# Change your Flipper level (ClaraCrazy fixed ones)! ## NOTE: Changes in recent Official firmware require the file to start with a `.` Github doesn't always like files that start with a period so please make sure it still starts with a period after download. ## How to change your level (upgrade or downgrade) If your flipper level is moving too slow for you, there are ways you can fix that! Are you are the tinkering kind? See [DroomOne's](https://github.com/DroomOne/FlipperScripts) Python script. (All the files below were made with this script.) If you would rather just "git'r'done" then grab one of the files here that correspond to the level you want. All files are mood "Happy" with `Butthurt` at 0. The corresponding level is at the end of the name.
**Simply download the file named for the level you want (like `.dolphin.state.LVL30`).** Now that you have downloaded the `.dolphin.state` file you want to a location you know, RENAME IT to just `.dolphin.state`
Next, open up qFlipper and head to the file browser section to transfer your new file: ![File_browser](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/169634442-38acca0a-94e0-4038-aa54-dd33ebdffa29.png) You should see the internal and external (SD) there - double-click on `Internal Flash`: ![Int_Flash](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/169634459-a9e87dac-d180-4e09-b047-86dc7cad49f9.png) There's not a lot here, but the important file is! Enable hidden files and you should see a `.dolphin.state` file already present: ![Dolphin_State](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/181995552-43311409-227a-4e70-a736-b5dcff6df3ac.png) Right-click on it and select "Rename..." ![Rename_File](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/181995473-8a41b499-7e14-40d6-b770-5428f5e76dd4.png) Give it a name that you'll know what it is still and can go back. I picked `.dolphin.state.mine`: ![Renamed_File](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/181995480-8c88a714-7b6f-4c90-8244-c1a5b2149ea6.png) Great! Now drag and drop the `.dolphin.state` file you downloaded from this repo right into the same spot: ![Copy_New_File](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/181995490-882fac5d-01f8-4174-9ac7-eef23e556058.png) That's it! Now [restart Flipper](https://docs.flipperzero.one/basics/reboot) and enjoy your new level! ![L337_Level](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/169634673-889e823f-4757-4911-ac34-5dd962e7f907.png) If you find yourself longing for your original friend as it was, it's easy to go back. Repeat the process above, but now DELETE
the `.dolphin.state` file, then rename your `.dolphin.state.mine` (or whatever you picked) back to `.dolphin.state`.
Finally, restart Flipper again and you should be back to where you started! (This can be done as many times as you like.) ----- ## Donation Information Nothing is ever expected for the hoarding of digital files, creations I have made, or the people I may have helped. ## Ordering from Lab401? [USE THIS LINK FOR 5% OFF!](https://lab401.com/r?id=vsmgoc) (Or code `UberGuidoZ` at checkout.) I've had so many asking for me to add this.
![Flipper_Blush](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561666-4424a3cc-679b-4016-a368-24f7e7ad0a88.jpg) ![Flipper_Love](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561692-381d37bd-264f-4c88-8877-e58d60d9be6e.jpg) **BTC**: `3AWgaL3FxquakP15ZVDxr8q8xVTc5Q75dS`
**BCH**: `17nWCvf2YPMZ3F3H1seX8T149Z9E3BMKXk`
**ETH**: `0x0f0003fCB0bD9355Ad7B124c30b9F3D860D5E191`
**LTC**: `M8Ujk52U27bkm1ksiWUyteL8b3rRQVMke2` So, here it is. All donations of *any* size are humbly appreciated.
![Flipper_Clap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561789-2e853ede-8ef7-41e8-a67c-716225177e5d.jpg) ![Flipper_OMG](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57457139/183561787-e21bdc1e-b316-4e67-b327-5129503d0313.jpg) Donations will be used for hardware (and maybe caffeine) to further testing!