/* Copyright (C) 2023 Salvatore Sanfilippo -- All Rights Reserved * See the LICENSE file for information about the license. */ #include <furi.h> #include <furi_hal.h> #include <storage/storage.h> #include <input/input.h> #include <gui/gui.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gui/gui.h> #include <gui/view_dispatcher.h> #include <gui/scene_manager.h> #include <math.h> #include <notification/notification.h> #include <notification/notification_messages.h> #define TAG "Asteroids" // Used for logging #define DEBUG_MSG 1 #define SCREEN_XRES 128 #define SCREEN_YRES 64 #define GAME_START_LIVES 3 #define TTLBUL 30 /* Bullet time to live, in ticks. */ #define MAXBUL 5 /* Max bullets on the screen. */ #define MAXAST 32 /* Max asteroids on the screen. */ #define SHIP_HIT_ANIMATION_LEN 15 #define SAVING_DIRECTORY "/ext/apps/Games" #define SAVING_FILENAME SAVING_DIRECTORY "/game_asteroids.save" #ifndef PI #define PI 3.14159265358979f #endif /* ============================ Data structures ============================= */ typedef struct Ship { float x, /* Ship x position. */ y, /* Ship y position. */ vx, /* x velocity. */ vy, /* y velocity. */ rot; /* Current rotation. 2*PI full ortation. */ } Ship; typedef struct Bullet { float x, y, vx, vy; /* Fields like in ship. */ uint32_t ttl; /* Time to live, in ticks. */ } Bullet; typedef struct Asteroid { float x, y, vx, vy, rot, /* Fields like ship. */ rot_speed, /* Angular velocity (rot speed and sense). */ size; /* Asteroid size. */ uint8_t shape_seed; /* Seed to give random shape. */ } Asteroid; typedef struct AsteroidsApp { /* GUI */ Gui* gui; ViewPort* view_port; /* We just use a raw viewport and we render everything into the low level canvas. */ FuriMessageQueue* event_queue; /* Keypress events go here. */ /* Game state. */ int running; /* Once false exists the app. */ bool gameover; /* Gameover status. */ uint32_t ticks; /* Game ticks. Increments at each refresh. */ uint32_t score; /* Game score. */ uint32_t highscore; /* Highscore. Shown on Game Over Screen */ bool is_new_highscore; /* Is the last score a new highscore? */ uint32_t lives; /* Number of lives in the current game. */ uint32_t ship_hit; /* When non zero, the ship was hit by an asteroid and we need to show an animation as long as its value is non-zero (and decrease it's value at each tick of animation). */ /* Ship state. */ struct Ship ship; /* Bullets state. */ struct Bullet bullets[MAXBUL]; /* Each bullet state. */ int bullets_num; /* Active bullets. */ uint32_t last_bullet_tick; /* Tick the last bullet was fired. */ /* Asteroids state. */ Asteroid asteroids[MAXAST]; /* Each asteroid state. */ int asteroids_num; /* Active asteroids. */ uint32_t pressed[InputKeyMAX]; /* pressed[id] is true if pressed. Each array item contains the time in milliseconds the key was pressed. */ bool fire; /* Short press detected: fire a bullet. */ } AsteroidsApp; const NotificationSequence sequence_thrusters = { &message_vibro_on, &message_delay_10, &message_vibro_off, NULL, }; const NotificationSequence sequence_brake = { &message_vibro_on, &message_delay_10, &message_delay_1, &message_delay_1, &message_vibro_off, NULL, }; const NotificationSequence sequence_crash = { &message_red_255, &message_vibro_on, // &message_note_g5, // Play sound but currently disabled &message_delay_25, // &message_note_e5, &message_vibro_off, &message_sound_off, NULL, }; const NotificationSequence sequence_bullet_fired = { &message_vibro_on, // &message_note_g5, // Play sound but currently disabled. Need On/Off menu setting &message_delay_10, &message_delay_1, &message_delay_1, &message_delay_1, &message_delay_1, &message_delay_1, // &message_note_e5, &message_vibro_off, &message_sound_off, NULL, }; /* ============================== Prototyeps ================================ */ // Only functions called before their definition are here. bool load_game(AsteroidsApp* app); void save_game(AsteroidsApp* app); void restart_game_after_gameover(AsteroidsApp* app); uint32_t key_pressed_time(AsteroidsApp* app, InputKey key); /* ============================ 2D drawing ================================== */ /* This structure represents a polygon of at most POLY_MAX