baseurl = "" languageCode = "en-US" title = "Chris Turner" # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname disqusShortname = "" # Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking code googleAnalytics = "" theme = "hugo-sustain" [permalinks] post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug" [params] avatar = "profile.png" author = "Chris Turner" description = "Describe your website" # Custom assets can be linked with their paths relative to static/ custom_css = [] custom_js = [] [social] Github = "username" Email = "" Twitter = "username" LinkedIn = "username" Stackoverflow = "username" ## Main Menu [[menu.main]] name = "blog" weight = 100 identifier = "blog" url = "/blog/" [[menu.main]] name = "projects" identifier = "projects" weight = 200 url = "/projects/" [[menu.main]] name = "resume" identifier = "resume" weight = 300 url = "/resume/"