w#m#n+Y#n#o%wR+aS}QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR+rURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y,U#Y#o%wR,ZURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#g%w#g#h,m#h#o%wR,rURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W-U#W#o%wR-]S!OQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR-nTRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#U-}#U#o%wR.SURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a.f#a#o%wR.kURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#g%w#g#h.}#h#o%wR/SURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y/f#Y#o%wR/mSmQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR0OURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c0b#c#o%wR0iSzQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR0zURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#]%w#]#^1^#^#o%wR1cURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#a%w#a#b1u#b#o%wR1zURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#]%w#]#^2^#^#o%wR2cURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#h%w#h#i2u#i#o%wR2|S!QQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR3_URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#i%w#i#j3q#j#o%wR3vURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a4Y#a#o%wR4_URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a4q#a#o%wR4xSnQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR5ZURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g5m#g#o%wR5rURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X6U#X#o%wR6ZURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y6m#Y#o%wR6rURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g7U#g#o%wR7]S|QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR7nURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y8Q#Y#o%wR8VURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c8i#c#o%wR8nURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X9Q#X#o%wR9VURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y9i#Y#o%wR9nURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g:Q#g#o%wR:XS!TQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR:jURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y:|#Y#o%wR;RURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a;e#a#o%wR;jURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y;|#Y#o%wR<RURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W<e#W#o%wR<jURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#h%w#h#i<|#i#o%wR=TS!RQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR=fURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g=x#g#o%wR=}URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#i%w#i#j>a#j#o%wR>fURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y>x#Y#o%wR?PSlQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR?bURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#[%w#[#]?t#]#o%wR?yURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y@]#Y#o%wR@bURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g@t#g#o%wR@yURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#YA]#Y#o%wRAdSjQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%w" ,
tokenizers : [
0 ,
] ,
topRules : {
"Program" : [
0 ,
} ,
tokenPrec : 0
} ) ;
const $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c = self . syscall ;
async function $2780e5830b4782c9$export$c3455d2d4767a60b ( unfiltered = false ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "space.listPages" , unfiltered ) ;
async function $2780e5830b4782c9$export$126f79da5c357ad ( name ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "space.readPage" , name ) ;
async function $2780e5830b4782c9$export$7ed3b3f07f54e00c ( name , text ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "space.writePage" , name , text ) ;
async function $2780e5830b4782c9$export$2e9858c25869c949 ( name ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "space.deletePage" , name ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$7945ba8eb1c827e6 ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.getCurrentPage" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$5e830c5f3cd8a610 ( newName ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.setPage" , newName ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$c72d34660a162238 ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.getText" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$da3f040fb23d21f ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.getCursor" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$a1544dad697b423d ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.save" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$ff7962acd6052c28 ( name , pos ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.navigate" , name , pos ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$da22d4a5076a7905 ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.reloadPage" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$a238cfe4a10e6279 ( url ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.openUrl" , url ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$4f02334034b5dd8c ( message ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.flashNotification" , message ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$83b9d7a71bc0a208 ( label , options , helpText = "" , placeHolder = "" ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.filterBox" , label , options , helpText , placeHolder ) ;
2022-05-09 12:59:12 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$53ed0b99a5f8822e ( html , script , flex = 1 ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.showRhs" , html , script , flex ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$f19f28e8a128fabe ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.hideRhs" ) ;
2022-05-09 12:59:12 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$dcf0ace441f4b3a4 ( html , script , flex = 1 ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.showLhs" , html , script , flex ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$1be2ad20c6324dcf ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.hideLhs" ) ;