points. * The function draw_poly() is able to render it on the screen, rotated * by the amount specified. */ #define POLY_MAX 8 typedef struct Poly { float x[POLY_MAX]; float y[POLY_MAX]; uint32_t points; /* Number of points actually populated. */ } Poly; /* Define the polygons we use. */ Poly ShipPoly = {{-3, 0, 3}, {-3, 6, -3}, 3}; Poly ShipFirePoly = {{-1.5, 0, 1.5}, {-3, -6, -3}, 3}; /* Rotate the point of the poligon 'poly' and store the new rotated * polygon in 'rot'. The polygon is rotated by an angle 'a', with * center at 0,0. */ void rotate_poly(Poly* rot, Poly* poly, float a) { /* We want to compute sin(a) and cos(a) only one time * for every point to rotate. It's a slow operation. */ float sin_a = (float)sin(a); float cos_a = (float)cos(a); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < poly->points; j++) { rot->x[j] = poly->x[j] * cos_a - poly->y[j] * sin_a; rot->y[j] = poly->y[j] * cos_a + poly->x[j] * sin_a; } rot->points = poly->points; } /* This is an 8 bit LFSR we use to generate a predictable and fast * pseudorandom sequence of numbers, to give a different shape to * each asteroid. */ void lfsr_next(unsigned char* prev) { unsigned char lsb = *prev & 1; *prev = *prev >> 1; if(lsb == 1) *prev ^= 0b11000111; *prev ^= *prev << 7; /* Mix things a bit more. */ } /* Render the polygon 'poly' at x,y, rotated by the specified angle. */ void draw_poly(Canvas* const canvas, Poly* poly, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, float a) { Poly rot; rotate_poly(&rot, poly, a); canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < rot.points; j++) { uint32_t a = j; uint32_t b = j + 1; if(b == rot.points) b = 0; canvas_draw_line(canvas, x + rot.x[a], y + rot.y[a], x + rot.x[b], y + rot.y[b]); } } /* A bullet is just a + pixels pattern. A single pixel is not * visible enough. */ void draw_bullet(Canvas* const canvas, Bullet* b) { canvas_draw_dot(canvas, b->x - 1, b->y); canvas_draw_dot(canvas, b->x + 1, b->y); canvas_draw_dot(canvas, b->x, b->y); canvas_draw_dot(canvas, b->x, b->y - 1); canvas_draw_dot(canvas, b->x, b->y + 1); } /* Draw an asteroid. The asteroid shapes is computed on the fly and * is not stored in a permanent shape structure. In order to generate * the shape, we use an initial fixed shape that we resize according * to the asteroid size, perturbate according to the asteroid shape * seed, and finally draw it rotated of the right amount. */ void draw_asteroid(Canvas* const canvas, Asteroid* ast) { Poly ap; /* Start with what is kinda of a circle. Note that this could be * stored into a template and copied here, to avoid computing * sin() / cos(). But the Flipper can handle it without problems. */ uint8_t r = ast->shape_seed; for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { float a = (PI * 2) / 8 * j; /* Before generating the point, to make the shape unique generate * a random factor between .7 and 1.3 to scale the distance from * the center. However this asteroid should have its unique shape * that remains always the same, so we use a predictable PRNG * implemented by an 8 bit shift register. */ lfsr_next(&r); float scaling = .7 + ((float)r / 255 * .6); ap.x[j] = (float)sin(a) * ast->size * scaling; ap.y[j] = (float)cos(a) * ast->size * scaling; } ap.points = 8; draw_poly(canvas, &ap, ast->x, ast->y, ast->rot); } /* Draw small ships in the top-right part of the screen, one for * each left live. */ void draw_left_lives(Canvas* const canvas, AsteroidsApp* app) { int lives = app->lives; int x = SCREEN_XRES - 5; Poly mini_ship = {{-2, 0, 2}, {-2, 4, -2}, 3}; while(lives--) { draw_poly(canvas, &mini_ship, x, 6, PI); x -= 6; } } /* Given the current position, update it according to the velocity and * wrap it back to the other side if the object went over the screen. */ void update_pos_by_velocity(float* x, float* y, float vx, float vy) { /* Return back from one side to the other of the screen. */ *x += vx; *y += vy; if(*x >= SCREEN_XRES) *x = 0; else if(*x < 0) *x = SCREEN_XRES - 1; if(*y >= SCREEN_YRES) *y = 0; else if(*y < 0) *y = SCREEN_YRES - 1; } /* Render the current game screen. */ void render_callback(Canvas* const canvas, void* ctx) { AsteroidsApp* app = ctx; /* Clear