This plug provides various integrations with the [Mattermost suite]( of products. Please follow the installation, configuration sections, and have a look at the example.
* Integration with [Silver Bullet Share](, allowing you to publish and update a page as a post on Mattermost, as well as load existing posts into SB as a page using the {[Share: Mattermost Post: Publish]} (to publish an existing page as a Mattermost post) and {[Share: Mattermost Post: Load]} (to load an existing post into SB) commands.
* Access your saved posts via the `mm-saved` query provider
* Unfurl support for posts (after dumping a permalink URL to a post in a page, use the {[Link: Unfurl]} command).
*`mm-saved` fetches (by default 15) saved posts in Mattermost, you need to add a `where server = "community"` (with server name) clause to your query to select the mattermost server to query.
To make the `mm-saved` query results look good, it's recommended you render your query results a template. Here is one to start with, you can keep it in e.g. `templates/mm-saved`:
You can use the {[Share: Mattermost Post: Publish]} command to publish the current page to a channel. You will be prompted to select the server and channel to post to. A `$share` key will be injected into frontmatter after the initial post. Subsequent post edits can be published via the standard {[Share: Publish]} command.
## Loading a post into SB
Using the {[Share: Mattermost Post: Load]} command you can load an existing post into your space. All you need for this is to have the Mattermost authentication configured as described above. You will be prompted for a post permalink and a page to save it to. If you are the author of the post, the `$share` frontmatter will also be set up so you can change the page and push changes back into Mattermost.