![Sustain - Logo][logo] ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [Features](#features) - [Syntax highlighting](#syntax-highlighting) - [Disqus](#disqus) - [Google Analytics](#google-analytics) - [About](#about) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [License](#license) ******************** ![Sustain Screen][screenshot] ********************

Sustain Live Demo

## Installation #### With `git` From the root of your Hugo site, clone the theme into `themes/hugo-sustain` by running : ``` git clone https://github.com/nurlansu/hugo-sustain.git themes/hugo-sustain ``` #### Manual 1. [Download][zip-archive] zip archive. 2. Unarchive it. 3. Move `hugo-sustain` folder in `themes` folder of your blog For more information read the official [setup guide][hugo-guide] of Hugo. ## Quick start After installation, take a look in the `exampleSite` folder at. This directory contains an example config file and the content for the demo. It serves as an example setup for your documentation. ``` exampleSite ├── config.toml ├── content │   ├── projects.md │   │ │   └── blog │   ├── creating-a-new-theme.md │   ├── go-is-for-lovers.md │   ├── hugo-is-for-lovers.md │   └── migrate-from-jekyll.md │ ├── data │ └── projects.yml │ └── static ``` Copy at least the `config.toml` in the root directory of your website. Overwrite the existing config file if necessary. Hugo includes a development server, so you can view your changes as you go - very handy. Spin it up with the following command: ``` sh hugo serve ``` Now you can go to [localhost:1313][local] and the Sustain theme should be visible. ## Features ### Syntax highlighting Use `highlight = true` in the front matter to include [`highlight.js`][highlight-js] javascript and css files. ### Disqus To use this feature, uncomment and fill out the `disqusShortname` parameter in `config.toml`. ### Google Analytics To add Google Analytics, simply sign up to [Google Analytics][g-analytics] to obtain your Google Tracking ID, and add this tracking ID to the `googleAnalytics` parameter in `config.toml`. ## About This is a port of the Jekyll theme [Sustain][sustain-jekyll] by [Fábio Madeira][sustain-author]. It supports most of the features of the original theme. ## Contributing Pull requests, bug fixes, and new features are welcome! 1. Fork the repository 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -a -m 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request on GitHub ## Changelog > Version 1.0.1 - Added proper "Projects" page rendering - Fixes, many fixes > Version 1.0 - Initial release ## License


[logo]: https://i.nurlan.co/sustain.png [screenshot]: https://i.nurlan.co/sustain-screen.png [bootstrap]: https://getbootstrap.com/ [hugo]: https://gohugo.io/ [gh-pages]: https://pages.github.com/ [zip-archive]: https://github.com/nurlansu/hugo-sustain/archive/master.zip [hugo-guide]: https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/ [local]: http://localhost:1313/ [highlight-js]: https://highlightjs.org/ [g-analytics]: https://www.google.com/analytics/ [sustain-jekyll]: https://github.com/biomadeira/sustain/ [sustain-author]: https://github.com/biomadeira/