screen. */ canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite); canvas_draw_box(canvas, 0, 0, SCREEN_XRES - 1, SCREEN_YRES - 1); /* Draw score. */ canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); char score[32]; snprintf(score, sizeof(score), "%lu", app->score); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 0, 8, score); /* Draw left ships. */ draw_left_lives(canvas, app); /* Draw ship, asteroids, bullets. */ draw_poly(canvas, &ShipPoly, app->ship.x, app->ship.y, app->ship.rot); if(key_pressed_time(app, InputKeyUp) > 0) { notification_message(furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION), &sequence_thrusters); draw_poly(canvas, &ShipFirePoly, app->ship.x, app->ship.y, app->ship.rot); } for(int j = 0; j < app->bullets_num; j++) draw_bullet(canvas, &app->bullets[j]); for(int j = 0; j < app->asteroids_num; j++) draw_asteroid(canvas, &app->asteroids[j]); /* Game over text. */ if(app->gameover) { canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); // TODO: if new highscore, display blinking "New High Score" // Display High Score if(app->is_new_highscore) { canvas_draw_str(canvas, 22, 9, "New High Score!"); } else { canvas_draw_str(canvas, 36, 9, "High Score"); } // Convert highscore to string int length = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%lu", app->highscore); char* str_high_score = malloc(length + 1); snprintf(str_high_score, length + 1, "%lu", app->highscore); // Get length to center on screen int nDigits = 0; if(app->highscore > 0) { nDigits = floor(log10(app->highscore)) + 1; } // Draw highscore centered canvas_draw_str(canvas, (SCREEN_XRES / 2) - (nDigits * 2), 20, str_high_score); free(str_high_score); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 28, 35, "GAME OVER"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 25, 50, "Press OK to restart"); } } /* ============================ Game logic ================================== */ float distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float dx = x1 - x2; float dy = y1 - y2; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } /* Detect a collision between the object at x1,y1 of radius r1 and * the object at x2, y2 of radius r2. A factor < 1 will make the * function detect the collision even if the objects are yet not * relly touching, while a factor > 1 will make it detect the collision * only after they are a bit overlapping. It basically is used to * rescale the distance. * * Note that in this simplified 2D world, objects are all considered * spheres (this is why this function only takes the radius). This * is, after all, kinda accurate for asteroids, for bullets, and * even for the ship "core" itself. */ bool objects_are_colliding(float x1, float y1, float r1, float x2, float y2, float r2, float factor) { /* The objects are colliding if the distance between object 1 and 2 * is smaller than the sum of the two radiuses r1 and r2. * So it would be like: sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2) < r1+r2. * However we can avoid computing the sqrt (which is slow) by * squaring the second term and removing the square root, making * the comparison like this: * * (x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2 < (r1+r2)^2. */ float dx = (x1 - x2) * factor; float dy = (y1 - y2) * factor; float rsum = r1 + r2; return dx * dx + dy * dy < rsum * rsum; } /* Create a new bullet headed in the same direction of the ship. */ void ship_fire_bullet(AsteroidsApp* app) { if(app->bullets_num == MAXBUL) return; notification_message(furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION), &sequence_bullet_fired); Bullet* b = &app->bullets[app->bullets_num]; b->x = app->ship.x; b->y = app->ship.y; b->vx = -sin(app->ship.rot); b->vy = cos(app->ship.rot); /* Ship should fire from its head, not in the middle. */ b->x += b->vx * 5; b->y += b->vy * 5; /* Give the bullet some velocity (for now the vector is just * normalized to 1). */ b->vx *= 3; b->vy *= 3; /* It's more realistic if we add the velocity vector of the * ship, too. Otherwise if the ship is going fast the bullets * will be slower, which is not how the world works. */ b->vx += app->ship.vx; b->vy += app->ship.vy; b->ttl = TTLBUL; /* The