#pragma once

#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dml.h"

#define CARD_HEIGHT 23
#define CARD_WIDTH 17

//region types
typedef struct {
    uint8_t pip; //Pip index 0:spades, 1:hearths, 2:diamonds, 3:clubs
    uint8_t character; //Card letter [0-12], 0 means 2, 12 is Ace
    bool disabled;
    bool flipped;
} Card;

typedef struct {
    uint8_t deck_count; //Number of decks used
    Card* cards; //Cards in the deck
    int card_count;
    int index; //Card index (to know where we at in the deck)
} Deck;

typedef struct {
    Card* cards; //Cards in the deck
    uint8_t index; //Current index
    uint8_t max; //How many cards we want to store
} Hand;

void set_card_graphics(const Icon* graphics);

 * Gets card coordinates at the index (range: 0-20).
 * @param index Index to check 0-20
 * @return      Position of the card
Vector card_pos_at_index(uint8_t index);

 * Draws card at a given coordinate (top-left corner)
 * @param pos_x         X position
 * @param pos_y         Y position
 * @param pip           Pip index 0:spades, 1:hearths, 2:diamonds, 3:clubs
 * @param character     Letter [0-12] 0 is 2, 12 is A
 * @param canvas        Pointer to Flipper's canvas object
void draw_card_at(int8_t pos_x, int8_t pos_y, uint8_t pip, uint8_t character, Canvas* const canvas);

 * Draws card at a given coordinate (top-left corner)
 * @param pos_x         X position
 * @param pos_y         Y position
 * @param pip           Pip index 0:spades, 1:hearths, 2:diamonds, 3:clubs
 * @param character     Letter [0-12] 0 is 2, 12 is A
 * @param inverted      Invert colors
 * @param canvas        Pointer to Flipper's canvas object
void draw_card_at_colored(
    int8_t pos_x,
    int8_t pos_y,
    uint8_t pip,
    uint8_t character,
    bool inverted,
    Canvas* const canvas);

 * Draws 'count' cards at the bottom right corner
 * @param cards     List of cards
 * @param count     Count of cards
 * @param canvas    Pointer to Flipper's canvas object
void draw_deck(const Card* cards, uint8_t count, Canvas* const canvas);

 * Draws card back at a given coordinate (top-left corner)
 * @param pos_x     X coordinate
 * @param pos_y     Y coordinate
 * @param canvas    Pointer to Flipper's canvas object
void draw_card_back_at(int8_t pos_x, int8_t pos_y, Canvas* const canvas);

 * Generates the deck
 * @param deck_ptr      Pointer to the deck
 * @param deck_count    Number of decks
void generate_deck(Deck* deck_ptr, uint8_t deck_count);

 * Shuffles the deck
 * @param deck_ptr Pointer to the deck
void shuffle_deck(Deck* deck_ptr);

 * Calculates the hand count for blackjack
 * @param cards     List of cards
 * @param count     Count of cards
 * @return          Hand value
uint8_t hand_count(const Card* cards, uint8_t count);

 * Draws card animation
 * @param animatingCard Card to animate
 * @param from          Starting position
 * @param control       Quadratic lerp control point
 * @param to            End point
 * @param t             Current time (0-1)
 * @param extra_margin  Use extra margin at the end (arrives 0.2 unit before the end so it can stay there a bit)
 * @param canvas        Pointer to Flipper's canvas object
void draw_card_animation(
    Card animatingCard,
    Vector from,
    Vector control,
    Vector to,
    float t,
    bool extra_margin,
    Canvas* const canvas);

 * Init hand pointer
 * @param hand_ptr   Pointer to hand
 * @param count      Number of cards we want to store
void init_hand(Hand* hand_ptr, uint8_t count);

 * Free hand resources
 * @param hand_ptr  Pointer to hand
void free_hand(Hand* hand_ptr);

 * Add card to hand
 * @param hand_ptr  Pointer to hand
 * @param card      Card to add
void add_to_hand(Hand* hand_ptr, Card card);

 * Draw card placement position at coordinate
 * @param pos_x     X coordinate
 * @param pos_y     Y coordinate
 * @param highlighted   Apply highlight effect
 * @param canvas    Canvas object
void draw_card_space(int16_t pos_x, int16_t pos_y, bool highlighted, Canvas* const canvas);

 * Draws a column of card, displaying the last [max_cards] cards on the list
 * @param hand              Hand object
 * @param pos_x             X coordinate to draw
 * @param pos_y             Y coordinate to draw
 * @param highlight         Index to highlight, negative means no highlight
 * @param canvas            Canvas object
void draw_hand_column(
    Hand hand,
    int16_t pos_x,
    int16_t pos_y,
    int8_t highlight,
    Canvas* const canvas);

 * Removes a card from the deck (Be aware, if you remove the first item, the deck index will be at -1 so you have to handle that)
 * @param index Index to remove
 * @param deck  Deck reference
 * @return      The removed card
Card remove_from_deck(uint16_t index, Deck* deck);

int first_non_flipped_card(Hand hand);

void extract_hand_region(Hand* hand, Hand* to, uint8_t start_index);

void add_hand_region(Hand* to, Hand* from);