# Defines the "core" of a Fedora CoreOS like system; basically (ignition, ostree) # plus other default tweaks. Things in this file should be something we expect # basically everyone using both Ignition and (rpm-)ostree to want. # It may be used as an inheritance base by other projects like Fedora Silverblue or RHCOS. # One good model is to add fedora-coreos-config as a git submodule. See: # https://github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/pull/639 # Include rpm-ostree + kernel + bootloader include: bootable-rpm-ostree.yaml # Modern defaults we want boot-location: modules tmp-is-dir: true # Required by Ignition, and makes the system not compatible with Anaconda machineid-compat: true packages: - ignition - dracut-network # for encryption - clevis clevis-luks clevis-dracut clevis-systemd remove-from-packages: # We don't want systemd-firstboot.service. It conceptually conflicts with # Ignition. We also inject runtime bits to disable it in systemd-firstboot.service.d/fcos-disable.conf # to make it easier to use systemd builds from git. - [systemd, /usr/bin/systemd-firstboot, /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-firstboot.service, /usr/lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-firstboot.service] # We don't want auto-generated mount units. See also # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/13099 - [systemd-udev, /usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-gpt-auto-generator] postprocess: # Undo RPM scripts enabling units; we want the presets to be canonical # https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree/issues/1803 - | #!/usr/bin/env bash set -xeuo pipefail rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/* systemctl preset-all rm -rf /etc/systemd/user/* systemctl --user --global preset-all