bullet will disappear after N ticks. */ app->bullets_num++; } /* Remove the specified bullet by id (index in the array). */ void remove_bullet(AsteroidsApp* app, int bid) { /* Replace the top bullet with the empty space left * by the removal of this bullet. This way we always take the * array dense, which is an advantage when looping. */ int n = --app->bullets_num; if(n && bid != n) app->bullets[bid] = app->bullets[n]; } /* Create a new asteroid, away from the ship. Return the * pointer to the asteroid object, so that the caller can change * certain things of the asteroid if needed. */ Asteroid* add_asteroid(AsteroidsApp* app) { if(app->asteroids_num == MAXAST) return NULL; float size = 4 + rand() % 15; float min_distance = 20; float x, y; do { x = rand() % SCREEN_XRES; y = rand() % SCREEN_YRES; } while(distance(app->ship.x, app->ship.y, x, y) < min_distance + size); Asteroid* a = &app->asteroids[app->asteroids_num++]; a->x = x; a->y = y; a->vx = 2 * (-.5 + ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX)); a->vy = 2 * (-.5 + ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX)); a->size = size; a->rot = 0; a->rot_speed = ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) / 10; if(app->ticks & 1) a->rot_speed = -(a->rot_speed); a->shape_seed = rand() & 255; return a; } /* Remove the specified asteroid by id (index in the array). */ void remove_asteroid(AsteroidsApp* app, int id) { /* Replace the top asteroid with the empty space left * by the removal of this one. This way we always take the * array dense, which is an advantage when looping. */ int n = --app->asteroids_num; if(n && id != n) app->asteroids[id] = app->asteroids[n]; } /* Called when an asteroid was reached by a bullet. The asteroid * hit is the one with the specified 'id'. */ void asteroid_was_hit(AsteroidsApp* app, int id) { float sizelimit = 6; // Smaller than that polverize in one shot. Asteroid* a = &app->asteroids[id]; /* Asteroid is large enough to break into fragments. */ float size = a->size; float x = a->x, y = a->y; remove_asteroid(app, id); if(size > sizelimit) { int max_fragments = size / sizelimit; int fragments = 2 + rand() % max_fragments; float newsize = size / fragments; if(newsize < 2) newsize = 2; for(int j = 0; j < fragments; j++) { a = add_asteroid(app); if(a == NULL) break; // Too many asteroids on screen. a->x = x + -(size / 2) + rand() % (int)newsize; a->y = y + -(size / 2) + rand() % (int)newsize; a->size = newsize; } } else { app->score++; if(app->score > app->highscore) { app->is_new_highscore = true; app->highscore = app->score; // Show on Game Over Screen and future main menu } } } /* Set gameover state. When in game-over mode, the game displays a gameover * text with a background of many asteroids floating around. */ void game_over(AsteroidsApp* app) { if(app->is_new_highscore) save_game(app); // Save highscore but only on change app->gameover = true; app->lives = GAME_START_LIVES; // Show 3 lives in game over screen to match new game start } /* Function called when a collision between the asteroid and the * ship is detected. */ void ship_was_hit(AsteroidsApp* app) { app->ship_hit = SHIP_HIT_ANIMATION_LEN; if(app->lives) { app->lives--; } else { game_over(app); } } /* Restart game after the ship is hit. Will reset the ship position, bullets * and asteroids to restart the game. */ void restart_game(AsteroidsApp* app) { app->ship.x = SCREEN_XRES / 2; app->ship.y = SCREEN_YRES / 2; app->ship.rot = PI; /* Start headed towards top. */ app->ship.vx = 0; app->ship.vy = 0; app->bullets_num = 0; app->last_bullet_tick = 0; app->asteroids_num = 0; app->ship_hit = 0; } /* Called after gameover to restart the game. This function * also calls restart_game(). */ void restart_game_after_gameover(AsteroidsApp* app) { app->gameover = false; app->ticks = 0; app->score = 0; app->is_new_highscore = false; app->lives = GAME_START_LIVES - 1; restart_game(app); } /* Move bullets. */ void update_bullets_position(AsteroidsApp* app) { for(int j = 0; j < app->bullets_num; j++) { update_pos_by_velocity( &app->bullets[j].x, &app->bullets[j].y, app->bullets[j].vx, app->bullets[j].vy); if(--app->bullets[j].ttl == 0) { remove_bullet(app, j); j--; /* Process