2022-05-09 12:59:12 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$6ebe231c70cc6efb ( html , script , flex = 1 ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.showBhs" , html , script , flex ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$a7a5aa8ba1cd9dc3 ( ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.hideBhs" ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$f1124a4ce9f9bf29 ( text , pos ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.insertAtPos" , text , pos ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$54cb80d99fa58e48 ( from , to , text ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.replaceRange" , from , to , text ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$185d1f0722e636b2 ( pos ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.moveCursor" , pos ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$df659347c0c138a9 ( text ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.insertAtCursor" , text ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$c4c1b7dbe675fa50 ( re ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.matchBefore" , re ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$635e15bbd66f01ea ( change ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.dispatch" , change ) ;
function $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$195ba6d62321b933 ( message , defaultValue = "" ) {
return $4ba3510c824e3aea$export$c5be9092dbf465c ( "editor.prompt" , message , defaultValue ) ;
const $c3893eec0c49ec96$var$dateMatchRegex = /(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2})/g ;
function $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$5dc1410f87262ed6 ( d ) {
return d . toISOString ( ) . split ( "T" ) [ 0 ] ;
async function $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$151bb3c215c78d5a ( ) {
await $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$df659347c0c138a9 ( $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$5dc1410f87262ed6 ( new Date ( ) ) ) ;
async function $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$2177dd573df27382 ( ) {
let d = new Date ( ) ;
d . setDate ( d . getDate ( ) + 1 ) ;
await $11a7e2bff790f35a$export$df659347c0c138a9 ( $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$5dc1410f87262ed6 ( d ) ) ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
function $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( query ) {
let n1 = $88d466d5aaf7a497$export$87cc1c28aef74af1 ( query , $d85524f23de2149a$export$8f49e4af10703ce3 . parse ( query ) . topNode ) ;
// Clean the tree a bit
$255163dfff8c42fb$export$90b8ac453fa63932 ( n1 , ( n ) => {
if ( ! n . type ) {
let trimmed = n . text . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! trimmed ) return null ;
n . text = trimmed ;
} ) ;
// console.log("Parsed", JSON.stringify(n, null, 2));
let queryNode = n1 . children [ 0 ] ;
let parsedQuery = {
table : queryNode . children [ 0 ] . children [ 0 ] . text ,
filter : [ ]
} ;
let orderByNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( queryNode , "OrderClause" ) ;
if ( orderByNode ) {
let nameNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( orderByNode , "Name" ) ;
parsedQuery . orderBy = nameNode . children [ 0 ] . text ;
let orderNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( orderByNode , "Order" ) ;
parsedQuery . orderDesc = orderNode ? orderNode . children [ 0 ] . text === "desc" : false ;
let limitNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( queryNode , "LimitClause" ) ;
if ( limitNode ) {
let nameNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( limitNode , "Number" ) ;
parsedQuery . limit = $9072202279b76d33$var$valueNodeToVal ( nameNode ) ;
let filterNodes = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$dddeb721bf64f8df ( queryNode , "FilterExpr" ) ;
for ( let filterNode of filterNodes ) {
let val = undefined ;
let valNode = filterNode . children [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] ;
val = $9072202279b76d33$var$valueNodeToVal ( valNode ) ;
let f = {
prop : filterNode . children [ 0 ] . children [ 0 ] . text ,
op : filterNode . children [ 1 ] . text ,
value : val
} ;
parsedQuery . filter . push ( f ) ;
let selectNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( queryNode , "SelectClause" ) ;
if ( selectNode ) {
// console.log("Select node", JSON.stringify(selectNode));
parsedQuery . select = [ ] ;
$255163dfff8c42fb$export$dddeb721bf64f8df ( selectNode , "Name" ) . forEach ( ( t ) => {
parsedQuery . select . push ( t . children [ 0 ] . text ) ;
} ) ;
// let nameNode = findNodeOfType(selectNode, "Number");
// parsedQuery.limit = +nameNode!.children![0].text!;
let renderNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( queryNode , "RenderClause" ) ;
if ( renderNode ) {
let renderNameNode = $255163dfff8c42fb$export$80a8b4335833eeeb ( renderNode , "String" ) ;
parsedQuery . render = $9072202279b76d33$var$valueNodeToVal ( renderNameNode ) ;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(queryNode, null, 2));
return parsedQuery ;
function $9072202279b76d33$var$valueNodeToVal ( valNode ) {
switch ( valNode . type ) {
case "Number" :
return + valNode . children [ 0 ] . text ;
case "Bool" :
return valNode . children [ 0 ] . text === "true" ;
case "Null" :
return null ;
case "Name" :
return valNode . children [ 0 ] . text ;
case "Regex" :
let val = valNode . children [ 0 ] . text ;
return val . substring ( 1 , val . length - 1 ) ;
case "String" :
let stringVal = valNode . children [ 0 ] . text ;
return stringVal . substring ( 1 , stringVal . length - 1 ) ;
case "List" :
return $255163dfff8c42fb$export$dddeb721bf64f8df ( valNode , "Value" ) . map ( ( t ) => $9072202279b76d33$var$valueNodeToVal ( t . children [ 0 ] )
) ;
function $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( parsedQuery , records ) {
let resultRecords = [ ] ;
if ( parsedQuery . filter . length === 0 ) resultRecords = records . slice ( ) ;
else recordLoop : for ( let record of records ) {
const recordAny = record ;
for ( let { op : op , prop : prop , value : value } of parsedQuery . filter ) switch ( op ) {
case "=" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] == value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "!=" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] != value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "<" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] < value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "<=" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] <= value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case ">" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] > value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case ">=" :
if ( ! ( recordAny [ prop ] >= value ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "=~" :
// TODO: Cache regexps somehow
if ( ! new RegExp ( value ) . exec ( recordAny [ prop ] ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "!=~" :
if ( new RegExp ( value ) . exec ( recordAny [ prop ] ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
case "in" :
