mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:39:04 +00:00
Add sp_drain() where needed. Without it FreeBSD won't pass the handshake phase. Also decreate max buffer size. Tested with Pinecil v2 and it can write and check new firmware.
415 lines
12 KiB
415 lines
12 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <blisp.h>
#include <blisp_util.h>
#include <libserialport.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <linux/serial.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define DEBUG
static void drain(struct sp_port* port) {
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
int32_t blisp_device_init(struct blisp_device* device,
struct blisp_chip* chip) {
device->chip = chip;
device->is_usb = false;
return 0;
int32_t blisp_device_open(struct blisp_device* device, const char* port_name) {
int ret;
struct sp_port* serial_port = NULL;
if (port_name != NULL) {
ret = sp_get_port_by_name(port_name, &serial_port);
if (ret != SP_OK) {
blisp_dlog("Couldn't open device, err: %d", ret);
} else {
if (!device->chip->usb_isp_available) {
struct sp_port** port_list;
ret = sp_list_ports(&port_list);
if (ret != SP_OK) {
blisp_dlog("Couldn't list ports, err: %d", ret);
for (int i = 0; port_list[i] != NULL; i++) {
struct sp_port* port = port_list[i];
int vid, pid;
sp_get_port_usb_vid_pid(port, &vid, &pid);
if (vid == 0xFFFF && pid == 0xFFFF) {
ret = sp_get_port_by_name(sp_get_port_name(port), &serial_port);
if (ret != SP_OK) {
blisp_dlog("Couldn't open device, err: %d", ret);
if (serial_port == NULL) {
ret = sp_open(serial_port, SP_MODE_READ_WRITE);
if (ret != SP_OK) {
blisp_dlog("SP open failed: %d", ret);
return BLISP_ERR_UNKNOWN; // TODO: Maybe this should be that it can't open
// device?
// TODO: Handle errors in following functions, although, none of them *should*
// fail
sp_set_bits(serial_port, 8);
sp_set_parity(serial_port, SP_PARITY_NONE);
sp_set_stopbits(serial_port, 1);
sp_set_flowcontrol(serial_port, SP_FLOWCONTROL_NONE);
int vid, pid;
sp_get_port_usb_vid_pid(serial_port, &vid, &pid);
device->is_usb = pid == 0xFFFF;
// if (device->is_usb) {
// device->current_baud_rate = 2000000;
// } else {
device->current_baud_rate = 460800;
// }
#if 0
int fd;
sp_get_port_handle(serial_port, &fd);
struct serial_struct serial;
ioctl(fd, TIOCGSERIAL, &serial);
// serial.flags &= ~(ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY);
serial.flags |= ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY;
ioctl(fd, TIOCSSERIAL, &serial);
ret = sp_set_baudrate(serial_port, device->current_baud_rate);
if (ret != SP_OK) {
blisp_dlog("Set baud rate failed: %d... Also hello macOS user :)", ret);
device->serial_port = serial_port;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_send_command(struct blisp_device* device,
uint8_t command,
void* payload,
uint16_t payload_size,
bool add_checksum) {
int ret;
struct sp_port* serial_port = device->serial_port;
device->tx_buffer[0] = command;
device->tx_buffer[1] = 0;
device->tx_buffer[2] = payload_size & 0xFF;
device->tx_buffer[3] = (payload_size >> 8) & 0xFF;
if (add_checksum) {
uint32_t checksum = 0;
checksum += device->tx_buffer[2] + device->tx_buffer[3];
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) {
checksum += *(uint8_t*)((uint8_t*)payload + i);
device->tx_buffer[1] = checksum & 0xFF;
if (payload_size != 0) {
memcpy(&device->tx_buffer[4], payload, payload_size);
ret =
sp_blocking_write(serial_port, device->tx_buffer, 4 + payload_size, 1000);
if (ret != (4 + payload_size)) {
blisp_dlog("Received error or not written all data: %d", ret);
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_receive_response(struct blisp_device* device,
bool expect_payload) {
// TODO: Check checksum
int ret;
struct sp_port* serial_port = device->serial_port;
ret = sp_blocking_read(serial_port, &device->rx_buffer[0], 2, 1000);
if (ret < 2) {
blisp_dlog("Failed to receive response, ret: %d", ret);
return BLISP_ERR_UNKNOWN; // TODO: Terrible
} else if (device->rx_buffer[0] == 'O' && device->rx_buffer[1] == 'K') {
if (expect_payload) {
sp_blocking_read(serial_port, &device->rx_buffer[2], 2,
100); // TODO: Check if really we received the data.
uint16_t data_length =
(device->rx_buffer[3] << 8) | (device->rx_buffer[2]);
sp_blocking_read(serial_port, &device->rx_buffer[0], data_length, 100);
return data_length;
return 0;
} else if (device->rx_buffer[0] == 'P' && device->rx_buffer[1] == 'D') {
return BLISP_ERR_PENDING; // TODO: This might be rather positive return
// number?
