let storage = require("storage"); let path = "/ext/storage.test"; function arraybuf_to_string(arraybuf) { let string = ""; let data_view = Uint8Array(arraybuf); for (let i = 0; i < data_view.length; i++) { string += chr(data_view[i]); } return string; } print("File exists:", storage.exists(path)); print("Writing..."); // write(path, data, offset) // If offset is specified, the file is not cleared, content is kept and data is written at specified offset // Takes both strings and array buffers storage.write(path, "Hello "); print("File exists:", storage.exists(path)); // Append will create the file even if it doesnt exist! // Takes both strings and array buffers storage.append(path, "World!"); print("Reading..."); // read(path, size, offset) // If no size specified, total filesize is used // If offset is specified, size is capped at (filesize - offset) let data = storage.read(path); // read returns an array buffer, to allow proper usage of raw binary data print(arraybuf_to_string(data)); print("Removing...") storage.remove(path); print("Done") // There's also: // storage.copy(old_path, new_path); // storage.move(old_path, new_path); // storage.mkdir(path);