# flipper-zero-animations
# Updates:
* (12-24-2022) New animations uploaded.
(Circle_Merge, Moon_Shift, Swipe, Tri_Bar, Ultra_Shift. Xplode, Bar_Shift, Bars)
* (12-22-22) New animations uploaded.
(HackerMan, Nyan, Smile, Vortex, StarSwirl)
* 🛠️ Some animations may require tuning in the meta file to work better.
* 🚧 Everything here is a work in progress.
# Installation:
+ Download and Unzip desired animation folder.
+ Connect Flipper device to Qflipper or connect microSD directly into PC.
+ Navigate to the root of the SD card and open the dolphin folder. (all flipper animatons and manifest.txt inside)
+ Drag the entire extracted animation folder into the dolphin folder. (Should contain frames and meta.txt)
+ Edit the manifest.txt inside the dolphin folder to include the new animation folder.
+ Save the new manifest to the dolphin folder and re-insert SD card if using Card reader.
+ Restart Flipper.
# Manifest Example.

# Animation Previews:
* Preview: HackerMan
* Preview: Nyan
* Preview: Smile
* Preview: Vortex
* Preview: Star_Swirl
* Preview: Barcode_Fast_Shift (Buggy)
* Preview: Circle_Merge (Buggy)
* Preview: Moon_Shift
* Preview: Screen_Wipe (Buggy)
* Preview: Tri_Bar
* Preview: Trippy_Bar
* Preview: Ultra_Shift
* Preview: Xplosion
# More coming soon...