if ( ! value . includes ( recordAny [ prop ] ) ) continue recordLoop ;
break ;
resultRecords . push ( recordAny ) ;
// Now the sorting
if ( parsedQuery . orderBy ) resultRecords = resultRecords . sort ( ( a , b ) => {
const orderBy = parsedQuery . orderBy ;
const orderDesc = parsedQuery . orderDesc ;
if ( a [ orderBy ] === b [ orderBy ] ) return 0 ;
if ( a [ orderBy ] < b [ orderBy ] ) return orderDesc ? 1 : - 1 ;
else return orderDesc ? - 1 : 1 ;
} ) ;
if ( parsedQuery . limit ) resultRecords = resultRecords . slice ( 0 , parsedQuery . limit ) ;
if ( parsedQuery . select ) resultRecords = resultRecords . map ( ( rec ) => {
let newRec = {
} ;
for ( let k of parsedQuery . select ) newRec [ k ] = rec [ k ] ;
return newRec ;
} ) ;
return resultRecords ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
async function $9072202279b76d33$export$b3c659c1456e61b0 ( parsedQuery , data ) {
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
if ( parsedQuery . render ) {
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$handlebars ) ) . registerHelper ( "json" , ( v ) => JSON . stringify ( v )
) ;
( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$handlebars ) ) . registerHelper ( "niceDate" , ( ts ) => $c3893eec0c49ec96$export$5dc1410f87262ed6 ( new Date ( ts ) )
) ;
( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$handlebars ) ) . registerHelper ( "yaml" , ( v , prefix ) => {
if ( typeof prefix === "string" ) {
let yaml = ( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$yaml ) ) . stringify ( v ) . split ( "\n" ) . join ( "\n" + prefix ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( v ) ) return "\n" + prefix + yaml ;
else return yaml ;
} else return ( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$yaml ) ) . stringify ( v ) . trim ( ) ;
} ) ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
let { text : templateText } = await $2780e5830b4782c9$export$126f79da5c357ad ( parsedQuery . render ) ;
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
let template = ( $parcel$interopDefault ( $hVExJ$handlebars ) ) . compile ( templateText , {
noEscape : true
} ) ;
return template ( data ) ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
2022-04-29 16:54:27 +00:00
return "ERROR" ;
2022-04-28 09:55:38 +00:00
$hVExJ$jestglobals . test ( "Test parser" , ( ) => {
let parsedBasicQuery = $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page ` ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedBasicQuery . table ) . toBe ( "page" ) ;
let parsedQuery1 = $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` task where completed = false and dueDate <= "{{today}}" order by dueDate desc limit 5 ` ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . table ) . toBe ( "task" ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . orderBy ) . toBe ( "dueDate" ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . orderDesc ) . toBe ( true ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . limit ) . toBe ( 5 ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . filter . length ) . toBe ( 2 ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . filter [ 0 ] ) . toStrictEqual ( {
op : "=" ,
prop : "completed" ,
value : false
} ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery1 . filter [ 1 ] ) . toStrictEqual ( {
op : "<=" ,
prop : "dueDate" ,
value : "{{today}}"
} ) ;
let parsedQuery2 = $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where name =~ /interview \\ /.*/" ` ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery2 . table ) . toBe ( "page" ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery2 . filter . length ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery2 . filter [ 0 ] ) . toStrictEqual ( {
op : "=~" ,
prop : "name" ,
value : "interview\\/.*"
} ) ;
let parsedQuery3 = $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where something != null ` ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery3 . table ) . toBe ( "page" ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery3 . filter . length ) . toBe ( 1 ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( parsedQuery3 . filter [ 0 ] ) . toStrictEqual ( {
op : "!=" ,
prop : "something" ,
value : null
} ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page select name ` ) . select ) . toStrictEqual ( [
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page select name, age ` ) . select ) . toStrictEqual ( [
"name" ,
"age" ,
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` gh-events where type in ["PushEvent", "somethingElse"] ` ) ) . toStrictEqual ( {
table : "gh-events" ,
filter : [
op : "in" ,
prop : "type" ,
value : [
"PushEvent" ,
} ,
} ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` something render "template/table" ` ) ) . toStrictEqual ( {
table : "something" ,
filter : [ ] ,
render : "template/table"
} ) ;
} ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . test ( "Test performing the queries" , ( ) => {
let data = [
name : "interview/My Interview" ,
lastModified : 1
} ,
name : "interview/My Interview 2" ,
lastModified : 2
} ,
name : "Pete" ,
age : 38
} ,
name : "Angie" ,
age : 28
} ,
] ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where name =~ /interview \\ /.*/ ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "interview/My Interview" ,
lastModified : 1
} ,
name : "interview/My Interview 2" ,
lastModified : 2
} ,
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where name =~ /interview \\ /.*/ order by lastModified ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "interview/My Interview" ,
lastModified : 1
} ,
name : "interview/My Interview 2" ,
lastModified : 2
} ,
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where name =~ /interview \\ /.*/ order by lastModified desc ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "interview/My Interview 2" ,
lastModified : 2
} ,
name : "interview/My Interview" ,
lastModified : 1
} ,
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where age > 30 ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "Pete" ,
age : 38
} ,
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where age > 28 and age < 38 ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [ ] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where age > 30 select name ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "Pete"
] ) ;
$hVExJ$jestglobals . expect ( $9072202279b76d33$export$5884dae03c64f759 ( $9072202279b76d33$export$1e8473eaf75b0d10 ( ` page where name in ["Pete"] select name ` ) , data ) ) . toStrictEqual ( [
name : "Pete"
] ) ;
} ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=engine.test.js.map