# Updated levels specific for RogueMaster
Will fill this out fully shortly. Works just like prior ([see important info in this ReadMe!](https://github.com/UberGuidoZ/Flipper/blob/main/Dolphin_Level/ReadMe.md)).
## WIP below, adding a bit to make it easier to read...
0 LVL01
500 LVL02
1250 LVL03
2250 LVL04
3500 LVL05
5000 LVL06
6750 LVL07
8750 LVL08
11000 LVL09
13500 LVL10
16250 LVL11
19250 LVL12
22500 LVL13
26000 LVL14
29750 LVL15
33750 LVL16
38000 LVL17
42500 LVL18
47250 LVL19
52250 LVL20
58250 LVL21
65250 LVL22
73250 LVL23
82250 LVL24
92250 LVL25
103250 LVL26
115250 LVL27
128250 LVL28
142250 LVL29
157250 LVL30
157251 FIN
499 TOPL01
1249 TOPL02
2249 TOPL03
3499 TOPL04
4999 TOPL05
6749 TOPL06
8749 TOPL07
10999 TOPL08
13499 TOPL09
16249 TOPL10
19249 TOPL11
22499 TOPL12
25999 TOPL13
29749 TOPL14
33749 TOPL15
37999 TOPL16
42499 TOPL17
47249 TOPL18
52249 TOPL19
58249 TOPL20
65249 TOPL21
73249 TOPL22
82249 TOPL23
92249 TOPL24
103249 TOPL25
115249 TOPL26
128249 TOPL27
142249 TOPL28
157249 TOPL29
## Donation Information
Nothing is ever expected for the hoarding of digital files, creations I have made, or the people I may have helped.
## Ordering from Lab401? [USE THIS LINK FOR 5% OFF!](https://lab401.com/r?id=vsmgoc) (Or code `UberGuidoZ` at checkout.)
I've had so many asking for me to add this.
**BTC**: `3AWgaL3FxquakP15ZVDxr8q8xVTc5Q75dS`
**BCH**: `17nWCvf2YPMZ3F3H1seX8T149Z9E3BMKXk`
**ETH**: `0x0f0003fCB0bD9355Ad7B124c30b9F3D860D5E191`
**LTC**: `M8Ujk52U27bkm1ksiWUyteL8b3rRQVMke2`
**PayPal**: `uberguidoz@gmail.com`
So, here it is. All donations of *any* size are humbly appreciated.
Donations will be used for hardware (and maybe caffeine) to further testing!