Flipper/BadUSB/MacOS-narstybits/Executions/DarkStorm bruteforce I.P.txt
2023-08-08 21:59:16 -07:00

56 lines
1.9 KiB

REM The script will open the Terminal,
REM execute the nmap command to scan for open ports,
REM run nikto for web server vulnerability scanning.
REM Runs Zap to test for Network vulerabilities, prints report to Desktop. You can change location to your flipper on line 48.
REM Tshark command-line tool for capturing and analyzing network traffic. Will create a new file named capture.pcap on your desktop
REM You can change location to your flipper on line 51.
REM Finally the script performs directory and file brute-forcing with gobuster and password files
REM Must store password file on Desktop and name it "common.txt"
REM nmap, nikto, and gobuster can all be downloaded using homebrew/terminal
REM command 'brew install nmap && brew install nikto && brew install gobuster'
REM Download wireshark to use the terminal Tshark command
REM Download the OWASP ZAP.app file from the official OWASP ZAP website
REM nikto command will not execute if you don't have the correct port assigned!
REM verify that the web server is indeed running on an open port
REM as indicated by the Nmap scan, before using the code!
REM Line 45 should look like this after port # is inserted "STRING nikto -h 13.371.118.34 -p 73"
REM To use this script, replace <13.371.118.34 with target_ip>
REM Author: Narsty
REM Title: DarkStorm bruteforce
REM Target: MacOS
REM Version: 1.0
REM Category: Execution
ID 05ac:021e Apple:Keyboard
DELAY 1000
STRING terminal
DELAY 1000
STRING nmap -p 1-1000 -T4 -Pn 13.371.118.34
DELAY 7000
STRING nikto -h 13.371.118.34 -p <Open port # goes here>
DELAY 7000
STRING /Applications/OWASP\ ZAP.app/Contents/Java/zap.sh -cmd -quickurl http://13.371.118.34 -quickout ~/Desktop/quick_scan_results.html
DELAY 7000
STRING tshark -i en0 -w ~/Desktop/capture.pcap
DELAY 7000
STRING gobuster dir -u http://13.371.118.34 -w ~/Desktop/common.txt -t 50 -q