
Quick and easy flasher/updater for Marauder (Devboard/WROOM)!

Looking for a Linux/Mac version? Check out SkeletonMan's Python edition! (WIP for Windows too including full automated downloads.)

Looking for a quick video walkthrough on how to use this flasher? Thanks to Lab401.com, you're in luck!
Or if you'd rather have a quick rundown of using the Flipper Application, check out this summary from haxez.org.


Now it's as easy as 1, 2, 3 to install or update Marauder on Windows.

  1. Download and extract the ZIP file above to the same directory.
  2. Hold BOOT on the devboard and plug it into your PC directly via USB.
  3. Double-click flash.bat from the extracted files then choose Flash or Update.
  • If you choose Flash Marauder the script will locate your board and flash Marauder automatically!
  • If you choose Update Marauder you'll be taken to the Marauder download location to grab a new version.
    (Simply download the Flipper BIN file, stick it in the Marauder subfolder by the batch file, and delete the old BIN.)
  • If you choose Save Flipper Blackmagic WiFi settings your current Blackmagic configuration will be saved.
  • If you choose Flash Flipper Blackmagic the script will flash the original Blackmagic firmware it shipped with.

Current Marauder version included in the ZIP: v0.10.7.20230609 (current release as of June 9, 2023)

Once the install has completed, head over here to learn more about what Marauder can do!

The batch file is also included above for review and to track coming changes.


Donation Information

Nothing is ever expected for the hoarding of digital files, creations I have made, or the people I may have helped.

I've had so many asking for me to add this.
Flipper_Blush Flipper_Love

BTC: 3AWgaL3FxquakP15ZVDxr8q8xVTc5Q75dS
BCH: 17nWCvf2YPMZ3F3H1seX8T149Z9E3BMKXk
ETH: 0x0f0003fCB0bD9355Ad7B124c30b9F3D860D5E191
LTC: M8Ujk52U27bkm1ksiWUyteL8b3rRQVMke2
PayPal: uberguidoz@gmail.com

So, here it is. All donations of any size are humbly appreciated.
Flipper_Clap Flipper_OMG

Donations will be used for hardware (and maybe caffeine) to further testing!