*`GET /index.json` (when sent with an `Accept: application/json` request header): will return a full listing of all files in your space including metadata like when the file was last modified, as well as permissions. This is primarily for sync purposes with the client. A request sent without the mentioned `Accept` header will redirect to `/` (to better support authentication layers like [Authelia](https://www.authelia.com/)).
*`GET /*.*`: _Reads_ and returns the content of the file at the given path. This means that if you `GET /index.md` you will receive the content of your `index` page. The `GET` responsewill have a few additional SB-specific headers:
*`X-Last-Modified` as a UNIX timestamp in ms (as coming from `Data.now()`)
*`X-Permission`: either `rw` or `ro` which will change whether the editor opens in read-only or regular mode.