this bullet index again: the removal will fill it with the top bullet to take the array dense. */ } } } /* Move asteroids. */ void update_asteroids_position(AsteroidsApp* app) { for(int j = 0; j < app->asteroids_num; j++) { update_pos_by_velocity( &app->asteroids[j].x, &app->asteroids[j].y, app->asteroids[j].vx, app->asteroids[j].vy); app->asteroids[j].rot += app->asteroids[j].rot_speed; if(app->asteroids[j].rot < 0) app->asteroids[j].rot = 2 * PI; else if(app->asteroids[j].rot > 2 * PI) app->asteroids[j].rot = 0; } } /* Collision detection and game state update based on collisions. */ void detect_collisions(AsteroidsApp* app) { /* Detect collision between bullet and asteroid. */ for(int j = 0; j < app->bullets_num; j++) { Bullet* b = &app->bullets[j]; for(int i = 0; i < app->asteroids_num; i++) { Asteroid* a = &app->asteroids[i]; if(objects_are_colliding(a->x, a->y, a->size, b->x, b->y, 1.5, 1)) { asteroid_was_hit(app, i); remove_bullet(app, j); /* The bullet no longer exist. Break the loop. * However we want to start processing from the * same bullet index, since now it is used by * another bullet (see remove_bullet()). */ j--; /* Scan this j value again. */ break; } } } /* Detect collision between ship and asteroid. */ for(int j = 0; j < app->asteroids_num; j++) { Asteroid* a = &app->asteroids[j]; if(objects_are_colliding(a->x, a->y, a->size, app->ship.x, app->ship.y, 4, 1)) { ship_was_hit(app); break; } } } /* This is the main game execution function, called 10 times for * second (with the Flipper screen latency, an higher FPS does not * make sense). In this function we update the position of objects based * on velocity. Detect collisions. Update the score and so forth. * * Each time this function is called, app->tick is incremented. */ void game_tick(void* ctx) { AsteroidsApp* app = ctx; /* There are two special screens: * * 1. Ship was hit, we frozen the game as long as ship_hit isn't zero * again, and show an animation of a rotating ship. */ if(app->ship_hit) { notification_message(furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION), &sequence_crash); app->ship.rot += 0.5; app->ship_hit--; view_port_update(app->view_port); if(app->ship_hit == 0) { restart_game(app); } return; } else if(app->gameover) { /* 2. Game over. We need to update only background asteroids. In this * state the game just displays a GAME OVER text with the floating * asteroids in backgroud. */ if(key_pressed_time(app, InputKeyOk) > 100) { restart_game_after_gameover(app); } update_asteroids_position(app); view_port_update(app->view_port); return; } /* Handle keypresses. */ if(app->pressed[InputKeyLeft]) app->ship.rot -= .35; if(app->pressed[InputKeyRight]) app->ship.rot += .35; if(app->pressed[InputKeyUp]) { app->ship.vx -= 0.5 * (float)sin(app->ship.rot); app->ship.vy += 0.5 * (float)cos(app->ship.rot); } else if(app->pressed[InputKeyDown]) { notification_message(furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION), &sequence_brake); app->ship.vx *= 0.75; app->ship.vy *= 0.75; } /* Fire a bullet if needed. app->fire is set in * asteroids_update_keypress_state() since depends on exact * pressure timing. */ if(app->fire) { uint32_t bullet_min_period = 200; // In milliseconds uint32_t now = furi_get_tick(); if(now - app->last_bullet_tick >= bullet_min_period) { ship_fire_bullet(app); app->last_bullet_tick = now; } app->fire = false; } /* Update positions and detect collisions. */ update_pos_by_velocity(&app->ship.x, &app->ship.y, app->ship.vx, app->ship.vy); update_bullets_position(app); update_asteroids_position(app); detect_collisions(app); /* From time to time, create a new asteroid. The more asteroids * already on the screen, the smaller probability of creating * a new one. */ if(app->asteroids_num == 0 || (random() % 5000) < (30 / (1 + app->asteroids_num))) { add_asteroid(app); } app->ticks++; view_port_update(app->view_port); } /* ======================== Flipper specific code =========================== */ bool load_game(AsteroidsApp* app) { Storage* storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(storage); uint16_t bytes_readed = 0; if(storage_file_open(file, SAVING_FILENAME, FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { bytes_readed = storage_file_read(file, app, sizeof(AsteroidsApp)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); return bytes_readed == sizeof(AsteroidsApp); } void save_game(AsteroidsApp* app) { Storage* storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); if(storage_common_stat(storage, SAVING_DIRECTORY, NULL) == FSE_NOT_EXIST) { if(!storage_simply_mkdir(storage, SAVING_DIRECTORY)) { return; } } File* file = storage_file_alloc(storage); if(storage_file_open(file, SAVING_FILENAME, FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS)) { storage_file_write(file, app, sizeof(AsteroidsApp)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } /* Here all we do is putting the events into the queue that will be handled * in the while() loop of the app entry point function. */ void input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, void* ctx) { AsteroidsApp* app = ctx; furi_message_queue_put(app->event_queue, input_event, FuriWaitForever); } /* Allocate the application state and initialize a number of stuff. * This is called in the entry point to create the application state. */ AsteroidsApp* asteroids_app_alloc() { AsteroidsApp* app = malloc(sizeof(AsteroidsApp)); load_game(app); app->gui = furi_record_open(RECORD_GUI); app->view_port = view_port_alloc(); view_port_draw_callback_set(app->view_port, render_callback, app); view_port_input_callback_set(app->view_port, input_callback, app); gui_add_view_port(app->gui, app->view_port, GuiLayerFullscreen); app->event_queue = furi_message_queue_alloc(8, sizeof(InputEvent)); app->running = 1; /* Turns 0 when back is pressed. */ restart_game_after_gameover(app); memset(app->pressed, 0, sizeof(app->pressed)); return app; } /* Free what the application allocated. It is not clear to me if the * Flipper OS, once the application exits, will be able to reclaim space * even if we forget to free something here. */ void asteroids_app_free(AsteroidsApp* app) { furi_assert(app); // View related. view_port_enabled_set(app->view_port, false); gui_remove_view_port(app->gui, app->view_port); view_port_free(app->view_port); furi_record_close(RECORD_GUI); furi_message_queue_free(app->event_queue); app->gui = NULL; free(app); } /* Return the time in milliseconds the specified key is continuously * pressed. Or 0 if it is not pressed. */ uint32_t key_pressed_time(AsteroidsApp* app, InputKey key) { return app->pressed[key] == 0 ? 0 : furi_get_tick() - app->pressed[key]; } /* Handle keys interaction. */ void asteroids_update_keypress_state(AsteroidsApp* app, InputEvent input) { // Allow Rapid fire if(input.key == InputKeyOk) { app->fire = true; } if(input.type == InputTypePress) { app->pressed[input.key] = furi_get_tick(); } else if(input.type == InputTypeRelease) { app->pressed[input.key] = 0; } } int32_t asteroids_app_entry(void* p) { UNUSED(p); AsteroidsApp* app = asteroids_app_alloc(); /* Create a timer. We do data analysis in the callback. */ FuriTimer* timer = furi_timer_alloc(game_tick, FuriTimerTypePeriodic, app); furi_timer_start(timer, furi_kernel_get_tick_frequency() / 10); /* This is the main event loop: here we get the events that are pushed * in the queue by input_callback(), and process them one after the * other. */ InputEvent input; while(app->running) { FuriStatus qstat = furi_message_queue_get(app->event_queue, &input, 100); if(qstat == FuriStatusOk) { if(DEBUG_MSG) FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Main Loop - Input: type %d key %u", input.type, input.key); /* Handle navigation here. Then handle view-specific inputs * in the view specific handling function. */ if(input.type == InputTypeLong && input.key == InputKeyBack) { // Save High Score even if player didn't finish game if(app->is_new_highscore) save_game(app); // Save highscore but only on change app->running = 0; } else { asteroids_update_keypress_state(app, input); } } else { /* Useful to understand if the app is still alive when it * does not respond because of bugs. */ if(DEBUG_MSG) { static int c = 0; c++; if(!(c % 20)) FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Loop timeout"); } } } furi_timer_free(timer); asteroids_app_free(app); return 0; }