} else if (device->rx_buffer[0] == 'F' && device->rx_buffer[1] == 'L') {
sp_blocking_read(serial_port, &device->rx_buffer[2], 2, 100);
device->error_code = (device->rx_buffer[3] << 8) | (device->rx_buffer[2]);
blisp_dlog("Chip returned error: %d", device->error_code);
blisp_dlog("Failed to receive any response (err: %d, %d - %d)", ret,
device->rx_buffer[0], device->rx_buffer[1]);
int32_t blisp_device_handshake(struct blisp_device* device, bool in_ef_loader) {
int ret;
uint8_t handshake_buffer[600];
struct sp_port* serial_port = device->serial_port;
if (!in_ef_loader && !device->is_usb) {
sp_set_rts(serial_port, SP_RTS_ON);
sp_set_dtr(serial_port, SP_DTR_ON);
sp_set_dtr(serial_port, SP_DTR_OFF);
sp_set_rts(serial_port, SP_RTS_OFF);
sleep_ms(50); // Wait a bit so BootROM can init
uint32_t bytes_count = device->chip->handshake_byte_multiplier *
(float)device->current_baud_rate / 10.0f;
if (bytes_count > 600)
bytes_count = 600;
memset(handshake_buffer, 'U', bytes_count);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (!in_ef_loader) {
if (device->is_usb) {
sp_blocking_write(serial_port, "BOUFFALOLAB5555RESET\0\0", 22, 100);
ret = sp_blocking_write(serial_port, handshake_buffer, bytes_count, 500);
// not sure about Apple part, but FreeBSD needs it
if (ret < 0) {
blisp_dlog("Handshake write failed, ret %d", ret);
if (!in_ef_loader && !device->is_usb) {
sp_drain(serial_port); // Wait for write to send all data
sp_flush(serial_port, SP_BUF_INPUT); // Flush garbage out of RX
ret = sp_blocking_read(serial_port, device->rx_buffer, 2, 50);
if (ret >= 2) {
if (device->rx_buffer[0] == 'O' && device->rx_buffer[1] == 'K') {
return BLISP_OK;
blisp_dlog("Received no response from chip.");
int32_t blisp_device_get_boot_info(struct blisp_device* device,
struct blisp_boot_info* boot_info) {
int ret;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x10, NULL, 0, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
memcpy(boot_info->boot_rom_version, &device->rx_buffer[0],
4); // TODO: Endianess
if (device->chip->type == BLISP_CHIP_BL70X) {
memcpy(boot_info->chip_id, &device->rx_buffer[16], 8);
// TODO: BL60X
return BLISP_OK;
// TODO: Use struct instead of uint8_t*
int32_t blisp_device_load_boot_header(struct blisp_device* device,
uint8_t* boot_header) {
int ret;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x11, boot_header, 176, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_load_segment_header(
struct blisp_device* device,
struct blisp_segment_header* segment_header) {
int ret;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x17, segment_header, 16, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, true); // TODO: Handle response
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_load_segment_data(struct blisp_device* device,
uint8_t* segment_data,
uint32_t segment_data_length) {
int ret;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x18, segment_data, segment_data_length,
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_check_image(struct blisp_device* device) {
int ret;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x19, NULL, 0, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_write_memory(struct blisp_device* device,
uint32_t address,
uint32_t value,
bool wait_for_res) {
int ret;
uint8_t payload[8];
*(uint32_t*)(payload) = address;
*(uint32_t*)(payload + 4) = value; // TODO: Endianness
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x50, payload, 8, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
if (wait_for_res) {
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_run_image(struct blisp_device* device) {
int ret;
if (device->chip->type == BLISP_CHIP_BL70X) { // ERRATA
ret = blisp_device_write_memory(device, 0x4000F100, 0x4E424845, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_device_write_memory(device, 0x4000F104, 0x22010000, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
// ret = blisp_device_write_memory(device, 0x40000018, 0x00000000);
// if (ret < 0) return ret;
ret = blisp_device_write_memory(device, 0x40000018, 0x00000002, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x1A, NULL, 0, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
int32_t blisp_device_flash_erase(struct blisp_device* device,
uint32_t start_address,
uint32_t end_address) {
uint8_t payload[8];
*(uint32_t*)(payload + 0) = start_address;
*(uint32_t*)(payload + 4) = end_address;
int ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x30, payload, 8, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
do {
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
} while (ret == BLISP_ERR_PENDING);
return 0;
int32_t blisp_device_flash_write(struct blisp_device* device,
uint32_t start_address,
uint8_t* payload,
uint32_t payload_size) {
// TODO: Add max payload size (8184?)
// TODO: Don't use malloc + add check
uint8_t* buffer = malloc(4 + payload_size);
*((uint32_t*)(buffer)) = start_address;
memcpy(buffer + 4, payload, payload_size);
int ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x31, buffer, payload_size + 4, true);
if (ret < 0)
goto exit1;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
return ret;
int32_t blisp_device_program_check(struct blisp_device* device) {
int ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x3A, NULL, 0, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return 0;
int32_t blisp_device_reset(struct blisp_device* device) {
int ret = blisp_send_command(device, 0x21, NULL, 0, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = blisp_receive_response(device, false);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return BLISP_OK;
void blisp_device_close(struct blisp_device* device) {
struct sp_port* serial_port = device->serial_port;
} |