mirror of https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper.git synced 2025-03-06 15:59:00 +00:00
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Keeping all the IR files in my fork of the [Flipper-IRDB](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper-IRDB)! (I'm now able to maintain the entire branch.)
Did you know you can quickly generate your own IR files on the go at [Flipper Maker](https://flippermaker.github.io/)?
Looking for an updated Universal Remote files? Then you're in the right place! [Unleashed](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware) and [RogueMaster](https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins) both include these.<br>
***Now with ALL buttons too!*** All files developed with support/testing from [UberGuidoZ](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ). HUGE thank you to [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e) for maintenance!
[TV universal remote](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Infrared/tv.ir) compiled by [Hyper_Mash](https://discord.com/channels/740930220399525928/954422774141710366/994121751023853668) and maintained by [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e)<br>
[AC universal remote](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Infrared/ac.ir) added by [JEREMYNO](https://github.com/jaroslavmraz) and maintained by [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e).<br>
[Soundbar/Speakers universal remote](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Infrared/audio.ir) added and maintained by [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e).<br>
[Projector universal remote](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Infrared/projectors.ir) added by [xMasterx](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware/commit/029f82dc822e6d3515b39b839a2f70500dc9bb86) and maintained by [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e).<br>
[Fans universal remote](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Infrared/fans.ir) compiled by Edhel90 and maintained by [amec0e](https://github.com/amec0e)
[Unleashed firmware](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware/releases/latest) was the first to add all of the Universal Remotes. Highly advise checking out their work. (Thanks [xMasterx](https://github.com/xMasterx)!)
Huge thank you to [ChaoticDynamic aka c-nagy](https://github.com/c-nagy) for some duplicate signal and file cleanup ([details here](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/pull/16).)<br>
**You may have manifest file issues if you do not compile your own firmware, or use one of the listed firmwares above!**<br>
*Both unlocked firmwares have been tested successfully. Official has stated they will merge it at some point.*
**NOTE: Long pauses are normal, including 10-15 seconds of no apparent activity. It's just skipping through the "other" buttons.**
Click on the file of your choice and save it with a right-click from the `Raw` button here:
Then, use qFlipper to transfer it to your Flipper and replace the existing one (or add a new one) here:
***Again, you may have manifest file issues if you do not compile your own or use a tested firmware above!***
## Protocol info
This info was gathered from the respecctive locations in the firmwares comments. <br>
Ie. lib/infrared/encoder_decoder/`*`/infrared_protocol_`*`.h<br>
Some of the info doesn't show up well so view thew raw readme or [this commit](https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/commit/75e9de12b065bd5e572b8b9232c8b9670c8e6f91).
### Kaseikyo protocol description
https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote/blob/master/src/ir_Kaseikyo.hpp <br>
* Preamble Preamble Pulse Distance/Width Pause Preamble Preamble
* mark space Modulation up to period repeat repeat
* mark space
* 3360 1665 48 bit ...130000 3456 1728
` __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________`<br>
` ____ __________ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ ________________ ___________`
### NEC protocol description
https://radioparty.ru/manuals/encyclopedia/213-ircontrol?start=1 <br>
* Preamble Preamble Pulse Distance/Width Pause Preamble Preamble Stop
* mark space Modulation up to period repeat repeat bit
* mark space
* 9000 4500 32 bit + stop bit ...110000 9000 2250
` __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _`<br>
` ____ __________ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ ________________ ____________ ___`
### RC5 protocol description
* Manchester/biphase
* Modulation
* 888/1776 - bit (x2 for toggle bit)
` __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __`<br>
` __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _`<br>
* | 1 | 1 | 0 | ... | ... |
* s si T address (MSB) command (MSB)
* Note: manchester starts from space timing, so it have to be handled properly
* s - start bit (always 1)
* si - RC5: start bit (always 1), RC5X - 7-th bit of address (in our case always 0)
* T - toggle bit, change it's value every button press
* address - 5 bit
* command - 6/7 bit
### RC6 protocol description
* Preamble Manchester/biphase Silence
* mark/space Modulation
* 2666 889 444/888 - bit (x2 for toggle bit) 2666
` ________ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __`<br>
` _ _________ ____ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______________`<br>
* | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | ... | |
* s m2 m1 m0 T address (MSB) command (MSB)
* s - start bit (always 1)
* m0-2 - mode (000 for RC6)
* T - toggle bit, twice longer
* address - 8 bit
* command - 8 bit
### SAMSUNG32 protocol description
https://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/IRMP_-_english#SAMSUNG <br>
* Preamble Preamble Pulse Distance/Width Pause Preamble Preamble Bit1 Stop
* mark space Modulation repeat repeat bit
* mark space
* 4500 4500 32 bit + stop bit 40000/100000 4500 4500
` __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _`<br>
` _ __________ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ ________________ ____________ ____ ___`
### Sony SIRC protocol description
https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/sirc.php <br>
* Preamble Preamble Pulse Width Modulation Pause Entirely repeat
* mark space up to period message..
* 2400 600 12/15/20 bits (600,1200) ...45000 2400 600
` __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _`<br>
` ____ __________ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ ____________________ __________ _`
* | command | address |
* SIRC | 7b LSB | 5b LSB |
* SIRC15 | 7b LSB | 8b LSB |
* SIRC20 | 7b LSB | 13b LSB |
* No way to determine either next message is repeat or not,
* so recognize only fact message received. Sony remotes always send at least 3 messages.
* Assume 8 last extended bits for SIRC20 are address bits.
## Donation Information
Nothing is ever expected for the hoarding of digital files, creations I have made, or the people I may have helped.
## Ordering from Lab401? [USE THIS LINK FOR 5% OFF!](https://lab401.com/r?id=vsmgoc) (Or code `UberGuidoZ` at checkout.)
I've had so many asking for me to add this.<br>
![Flipper_Blush](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561666-4424a3cc-679b-4016-a368-24f7e7ad0a88.jpg) ![Flipper_Love](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561692-381d37bd-264f-4c88-8877-e58d60d9be6e.jpg)
**BTC**: `3AWgaL3FxquakP15ZVDxr8q8xVTc5Q75dS`<br>
**BCH**: `17nWCvf2YPMZ3F3H1seX8T149Z9E3BMKXk`<br>
**ETH**: `0x0f0003fCB0bD9355Ad7B124c30b9F3D860D5E191`<br>
**LTC**: `M8Ujk52U27bkm1ksiWUyteL8b3rRQVMke2`<br>
**PayPal**: `uberguidoz@gmail.com`
So, here it is. All donations of *any* size are humbly appreciated.<br>
![Flipper_Clap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561789-2e853ede-8ef7-41e8-a67c-716225177e5d.jpg) ![Flipper_OMG](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561787-e21bdc1e-b316-4e67-b327-5129503d0313.jpg)
Donations will be used for hardware (and maybe caffeine) to further testing!<br>